View Full Version : Online Gran Sorcerer's

May 30, 2005, 10:16 AM
Well i was looking at some of the sheets of what quest diffrent monsters show up the most... but it doent say about the gran sorcerers online... anyone think they can help me out with this... i need to start my GULD hunt

May 30, 2005, 10:40 AM
On 2005-05-30 08:16, iLOVEpunani wrote:
Well i was looking at some of the sheets of what quest diffrent monsters show up the most... but it doent say about the gran sorcerers online... anyone think they can help me out with this... i need to start my GULD hunt

If you are going Guld hunting, I would recommend doing Doc's Secret Plan offline. It is the quest that has the largest number of Sorcerers. In general, online quests are terrible for Guld hunting....

May 30, 2005, 01:23 PM
errr, but i dont have everything unlocked offline, and to lazy... out of all the quest anyone know the one with the most... even if it isnt that many...

May 30, 2005, 01:29 PM
Sorry to be blunt, but your request is STUPID.

Do what Ryna says, period.

Guld is an tremendously hard drop, you will need the most Sorcerers possible.
It's not like you can say "I'll hunt Guld in that quest, it may drop, too".
Hunting Handgun:Guld requires a lot of dedication, so if you're too "lazy", as you put it, just give up the idea, because you will never get it.

If you are serious about hunting such an incredibly rare item, do it seriously, or you will never get it.

May 30, 2005, 01:31 PM
K, well i didnt ask for your oppinion... but anyway ill send u a pic when im teching it http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: iLOVEpunani on 2005-05-30 11:37 ]</font>

May 30, 2005, 01:34 PM
I think you should take my tips seriously...


May 30, 2005, 01:38 PM
by the way the diffrence of 5 sorceres and 10 is not a big diffrence because i can have 3 other people helping me running trough any ruins quest in less than half the time i can do it alone offline so do the math...

May 30, 2005, 02:02 PM
This whole thread makes me laugh.

Besides, even with a low level character, you could get through with Doc's Secret Plan in about 30 minutes or less on Ultimate. (Maybe not with a FO though)

Listen to Kef and Ryna, they by far have more knowledge on PSO than most people here.

May 30, 2005, 02:06 PM
k, well i heard the advice... but i do not play offline which is why i wanted to know which ONLINE quest had the most i got what offline quest to do... if you dont know forget it... ill find it out the hard way.

May 30, 2005, 02:18 PM
liste to kef...he's ubers are 1337...'nuff said...

in my hunt for labvis(300laps so far*i think*)well i reapeatedly do it..or take a break and do skyly ruins huting del-d(talking about such)been away for ages wheres the best place for Del-d's(quest????)


he pws rares
*i will get labis from jOO Tollaw*

* Adel stabs Tollaw*

May 30, 2005, 02:22 PM
On 2005-05-30 11:38, iLOVEpunani wrote:
by the way the diffrence of 5 sorceres and 10 is not a big diffrence because i can have 3 other people helping me running trough any ruins quest in less than half the time i can do it alone offline so do the math...

The difference is that you can kill those 10 Gran Scorcerors more quickly in DSP than almost anywhere else.

Anyways, as Kef said, the Guld is a very hard drop. It requires a lot of time and dedication to find it. Kef spent several hundred hours looking for his.

May 30, 2005, 02:32 PM
I am hunting Guld also and i preffer more the Offline quest than the online one, also i do it in about 20 minutes.

Online doesnt worth it, but hunting Milla is another history...

May 30, 2005, 03:10 PM
Besides, hunting very rare items is something you should do alone, letting friends and such distract you will ruin your hunt, so for that reason, offline is a lot better.

I can do DSP in 15-20 minutes with a FOnewearl, 10 Sorcerers in 15-20 minutes, can you beat that ?

And FOnewearl is not the best class for that quest, even if she pwns offline mode.

May 30, 2005, 03:25 PM
even if you dont have any quests beaten its easy to get DSP unlocked. you only have to beat like 4-5 quests.

and yes, if you try to hunt it online, you will either be at it for a very long time or get extremely lucky.

i did 459 half heat sword runs for a milla on the gamecube and never found it. thats 43 tollaws each run, along with some offline central dome fire swirl runs, and ive killed 20,000+ tollaws. i did heat sword because it has the most tollaws for how long it takes, i feel bad for the offline non-plus people who hunted it in SOAB with its 25 tollaws.

May 30, 2005, 04:08 PM
lets see...
a dsp run in less than 15 minutes actually (with a prepared char of any kind) vs an online run that takes more time, has less sorcs and you need other players for it who you have to deal with that you actually get the guld for yourself when it drops?

get a grip, kid.

and drop that 'i didnt ask for your opinion' (one p only) attitude. this is a public forum with any person that has an account here having all the rights in the world to add their two cents.

May 30, 2005, 04:23 PM
I dont have ultimate unlocked... i would have to beat normal hard very hard and ult then all the quest

May 30, 2005, 04:33 PM

hmmm, i think you might need to unlock ult...it's indaneeded for almost all item hunts, that and it's seksi..it might not be too bad...you might get some nice items too....on the way..there are items like cure/freeze...........usw

May 30, 2005, 05:03 PM
On 2005-05-30 14:23, iLOVEpunani wrote:
I dont have ultimate unlocked... i would have to beat normal hard very hard and ult then all the quest

If you are too lazy to even unlock Hard mode, you will NEVER get Guld. Period. You asked for people's opinions on how best to get Guld. They have answered, all the same way, DSC. Really, it used to be common courtesy just to unlock all areas in case you are a game creator online. There is a huge difference between casual PSO, and rare-hunting PSO. One requires no patience, the other virtually infinite.

May 30, 2005, 05:47 PM
On 2005-05-30 15:03, BLITZKOMMANDO wrote:
There is a huge difference between casual PSO, and rare-hunting PSO. One requires no patience, the other virtually infinite.

http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif 2 years of hunting, (1 year solid runs of East Tower, PW1, PW4), and the Sealed J-Sword still eludes me. You need the patience of a saint to find ubers, settling for a quest with less Sorcerers is a bad idea. Guld will likely NEVER drop in that quest. Get into Ultimate, unlock DSP, run, rinse, repeat. If you want Guld, expect months, maybe even years of searching. I'd say Milla is easier, but still a feat.
If you go along with a half-arsed approach, you won't get Guld. Listen to everyone here, people like Kef and Ryna are veterans who've done this kind of thing before.

Edit: 1000th post http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: UrikoBB3 on 2005-05-30 15:49 ]</font>

May 30, 2005, 06:34 PM
You have no idea what your talking about, i could hunt for days strait without sleep online i dont like playing games offline, i have piped 1/21 weps without unlocking everything, i have found a sealed J and unsealed it (700 east tower runs) i piped 2 synsestas so belive me i will find GULD by doing online runs... i can avoid unlocking everything

May 30, 2005, 06:40 PM
On 2005-05-30 15:47, UrikoBB3 wrote:

On 2005-05-30 15:03, BLITZKOMMANDO wrote:
There is a huge difference between casual PSO, and rare-hunting PSO. One requires no patience, the other virtually infinite.

http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif 2 years of hunting, (1 year solid runs of East Tower, PW1, PW4), and the Sealed J-Sword still eludes me. You need the patience of a saint to find ubers, settling for a quest with less Sorcerers is a bad idea. Guld will likely NEVER drop in that quest. Get into Ultimate, unlock DSP, run, rinse, repeat. If you want Guld, expect months, maybe even years of searching. I'd say Milla is easier, but still a feat.
If you go along with a half-arsed approach, you won't get Guld. Listen to everyone here, people like Kef and Ryna are veterans who've done this kind of thing before.

Edit: 1000th post http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: UrikoBB3 on 2005-05-30 15:49 ]</font>

http://img256.echo.cx/img256/130/dsc000940bh.th.jpg (http://img256.echo.cx/my.php?image=dsc000940bh.jpg)

http://img256.echo.cx/img256/992/usejsword7mj.th.jpg (http://img256.echo.cx/my.php?image=usejsword7mj.jpg)

so please do not just asume i cant find ubers because im lazy... i also work 14 hours a day...

May 30, 2005, 06:41 PM
What was the point in this topic then? Go do online runs if you wish...

May 30, 2005, 06:41 PM
They are just telling whats the easiest way to find Guld, If you want to play online,ok, thats you, but i am doing the easiest way (well if we can call that "easy"), so its up to you, its your handgun Guld.

May 30, 2005, 06:43 PM
SEE MY POST GOT FLOODED WITH PEOPLE SAYING TO DO IT OFFLINE WHEN ALL I ASKED WAS WHAT IS THE EASIEST WAY TO FIND IT ONLINE... I KNEW HOW TO FIND IT OFFLINE all i want to know is what online quest has the most sorcers, even if it is only 4-5 sorcerers...

May 30, 2005, 06:46 PM
Wait, you've piped Ultimate items without being in Offline Ultimate? I hope you mean you're Whitill character is the one NOT in Offline Ult.

Anyway, we've told you, pretty much what you "wanted" to hear. (by that I meant best)

But do find out what Online Quest has the most GS, just check this link maybe?


You might be better just doing Online Ruins Runs, but oh yeah, you want a quest.

Stop spamming also. ;p

Anyway, this thread has done it's thing. Might as well contact a MOD.

May 30, 2005, 06:51 PM
Yep i pipe all my items on multiplayer mode... and im not spaming im just annoyed that i asked a simple question, and everyone went aroun d my question and turned this whole tread into shit.

May 30, 2005, 06:53 PM
They made a suggestion. An easier way to get Guld.

How is that turning this into shit again?

May 30, 2005, 06:59 PM
ok, i think we all have enough of this..
if you want to hunt online.. go ahead!
if you think offline isn't the place, by all mean, ignore it

if others' opinions matter not, do whatever you like
..after all it's your game, your time, your find