View Full Version : May sound like a newb question, but...

Jun 4, 2005, 03:15 PM
OK, if you wait 'til a rag/el rappy gets up, can you get a rare when you hit it? Or just when you "kill" it. Oh, and also, what is better for Dark Falz's third form, a handgun or a mechgun? HUcast doesn't have that great att accuracy, I've been using a mechgun, so i want to know if a handgun is better.

Jun 4, 2005, 03:29 PM
Firstly, Rappies can drop items (including rares) when they get up and are hit.

For Falz Final Phase, I'd recommend a handgun, since it can hit Falz almost anywhere in the arena, whereas mechs are slightly shorter range, and the bullets may fall short of Falz.

Jun 4, 2005, 03:30 PM
handgun - since mechs dont have the range.

you'll need to tag the rappies when they run away. either leave the room and snipe them from the door when they crawl up to run or you drop a fire trap and leave the room. that should detonate when they get up. good on groups since you cant just nuke them all.

Jun 4, 2005, 03:33 PM
Ok, thanks, just needed to know if I was wasting my time waiting til they got up, usually i forget a gun so I couldn't leave the room. After beating Dark Falz so many times, handgun is better, Oh well. Atleast now I know.

Jun 5, 2005, 03:49 PM
yah rag rappies drop all kind of items and for falz i just kicked his ass with my repeater.

Jun 7, 2005, 09:31 AM
el rappies rule

Jun 7, 2005, 10:06 PM
hey uh, don't Rappie's have like... a 100% drop rate? As in they will always have the ability to drop something... unlike most stingy creatures who can leave you with nothing.

This reminds me of when I was hunting for my Agito 1980, and I was in Ult Temple, and I finally found the frickin Love Rappy... so I decided to clear out the other enemies 1st. Then once I killed the Love Rappy, a bunch of Lily's and a Hildelt appeard and I got Megid'd in all the running in havoc... and I watched the Love Rappy run past my Red Screen of Death... >_> but a few days later I p0wnd his pink fluffiness and stole the goods.

Jun 8, 2005, 09:17 PM
rappys are nice to me becuase they drop mostly rare items when i find them or lots of money.

its been a long time since i posted on this froum