View Full Version : Lv 100?

Feb 22, 2001, 05:22 PM
I would like everyones opinions. To my knowledge/expirience, at lv 100 things get a tad unbalanced between the classes. Hear me out here:

At lv 100, all Hunters become the same (xcept for the android (no techs)). They are very strong (999 ATP w/ weapon), get to use the cooler looking weapons in the game, and even have a special shotgun for their use.

At lv 100, the Rangers are pretty good, can do good damage at long range, but dont quite (in my experience) deal the same damage that a hunter can. The monsters on V-Hard move so fast that you usually are face to face w/ them whether you wanna be or not. The human rangers magic is very low, so he is even lower than the rangers here.

At lv 100, the Forces seem to get it bad. Your spell damage (even Grants) is going to be under a hunters attack. And here is the other big problem... those big spells take a long time to cast. When the enemies are moving so quickly in V Hard, I find it is difficult to get a RaFoie out, unless they target something else. Since all magic users can learn all the same spells (maybe not same level, but can learn the entire spell list), the forces dont have a 'cool attack/spell' that makes them unique.

Hopefully in PSO2 there will be some major advantages to EACH class that will be usefull at lv 100. Some sort of special spell or attack that only that class can do. That would be great, and give a very good reason for people to play each of the classes.

Feb 22, 2001, 05:38 PM
Force and Ranger caracters are supposed to give backup to Hunters.

Feb 22, 2001, 05:56 PM
I understand that, but I always feel like a weak link. I dont think it is fair that a Hunter can go through most of the areas solo, but I HAVE to have backup. Why would the hunter need me as backup? Why not just have another hunter? Does more damage than I do. And if it is a HUmar or Hunewarl can heal as well as cast shifta and deband (true it isnt as strong but at Lv 100, your attack is prolly maxed anyway, so shifta is worthless to you).

Also, That kinda sucks. Rangers and Forces are 'supposed to give backup to Hunters'. Meaning that my sole purpose is to help other classes kick butt? Why cant the mage kick butt? In the PS series of games, Lutz/Noah etc. could dish out some wicked damage w/ spells... true could easily match the hunters best hits. Why cant the PSO forces have some nice strong spells? Sorry, I am just complaining. I hope that the Force class gets an injection of some of the whupass that Hunters have in abundance for PSO 2.

Heh, even w/ the complaints I have on the Force class, I still love playing it! What a great game!

Feb 22, 2001, 06:02 PM
humar lv 26
i agree i would ve been a force causee i love spells but there is no point i can do everything a force can and hit harder(heh heh) forces need something special that makes them a FORCE like 5 other HUGE!!! spells like ff7 type loL THAT would be cool and some more hp that too

Feb 22, 2001, 06:51 PM
What is it that you want our opinion on? Whether or not the classes are balanced? Of course they're not. From what I've seen, hunters easily outdamage the other classes at high levels, and HUmar and HUnewearl also have competent technique skills that sharply curb their need for force support.

To be honest, I was thrilled when I started playing PSO and discovered that for the first @#$%ing time in history, there was an online RPG in which mages weren't the most powerful class in the game. It's about time.

If you're wondering what forces can do to be useful in groups, here's an idea. I don't meet many forces, but a few days ago, I met a guy who was really on the ball. Whenever we ran into a group of enemies, he'd freeze them. This way, he got exp, and it was a total breeze for us hunters to mop up. That's the kind of action that really makes life easier for everyone.

Feb 22, 2001, 07:16 PM
Bman -
Heh, yeah sorry... started off asking for opinions, then kinda went on a complaining binge... my bad. Anyway, I agree w/ you, except for one thing. I agree that mages shouldnt be the most powerful class, but I would like them to at least have some good reasons to play them. I actually usually play a tank/hunter type char, but there are WAY too many, and the people that I played with thought it would be cool to have a force and mix it up. I am totally fine w/ low hp (should be, they are bookworms, not warriors), and being limited by tp. But I think they should at least have a) some high-level spells that at least let them keep up w/ the other classes. That is the only thing that I really dont like. There is NO way that I can EVER inflict even close to 400 hp in a single hit like a hunter can. Heck, I cant even do half that.

But I agree w/ the ice spell. Heh, maybe I played w/ you? I usually use Gibarta, it is my favorite spell, as it does help other people, and gives me a chance to run away from the guys that kill me in like 1 second flat. =-) And it actually casts at a decent speed.

In the end, I still like the Force class, but I wish there was something that I can do that the other classes couldnt. Rangers get big cool guns, Hunters get BIG, VERY COOL LOOKING swords, and I get wands. With hearts on the end. Yikes. Fear me. That is if I can even find that weapon, as the Magical Piece is so rare. Anyway, I am done griping.

Oh, this is first Online RPG I played, so I cant say anything about the other ones.

Feb 22, 2001, 08:39 PM
Japanese have differant idea for force. Take the fantasy style anime "Record of Lodoss War". The Lodoss team is based on classic RPG team, Knight, Elf, Dwart, Thief, Black Wizard and a white wizard. And yes, these 2 wizards are weak. They just heal and support.

Since Sonic Team didn't intend to allow PK, so they don't have to worry about the unbalance.

Feb 22, 2001, 09:48 PM
I have to agree with the fact that Hunters- (Especially HUmars and Newmans) are extremely powerful when they get up there.

In fact, I deleted my HUmar (Christopher) because he was just wiping up the floor with things on V.Hard at level 89...All the while using a rather shabby store bought sword.. There was no need for normal attack- seeing as how my ATA was high enough to never let me miss with a hard strike- so I was well.. for the most part.. Totally Immortal (:>)

Magic is really much more a factor than you may think- HUcasts got it tough.. (Which is why I'm playing one now). Any Resta over 8 is like a DiMate on Crack- and its low TP cost too.. Along with all the other spells.. and well- Shucks.

Rangers look cool.. but after using a gun so much with my Human hunter- Especially in the mines. I've really decided against using a class that is for the most part gun only.

And forces- well.. I just can't get into guys that wear tights :>

Feb 22, 2001, 09:58 PM
I totally agree w/ you catch22!

I hope in PSO2, there is a respectable looking force. Tights and platform shoes. *shudder*

But I know that spells are useful. That is why I STILL play my force. I have yet to cast a Resta and NOT completely heal someone. I just wish that they could also do some good damage when they get to the top. Or maybe dummy down the hunter damage a tad? I get jealous when I see someone doing 200 - 300 damage w/ a big ol sword that hits multiple enemies. And I only get to do like 160 w/ rafoie. I can only cast that spell a limited number of times, too. I just want to see the classes better balanced.

Also, to disagree (cuz I am a little devils advocate =-) w/ Rei about the japanese perception of mages. Look at the black mage in FF. Heck, even the white mages in FF9 can cast the GIANT GODLY summon spells. So the japanese game developers have to have at least some respect for buff magic spells. Heck, Square created the over the top spell attacks. Remember Knights of the Round in FF7?

Anyway. Here's hoping that PSO2 sees a better balancing of the classes (and maybe some new ones!) Cheers!

Feb 22, 2001, 10:05 PM
Yea, they can cast strong magix, but they get tired(low tp) fast.

Off-Topic, the strongest wizard I 've ever seen is "Dark" in Bastard the anime. hehe

Feb 22, 2001, 10:27 PM
Maybe I've found what is what here in terms of damage equilibrium.. (pardon the spelling errors).

I was always surprised that Forces didn't get Magic+ modifiers on their weapons in terms of magic ability.

For example:
When I was level 43 with Chris, I found a 60% A. Beast- Claymore..Needless to say- that was my one and only weapon to be used in the caves: 300 some on each hit is AMAZING at level 43.
Forces do get % bonuses on their weapons, Just in the same way Melee classes do- The weapon gets the bonus.. Not that Lovable Rafoie or Gibarta..The spell(s) used to ATTACK if you are a force.. Needless to say- I would give the guys in tighties much more Respect if they could cause 600 to everyone in the Caves with a 60% wand..At least that makes sense to me.

You'd think Magic users would have an Item to boost their magic attack % for certain critters.

Just my Thoughts,

Feb 23, 2001, 12:46 AM
Coming from a level 100 hunter.....I say rangers and hunters are equal at level 100. Ever seen a level 90+ ranger with a crushbullet with a 40% affinity towards that certain level? If you are a hunter you better run fast as hell if you want to get any kills because he is gonna clear the room in 2.5 seconds. Rangers at that level don't need hunter support because nothing lives long enough to get close to them.

The most I have seen a hunter hit so far is about 650, somewhere in there, and that is me with my dragonslayer with good affinities. If I ever get a dragonslayer with about 50% affinity I am sure I could nail 700+ on a critical blow.

Basically the "living" hunters and rangers are completely equal at level 100, while the forces and androids don't really compare.

Feb 23, 2001, 01:15 AM
I still can't believe Hunters could use every single one of my spells. I mean, no uniqueness or special boost to being the mage. I always play mage in RPGs, and loved my sorceress in Diablo II. But then I found out about the Open/Closed thing and my Single player sorceress died. Can't Forces get some decent powers as a mage? And the TP drain thing really gets me down, 'cause I need to constantly fire off all my big spells, while Hunters calmly walk up to a crowd and give 'em a whack or two with their swords. Though I still need a BBA for online play...

Feb 23, 2001, 03:42 AM
I madde a force for about 2 second a few weeks ago and decided to delete it... at that time i though they might have a cool sepll or 2 A.K.A. UNIQUE spells. but then I could NOT stand the *GAY* looking outfit the force had... Well to my senses they look really pathetic and gay.. but that is not the point.. I was thinking before i made my ranger... the hell shot gun and i can hit more http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif and so far i am only lv 14 ...did not play much feeling kinda bad playing so much.. Hate it when it takes me like forever to even get close to getting a frigging decent gun... I am no expert.. I don't know anything so far about GOOD items... never even got a rare...