View Full Version : Death feeling

Jun 19, 2005, 09:23 PM
I don't really fear my death, but I fear others. Out of everyone in my family I want to die first. I can't handle death. The last funeral I went to was just horrible. I didn't speak for weeks.

Anyways, I know that everyone dies but I really been thinking about WHERE do you go when you die. Is there a heaven, or do you just dream forever, or are you reincarnated, or is it just black.

I had a conversation with my mom today, I was tellin her about my views on death. ANd then she told me about when she was in surgery. She said when they put the anistesia(can't spell worth crap but you know wht i'm talkin about. The stuff that puts u to sleep) on her she said all she remember was black. She also said it was like that another time she had surgery and other people said it was like that when they had surgery.

So i'm wondering. When your under anistesia, are you dead temporarily? You can't feel anything, you don't dream anything. Its like your frozen. Is that how death feels like?

What do you guys think? For those of you that have surgery with anistesia, did you experience the same thing, blanckness?

Jun 19, 2005, 09:46 PM
It wasn't like that for me, with my wisdom teeth. I was sitting in the chair one minute, and then I was laying down in the chair with my mouth numb and full of gauze and blood. No memory of what occured in between. I just remember feeling like about 10 or 15 minutes had passed from when I was sitting to when I was laying, and that was it.

Jun 19, 2005, 09:57 PM
On 2005-06-19 19:23, InfinityXXX wrote:
I don't really fear my death, but I fear others. Out of everyone in my family I want to die first. I can't handle death. The last funeral I went to was just horrible. I didn't speak for weeks.

Anyways, I know that everyone dies but I really been thinking about WHERE do you go when you die. Is there a heaven, or do you just dream forever, or are you reincarnated, or is it just black.

I had a conversation with my mom today, I was tellin her about my views on death. ANd then she told me about when she was in surgery. She said when they put the anistesia(can't spell worth crap but you know wht i'm talkin about. The stuff that puts u to sleep) on her she said all she remember was black. She also said it was like that another time she had surgery and other people said it was like that when they had surgery.

So i'm wondering. When your under anistesia, are you dead temporarily? You can't feel anything, you don't dream anything. Its like your frozen. Is that how death feels like?

What do you guys think? For those of you that have surgery with anistesia, did you experience the same thing, blanckness?

I used to worry about that all the time. There isn't an ounce of proof that god exists..but arguably there isn't an ounce of proof that he doesn't. However, it's really not good for your blood pressure to mull over it. You might think I'm a weirdo, but I had surgery with anistesia when I broke my leg, and I did have a dream (I dreamt I was awake watching the surgery). Maybe the doctor didn't do it right or something, but I suppose you could call that hope. Just live your life to the fullest, man. Take it easy.

Jun 19, 2005, 10:29 PM
Ya, but it just keeps popping in my head. I think I should investigate the power of anistesia(however u say it) and see what it does to the mind and body. From what i'm hearing of it, if it numbs the brain and numbs the nerves, does that qualify as being dead? When your dead your brain doesn't work nor your nerves. I think I should question more people that been in surgery with anistesia. Thanks for those that have replyed so far and told me how they felt during surgery.

Jun 20, 2005, 04:30 AM
i think it feels more like freeing yourself. not troubles etc...

i almost died few weeks ago - thunder hit my balcony, 2m far from my pc, where i was playing ps4 (dammit, i've just killed a hard boss then)...

Jun 20, 2005, 07:26 AM
http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif been under several times myself! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

in the appendicitis one i felt like i drifted out of my body and later went into a happy place. very bright and loving. i was actually kinda mad to come back, but oh well. said i was in real danger on the table, the appendix was hugely swollen and bursted merely moments after being taken out. lucked out i guess.

in the wisdom teeth one (all four at once! yee hah!) i was also in a very happy place. but then i started to wander slightly out of anesthesia (or so the anesthesiologist and doctor presumed), for i started to hum along to the happy classical music in the background to which they were operating. i even started to hear the nurses and doctors pretty amused that i was such a happy patient, even with all the blood dribbling around my mouth! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif when i started to drift dangerously close to pain threshold, though, they had to reapply the anesthesia.

and then there's the caterized blood vessel in my nose from severe nose bleeds. when i went under for that i was also happy, but it wasn't as interesting as the other two. but it was also a more routine experience for the doctors as well.

then there's the strange sense of warmth and peace i sometimes have received a while after (or sometimes before) a relative or loved one passes. and then there's the ghost experiences. and then there's the clairvoyance/audience stuff... and so much more.

death will still make me sad, but there's nothing that i fear from it. it's just a transition from one phase of existence to another in my view. you don't have to share it, and perhaps it is one of the very lessons some must struggle to discover for themselves in this life, so it's perfectly fine to believe anything else. but i am soothed with my acceptance of death and find it wholly acceptable, if not desirable. nothing for me to fear. hopefully you can come to the same comfort level someday.

Jun 20, 2005, 09:38 AM
I hate to sound like a silicon johovas witness but maybe if you found a religion you'd be more comfortable with it.

Religious people have a better time coping with death I believe. I guess since we believe in god and afterlife we think of it more lightly than others cause they still have doubt.

But if it isn't for you than I would think therapy is the way to go.

seeing if what you said is true about the not speaking part, I would consider it.

I think all of us have a dark sort of feeling when it comes to death, wearther we say we do or not. Its an uncertantiy and an inevitability that causes that. Unlike any other matters you just cant ask some one who's done it before for advice.

There is no actual proof of were you go, or can you feel it. Simply put, their are no facts.

I understand what your going through with loosing your loved ones. I used to wish I was the first to go, so I wouldn't have to morn the loss of one of my family members, but now I just pray that who evers left after the death of my siblings has the strength to bear it.

Now I have some advice.
I hae some kind of complex with eternity, I don't know what its called. But when ever I think about being dead for eternity it sort of freaks me out. Its hard to discribe So let me tell you what i learned.

Just remember that your mind is stronger than anything that bothers you. Just like it has the power to create anguish, it can take it away.

And being what kind of problem it is, I don't think It will ever truely leave you, but neither will your ability to control it.

Jun 20, 2005, 10:01 AM
On 2005-06-19 19:57, Split wrote:

On 2005-06-19 19:23, InfinityXXX wrote:
I don't really fear my death, but I fear others. Out of everyone in my family I want to die first. I can't handle death. The last funeral I went to was just horrible. I didn't speak for weeks.

Anyways, I know that everyone dies but I really been thinking about WHERE do you go when you die. Is there a heaven, or do you just dream forever, or are you reincarnated, or is it just black.

I had a conversation with my mom today, I was tellin her about my views on death. ANd then she told me about when she was in surgery. She said when they put the anistesia(can't spell worth crap but you know wht i'm talkin about. The stuff that puts u to sleep) on her she said all she remember was black. She also said it was like that another time she had surgery and other people said it was like that when they had surgery.

So i'm wondering. When your under anistesia, are you dead temporarily? You can't feel anything, you don't dream anything. Its like your frozen. Is that how death feels like?

What do you guys think? For those of you that have surgery with anistesia, did you experience the same thing, blanckness?

I used to worry about that all the time. There isn't an ounce of proof that god exists..but arguably there isn't an ounce of proof that he doesn't. However, it's really not good for your blood pressure to mull over it. You might think I'm a weirdo, but I had surgery with anistesia when I broke my leg, and I did have a dream (I dreamt I was awake watching the surgery). Maybe the doctor didn't do it right or something, but I suppose you could call that hope. Just live your life to the fullest, man. Take it easy.

There are several cases of people experiencing similar things, where the people have an outer body experience and see what is happening from a view above. Then they will usually go down a tunnel of light and sometimesmake it to the gates of heaven. Doctors now put objects in a corner of rooms which would otherwise be unseeable and if the patient says they had an outerbody experience, the Doctor can then ask what object was in the corner. Most when asked this get it right.