View Full Version : How rude...

Jun 21, 2005, 08:45 PM
Some customers at work really cheese me off. As most of you know, i work in a section that sells movies, tv's, cd's, games, and basically everything electronic for entertainment.

Now, a couple came in and asked me about some movie i'v e never even heard of, mainly because it was made before i was even born. They asked me if we had it, and where it would be. I told them i'd never have heard of it, and showed them to our Budget Section [which is basically all those old movies no one has ever heard of]. So they started to search through them, and i wandered off to clean. A few minutes later, the man came up to me and said "Are you the one who my wife asked about the movie?" And i replied friendly, "Yes." And the man rudely replied, "Well, we're going to go somewhere where the people are more helpful. Just to let you know."

I found that very rude. I'm sorry, but i don't specialize on movies that probably don't exist anymore, and for that matter, were done before i could even remember them. I know the new releases, the fairly new ones, and the ones that are only a few years old. Sorry i ruined your lives, but you don't need to say something like that. Just go! I don't care if you go somewhere else. I don't get paid by comission. I get paid whether you buy something or not.

Uhh....sorry x.x;;

Jun 21, 2005, 09:01 PM
HAHA! Retail is the pits.

People are such idiots and expect you to go out of your way to fix every little problem in their life.

I work in a library now... where honestly my only interaction is with magazines, books, and my co-workers who are all very strange awesome people. (part time)

But honestly... retail sucks.

Interacting with random strangers kind of sucks. (when 90% of them are idiots)

Jun 21, 2005, 09:30 PM
I wouldve just said, "Go ahead and go. I told you I didnt know where it was, and common sense shouldve told you to ask someone else in the same department. Asswipe."
Of coarse..the asswipe comment would get you fired so....<_<

Jun 21, 2005, 09:30 PM
But honestly is being fired from a retail job so bad???

Jun 21, 2005, 11:01 PM
On 2005-06-21 19:30, roygbiv wrote:
But honestly is being fired from a retail job so bad???

Its martyrdom. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jun 22, 2005, 05:30 AM
On 2005-06-21 19:30, roygbiv wrote:
But honestly is being fired from a retail job so bad???

If its your only means of income, yes.

I think we need a 'I Hate Retail' thread stickied in rants, we get alot of these.

And for titles that dont exist, its great when the customer asks for a title, but gives you the wrong name.

Lady - "Im after Fonzy Motorbikes, is it out yet?"

Me - "Um, Ive never heard of that title. Do you know when it is released?"

Lady - "No, but I think it's on the Xbox. Fonzy Motorbikes"

I asked one of the other members of staff, and they suddenly twigged that she was after Forza Motorsports. And their I was getting excited about a 'Happy Days' game.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Deathscythealpha on 2005-06-22 03:37 ]</font>

Jun 22, 2005, 05:31 AM
Well, they needed help, and you didn't you still could have helped them look for it if they told you the title of it. And you still know the layout of the section and how things work over there, so you had a better chance of finding it than they did.

They needed help, you didn't help them, and they went somewhere where someone could help them, like they said. Simple as that. If you had a spent a few minutes looking for it with them they probably wouldn't have worded it like that when they left, or hell might have even found it.

And as far as 'rude' customers go, that was nothing. I mean sure, it didn't sound very nice or anything, but they were still absolutly right. And they didn't exaggerate the situation any.

Besides, that's how you learn; By helping people with things that you don't know the answer too either. You either learn that you have it and about it, or learn that you don't. Both which could help you next time.

Jun 22, 2005, 07:01 AM
Er... I just read that, and I think you should have assisted them in searching. I mean, you work there, I think you should at least give them a hand if they're searching for one of your store's products.

I don't mean to go against this thread, but they weren't rude at all. Should they come to you asking to search with them?

I don't know much about working in retail stores, but if I go out to buy a movie or something which I can't find, I'll ask one of the people in the staff to help me look for it. I mean, it's their store, right?

Even if you weren't good in searching for old movies, at least you could have offered a bit more help.

Yes, flame me now.

Jun 22, 2005, 07:23 AM
No, Even_jin is pretty(,) right(?). A little bit more help goes a long way. However in most cases in retail people are on commission so they will do anything to get a sale. If you are getting paid the same whether or not people buy stuff then its in your interest to be the most efficient at your job, but on the other hand is helping people really so bad?

I mean my solution was just to not work retail because it is a horrible work environment???

Jun 22, 2005, 07:24 AM
You should have some idea of what you have in stock. Just pointing them at the budget section is not good enough. What is the shop paying you for? - to help people, I presume. As for the film being made before you were born -that is a feeble excuse.

Jun 22, 2005, 10:33 AM
I think you should've helped them search for a minutes but I still agree wholeheartedly that retail is the worst. People will ask the stupidest questions that you have to answer with a straight face. The experience had lowered my opinion of general human intelligence. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_nono.gif

Jun 22, 2005, 11:08 AM
customers are retarded. deal with it, but dont swear at them. that gets you fired

Jun 22, 2005, 11:38 AM
You could have also unwillingly insulted them by sending them to the budget section. Made them feel old and poor, and no Im not joking. I made that mistake where I judged a couple of people by what they were wearing and automatically offered them the discounted section... turns out they were loaded, just didnt like to dress like it, I mean they really dressed down. But the lesson was learned. A customer is a customer. Wheter on commission or not. If that store has no more customers, guess what, you dont have a job anymore.

And if you would have searched with them, or at least pretended to look it up in your computer (if you have one, which Im assuming you did) they would have felt that at least you tried.

What they saw was this:
THEM: Do you have [BLANK] movie?
YOU: I dont think we do. *point to budget section* You can try there. *turn around and return to your cleaning*
THEM: ... *thinking* "uhm... hmm"

It would have been like me going to the doctor and saying:
ME: I have a strange pain in my lower back
DOC: Hmmm, Im not familiar with that. *hands me a medical book* Here you can look it up. *returns to his office to work on some document*
ME... *thinking* "uhmm... hmmm... yeah"

Retail is a very demanding job, and very difficult when dealing with so many personality traits. But unfortunately Retail and fast food services seem to be the only jobs that hire without much work experience. Hence keeping the job for a while is good to build up your resume, so getting fired is not an option. Because then you cant use that job as reference.