View Full Version : Yay, Un-Needed Stress!

Jun 28, 2005, 10:11 AM
Got a phone call from the Hospital last night about seeing a Consultant about some ailments. Just a check up before I go for minor surgery stuff. Problem starts here; Im ten hours away from my Hospital. So this means booking time off work to get a 10 Hour, Horrid Bus Trip (it needs the Caps). It should be ok, Hospital stuff stops me from dieing.

Problem 2: I needed to go home the week after anyway. Well, that doesnt sound too bad you say, kinda convenient. Yeah, thats what I thought, til I checked my times with my boss. I cant get 2 weeks off because of my Work Contract unless I mess about with lots of my hours, suddenly going home is becoming alot more complicated.

Problem 3: My holiday time is now officially fucked later on in August/September as its two weeks and I forgot to fill out the book. So I dont know if i can get that later time off now or not.

Problem 4: Im incredibly home sick. Hull is the most depressing places on the face of the planet, and im stuck here. Only a few of my friends stayed here, but their all working and dont seem to have the time for me. So im pretty much here on my own with the most arrogant flat mate ever.

Problem 5: The Hospital Appointment is with the Consultant, pre surgery crap. Now I dont know when the surgery actually is. This means more time from work, more stinking bus trips (which is taking my money away) and even more stress!

Ive been crawling over my calander, trying to sort out dates to go home, but I cant seem to find times that fit into a nice Time slot. It feels like im being a pain and letting everyone down at work, but also causing problems at home (I was meant to go back for a week to house sit, look after the dogs and keep an eye on my younger sister, theres no one else available to do it).

So Rarrrggggghhhhh! Massive piles of stress just building up and up. I can see myself not eating again tonight because of it.

Jun 28, 2005, 11:15 AM
How much do you value your job? http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Jun 28, 2005, 12:16 PM
Well. You didn't really say what the health problem is. But it seems like that should take top priority. That is something you need to get done first. .. Instead of you taking time off to go home. Is there anyway that maybe your family can come see you instead? It is different from home, but at least it'd be something?

.. And why is your hospital so far?!

Jun 28, 2005, 01:20 PM
The Hospital is at home. Im at University at the minute, and I havent changed any of my details around, so to get Doctors/Hospital appointments I have to travel home. Thats what one of the problems is, im bouncing up and down the country constantly.

Family really cant come visit me here as they have got no where to stay and it costs too much in petrol prices for a day trip (It costs 100 pounds to drive here).

Its really just trying to work out how to talk to my Boss at work and sort out Buses. I need to arrange it so I can go home and get back for work, but not leave it so im uncomfotable and feel really unsettled (the Bus trips really leave you drained, Hot, Boring and tiring, they take it out of you). I really, really love my job, and theres no way I would want to leave it. Im just not really...I think its forward enough to ask my Boss about these things. I can be very timid around people who have authority over me, and clam up, normally ending up with me agreeing to everything that gets thrown my way.

Jun 28, 2005, 03:06 PM
Won't your university have a hospital too? It might be worth it to get your files transferred. Because this is really adding to your stress and it really isn't necessary if you can avoid it.