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Aug 7, 2002, 09:33 PM
Whats the main site to buy a hunters license? something Dricas.. I forgot it. Thanks

Aug 7, 2002, 10:33 PM
if your on ur DC just go to the website and click on buy hunter liscense, I dunno.

Aug 8, 2002, 07:21 AM

This is it I believe.

Aug 8, 2002, 07:26 AM
Why does the U.S require a hunters licence? its so much easier in the uk to plug straight in and go online.

Aug 8, 2002, 08:13 AM
The JP and US Hunters License provide extra income for Sega and help maintain the servers I expect.

I think we ended up not having HL's here in the UK 'cos the release date was so far behind that of the US. Sega was probably worried that as the DC PSO reached the end and the 'Cube and Xbox versions were on their way, that the EU gamers would be put off by the extra charge and not bother buying it.