View Full Version : Male Players. Female Characters. Problem?

Aug 8, 2002, 12:10 AM
What!? I can't help it! I LOVE using the female characters in PSO! To me, the skins seemed better designed than that of the HUmar... the eyepatch face skin was a very nice touch! Sure I tried making a suitable HUmar (Haterade), but he ended up getting much less play than my HUnewearl. F*ck, he was weaker anyway O.o;; Some kids on PSO would get so pissed when I told them I WAS A GUY!!! I just can't STAND most of the male skins! Even in the fighting games play, I more often than not use the women more frequently(try me when I use Momo in Project justice http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif )...don't get it twisted though, IRL I'm a chick only guy... but I'm more drawn to the female chars... bleh...rambling again...shut up!

Aug 8, 2002, 12:29 AM
1-1v//3//3@rl_ 4 l_Yf3

Edit: Felt like adding some more stuff. Yeah, in fighting games I'm always a girl. Early this year I made the switch from male to female in pso and I can't believe I had not used them earlier. IMO female characters are better 99% of the time.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: PlatinumGame on 2002-08-07 22:33 ]</font>

Aug 8, 2002, 12:33 AM
1.Males play games.
2.Apparently more males play games than females.
3.PSO is a Japanese made and developed game.
4.Japanese people are more open about sexuality in public/social lives.
5.Males like females.

Just a few things why there are female characters in PSO besides the obligatory equal rights issue(sorta/kinda/maybe/don't ask me!).

It's not a problem unless you make it one by talking about it in public discussion like this you "hired goon."

Aug 8, 2002, 03:45 AM
8 active chars => 8 female chars.

Aug 8, 2002, 03:55 AM
There is no problem with it cause' how else would you be able to play as all the characters....but I mainly use male characters cause i can't stand the way the females characters fight......it was alright as a Fomarl because i would always be using techniques, but as a hunewearl it was too much for me...

Aug 8, 2002, 10:11 AM
you've played with me, Hate. You should know that my HUnewearls, FOmarl and RAcaseal got more play than my HUmar and HUcast.

Anyway, I won't even be bringing my HUmar, and one HUnewearl to GC PSO. I'm letting the characters retire, still, Jessie (HUnewearl), Rhiana (FOmarl), Maya (HUcaseal), and Galveris (HUcast) will be making their return in Eps 1 & 2...will Lady Mayhem be making hers?


The BlackHawk family:
Mike, Lara, Jessica, Rhiana, Maya and Galeris

Aug 8, 2002, 11:03 AM
I guess only an idiot would complain about people using the opposite gender for their characters. I just find it strange when people try to act like their characters a little too much...

Aug 8, 2002, 11:10 AM
Yeah, at least I don't act like a girl while playing a female character.

I hate people who go in lobbies or games with "Iz there ne girlz in teh houze?" or the people who go into lobbies and F2 hump all the HUneweals. (Was it F2? can't remember.)

I'm sure that at least SOME people here remember the infamous lobby hump.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mag_Launcher on 2002-08-08 09:12 ]</font>

Aug 8, 2002, 12:24 PM
Just look at my sig and you'll see my Hunewearl, Kylan, has a higher level than my other characters. When i get one of the next versions of PSO I'll remake Kylan as a Hunewearl and a Hucaseal. As for using female fighters in fighting games, I do that too. Taki, Cammy, Sarah, Morrigan, Rouge... just to name a few.

Aug 8, 2002, 01:05 PM
Well, being a female who was inexplicably drawn towards the male characters, I'd be a damned hypocrite if I said I had any problem with the opposite situation. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Aug 8, 2002, 02:07 PM
I've been called gay when I entered a game with a HUnewl. If the classes didn't have big differences, then I would always pick male. I'm first going to make a HUcaseal for Ep 2, first because she has different abilities than the HUcast (well, a different balance of Attack, defense, etc.), and second cause I think a fully tall HUcast looks to buff when you make him as skinny as possible. Then I'm going to make a RAmarl cause of her military look. Who knows? maybe I'll pull a Jill Valentine.

I don't have a problem with guys using girl chars. I just hate guys thinking that if it's a girl char, it HAS to be a female player. One guy came up to me and actually said his friend was looking for a GF once. I hate it when ppl do that, and I'm kinda glad someone brought this up.

Aug 8, 2002, 06:05 PM
On 2002-08-08 12:07, RavenTW wrote:
I've been called gay when I entered a game with a HUnewl.

LOL! yeah I'd love to meet the genious who said that to you. Why not pick a female character? If I'm going to play a game for hours apon hours, I'd rather be looking at a cute girl character than some guy. I like girls, I will play as a girl character in a game, whats the problem?

But hey, all the power to those jerks out there who wanna call you gay while they run around stairing at their HUmars ass all night.

Aug 8, 2002, 06:33 PM
eh... I don't think sonic team made those female skin only for female player. Although i only used male androids. Even my neighbour girl ( she's 16 ) play Pso. When pso come to gamecube i'll play with het a lot http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif . But hey, like i said i don't care if ppl say your gay or not. they just have nothing to do but jelling at pll. That is what i called Ga.y's.

ps i think i'll try the female skins if you said their have more costume choice.

Aug 9, 2002, 01:45 AM
Whenever I play an online Role Playing game I try to make a character as similar to myself as possible so I've always picked the male characters in PSO. Ideally everyone would represent themselves as they truly are in real life (If your husky u pick a bigger char, if ur tall and skinny u pick a lankier person)... But since most everyone plays these types of games to be ppl other than themselves more power to ya!

Aug 9, 2002, 06:07 AM
I use both male and female characters. Be it one PSO or fighting games. Some of the females suit my fighting style better than males.

Aug 9, 2002, 07:41 AM
I usually use the female characters. But it doesn't really matter, whatever suits your taste I guess.

Aug 9, 2002, 01:47 PM
This is a good topic, I'd say. Maybe some ignorant kid can learn something.

PSO is an RPG. In an RPG you get to create whatever character you want. You can decide this based on how kick-ass your character is, or what your character looks like, or even what your favorite Dragon Ball Z character is. That's great! You can play any character you want!

Sure it's okay to play a female character, who looks cute and kicks a lot of ass! If you dont feel comfortable playing someone else, just be yourself (often a foul-mouthed brat.)

One negative of playing a female character is often the first queston you are asked is, "Are you a d00d?." Just as it is courteous to answer a polite a/s/l question, it's your right to remain annonomous online. On the other hand it's REAL easy to find friends to play with.

To the real women of PSO, you have to put up with alot. I salute you.


heh heh my first rant!

Aug 9, 2002, 03:56 PM
On 2002-08-09 11:47, yashichi wrote:
To the real women of PSO, you have to put up with alot. I salute you.

Heh heh heh, not if you play primarily as a HUmar... tends to mess with people's minds <g>

I always got mistaken for a gay guy, not a female :X
"I always thought you seemed oddly effeminate, but I never would've guessed!"

Aug 9, 2002, 04:22 PM
all the guys use our chars cause we got more hair styles ~_^

Aug 9, 2002, 09:08 PM
HUmars just aren't sexy like HUnewearls are. _-_

Aug 13, 2002, 07:09 AM
What was the question? do others have a oposite gen?

Aug 13, 2002, 11:34 AM
I have a a couple guy, and a couple girl characters. As long as you STRAIGHT out tell people your a guy, then it's cool. There's nothing more weird than dudes hitting on you... espcially with a "cute" FOmarl...

Aug 13, 2002, 12:07 PM
if we all stuck to our own sex chars then PSO would quickly become a very HUmar populated place. if we're thinkin realistically then we have to accept that there are MUCH more males playing then females. i like a mixed online population.

Aug 13, 2002, 12:15 PM
I would rather if it were realistic... I don't mind if there were alot more guys. I just think Online RPGs would be alot more fun and interesting if everyone made their char similar to what they looked like in real life.

Aug 13, 2002, 02:48 PM
On 2002-08-09 13:56, Rotis wrote:
Heh heh heh, not if you play primarily as a HUmar... tends to mess with people's minds <g>

I always got mistaken for a gay guy, not a female http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_mad.gif
"I always thought you seemed oddly effeminate, but I never would've guessed!"

I've had that problem too. People assume that I'm a guy when I play as a humar... in fact, many still think I'm a guy when I'm a hunewearl. o_O

Them: Are you a real girl?
Me playing as hunewearl: ...
Them: Ah, so you're a guy then, nm.

So in the end I just play with whatever class I feel like. (Humar is the best class for beginners in BA mode, imo.) Either way, I come across a lot of strange situations, have a lot of stories to tell about it, and get a lot of funny looks from people.

Never assume anything about other people in a RPG. It's a RPG - Role Playing Game - so of course people are going to take the roles of other characters to get the best experience out of their games!

Aug 21, 2002, 09:04 PM
I guess I'm gonna "bump" this topic cause it's interesting to me. This will probably always be a pervasive problem in games mostly populated by adolecent boys. huh? oh I am one? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif


Aug 25, 2002, 02:45 AM
i use what suits me, but i always lean towards females!!! I simply like girls more than i do boys - as a little kid, i had nothing but female friends. Nowadays i have more female friends than males... i just like thier attitudes towards things much better than the immature ways of most males. So thats why i lean towards female stuff. Oh, and im not gay or anything (ive gotten a response saying that before about this), I have a girlfriend (who also plays PSO btw!)... grr i hate stupid people....

Aug 25, 2002, 02:55 PM
In rpgs I always stick with the guy characters. But in PSO I feel more detached from any sort of traditional RPing quirks I have and just play who ever the hell I feel like playing. Some people like to RP characters very different from themselves. Iam the COMPLETE opposite. Although due to a few things Ive been kinda lax about that.

Things like race effecting character stats. Then there are some of the outfits that are utterly ridiculious. Out of all the hair and face styles theres barely a handfull worth I like. Iam refering to the FOs.

Looks play a heavy role in character selection for me. I don't mean playing as a human character as the only race for me, far from it. But regardless some looks are just way to crazy in PSO(big butt FOnewman).

Now that GC PSO is coming out theres finally a normal looking male FO. Although I've become attached to my FOnewearl, so I might just stay FOnewearl. As of right now the only thing that will change what race I choose is dependant on characters stats and what balancing issues Sonic Team has made.

So Iam pretty torn. Either way the name Dyne stays.

Aug 25, 2002, 04:28 PM
How about ^O^ for dude and ^V^ for ladies? Hotkey this when joining a lobby or group.

Aug 25, 2002, 04:44 PM
I've had strange people bother me when I'm a HUnewearl or RAcaseal. Instead of telling them that I'm a guy, I just tell them to get lost. That behavior is stupid in real life, and it's even more pathetic on a video game.

Aug 25, 2002, 08:29 PM
On 2002-08-07 22:10, haterade wrote:
I just can't STAND most of the male skins!


Here's a Q4U. How about when the gender doesn't affect the skilla and abilities, like in real RPGs? Would you pic a guy or girl?

In E&B, the game I'm testing, I prefer, for the warrior race, to use females because of the skins. You got a problem with that? If you do, well...sorry, I prefer the female custimazation features. That's just me.

Aug 26, 2002, 05:55 AM
In E&B, the game I'm testing, I prefer, for the warrior race, to use females because of the skins.

E&B standing for ?
I wish th SL beta would start soon ...

Aug 26, 2002, 12:53 PM
Earth and Beyond... The Westwood/EA needs to stick to Real Time Strategy games! I'm dying for Command and Conquer Generals!

Aug 27, 2002, 04:43 PM
I think that the only people having a problem with guys playing girl characters are mistaking RPGs and dating services.

My PSO char was a girl. My AO char was a girl. My neocron char was a girl. I don't care what people think.

I just hate the "are you a girl irl ?" question, because it's just another thing in online RPGs, along with the "number gameplay" (you know, when you need a +XX buff to equip YYY gear that will allow you to squeeze in ZZZ points of some skill to then be able to stack a new buff to be able to use UberWeapon level 124 - PSO was relatively free from that though) that makes the game atmosphere dull and break any chance of a role-playing community.

Aug 28, 2002, 02:17 AM
It's amusing what people thinks about you just by looking at your virtual avatar. Really.