View Full Version : Phantasy Star Online for the Xbox , when?

Aug 10, 2002, 12:24 AM
Phantasy Star Online for the Xbox , any info would help...
like when will it come out??

I played it at E3, it was great,
and No Typing !!!!!!!!!!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Aug 10, 2002, 01:58 AM
i dunno

Aug 10, 2002, 02:23 AM
Fall 2002
Xbox live was announce on X'02...it will launc on Nov 15. And it is a simultaneous world wide release...and since PSo is included in starter kit in Japan, then it should be on Nov 15...now they are just waiting for ST to finish PSO so they can launch Xbox Live.

Aug 10, 2002, 08:01 AM

Aug 10, 2002, 09:22 AM
Xbox live is worldwide release?? I heard march 2003 in europe http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

Aug 10, 2002, 04:42 PM
There was a sign-in for Xbox Live! beta testers last month in France.
So I don't think it'll be march 2003

just my 2 euro cents

Aug 13, 2002, 12:25 PM

Aug 13, 2002, 07:23 PM
considering i live in aus, where there is basically no BB service here... i severely doubt that it will be a worldwide release...
we prob wont see it for another yr or so.. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif
and i think the same goes for euro. =/

Aug 13, 2002, 08:00 PM
Well, Europe always seems to get screwed over on game releases for some reason.

Aug 13, 2002, 08:43 PM
The only game I can think of that had been released in Europe first is Shenmue II. Nothing else comes to mind, at least no other good games that is. We get screwed over really bad.

Aug 14, 2002, 12:51 AM
If you wanna know a little info on PSO for xbox look at gamespot it has some pics and a little info. To tell you the truth it looks like version 2. So yeah I think you might know what I'm thinking. Later

Aug 14, 2002, 11:25 AM
Worldwide release only means US, Japan and UK...to them, I think....

By the way, don't speculate what Xbox version will be like....TGS is coming and I believe they will show it there, only a month away...whether it is just a ver.2 port OR eps 1&2, we don't know...wait for TGS.

Aug 23, 2002, 01:27 AM