View Full Version : Your top 5 Rpgs

Jul 10, 2005, 10:57 PM
I'm just wonderin, what are the top 5 RPGs(Action Rpgs too) in your opinion and why. 1 being the best and 5 being the least liked.

1.Breath of Fire 4
2.Mario RPG
3.Final Fantasy X
4.Phantasy Star Online ep1 and 2
5.Breath of Fire 5

1.Breath of Fire 4 is the best game to me. The character designs are cool. I like how basic yet challenging the game is. Also the story is awesome. I was influenced by the art and it made me love dragons. Everything about the game was just cool. I've played the game over 10 times.

2. When I first saw Mario RPG in stores.( I think I was 8ish yrs old) I thought it said Mario ROG so for some reason I thoguht it was gonna be a Mario game that plays like all his others at the time. At that time I never heard of RPGs and I was into Super Mario. As soon as it started I was hooked. The game had a somewhat good story.The story was cool at the time but now that i'm older the story was just like any other new Mario game neverless other Rpgs.(Save the 4,6, or 12 objects to save the world)

What i loved about the game was the humor.(I was 8 and it was funny)Also i loved the characters in the game. Geno and Bowser were awesome and I was kinda shocked playing Peach for the first time. Not only that but the whole battles and their bosses. I remember trying to hit the X button at the right time for Geno Whirl or pressing Y repeatedly for Fire Orb. I also remember dying a bunch of times to that Cake and that barbarian dude. It was my first Rpg and I loved it.

3. I had went a year w/o playing any new Rpgs so last year I picked up Final Fantasy X. This was the first Final Fantasy Game I played and this game just blew me away.Its perty and the I love the story and how it twists. Not only that but the characters were all rememberable and likeable.(Even Kimahri)The beautiful cutscenes and the cool fights make me love this game. Because of it I've bought Final Fantasy V and i love the whole job system.

4.*sigh* Phantasy Star Online ep.1 and 2 is just plain fun. I don't need to go into detail since everyone here know.

5. Lots of people Hate Breath of Fire 5 but i like it. The strategy type gameplay is different but its alright. (My only complaint is the lack of spells) What makes me like Breath of Fire V is the music and the story. Its realy deep and you'll have to play it at least 3 times to get it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2005-07-10 21:08 ]</font>

Jul 10, 2005, 11:05 PM
PSO is an RPG?!?!?? But I thought RPG's had plots...and storylines...and exciting things happening! =O

MY faves are:

3)Super Mario RPG

Jul 10, 2005, 11:07 PM
Eekk..whoops, yeah its an Action rpg, not normal rpg. XD well lemme edit to let people know you can include action rpgs. Pso has some plot, you just have to look for it. I'm trying to convince my friend so I'm doing a comic of it in the Fanworks area.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2005-07-10 21:19 ]</font>

Jul 10, 2005, 11:34 PM
(No particular order)

1. PSO
2. Fire Emblem
3. Pokemon
4. Megaman Battle Network
5. Good question, but ToS definately doesn't go here http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif
Real 5. Golden Sun


EDIT: Thanks for reminding me ;o

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SUPAH_CHAO on 2005-07-11 04:58 ]</font>

Jul 10, 2005, 11:44 PM
1. Chrono Trigger
2. Super Mario RPG(Shut it!)
3. Golden Sun
4. PSO, as a filler!
5. Some random and cool RPG, brains is not...brain

Jul 10, 2005, 11:49 PM
1: PSO Epi 1 and 2
2: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
3:Golden Sun: Lost Age
4:Final Fantasy 7
5:Final fantasy 8

Jul 11, 2005, 12:38 AM
1. Earthbound
2. Super Mario RPG
3. Tales of Symphonia
4. Chrono Trigger (Only played it once, I was young)
5. Legend of Dragoon

Jul 11, 2005, 12:48 AM
On 2005-07-10 22:38, Orange_Coconut wrote:

5. Legend of Dragoon

I knew I was forgetting one. Scratchj Number 8, Legend of Dragoon was awesome!

Jul 11, 2005, 04:22 AM
PSO tops all, but that's a given.

1. Tales of Symphonia
With so many plot twists, I felt like I was reading a novel, except with cool effects and flashy lights.
2. Golden Sun
The game that got me hooked on RPG's
3. Harvest Moon (?)
For someone as easily-distracted as me, it kept me occupied for a while. 'Sides, it's the only way I'd get a gf. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif
4. Pokemon
Being in control of colorful little children's creatures and commanding them to beat the stuffing out of each other made me feel powerful.
5. Breath of Fire 2
Not that I didn't like the game; it just confused me. I bought it used, and thus was without an instruction booklet or strategy guide.

Now I think I've firmly established that I need to play better RPGs

Jul 11, 2005, 06:49 AM
Errk, someone said Golden Sun. Golden Sun is another good game. If it would've been on like the gamecube with better graphics(The graphics aren't bad on the GBA. Its just that GBA's strain my eyes) Then I think it'll get more recognition. The only thing I hated about Golden Sun was when you die and you restarted, you had to go through a lot of text and that in "The Lost Age", there was one the CHEAPEST final boss ever! The whole Djinni explosion pissed me off so bad. I used up 2 WHOLE packs just on that final boss.

Jul 11, 2005, 06:50 AM
In no particular order, just Like PJ...

1. PSO Ep1&2 (You all know why)
2. Tales of Symphonia (storyline is somewhat good, but I liked the battle system)
3. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (great graphics, good storyline, although the storyline gets confusing near the end)
4. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (the battle system is greatly improved since the first Paper Mario, with the audience and such)
5. Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga (Bros. Attacks are cool, funny dialogue)
6. Super Mario 64 DS (nice remake of the original, with more playable characters than Mario)

Jul 11, 2005, 07:43 AM
1. Ultima 7 (Both parts)
2. Ultima Underworld
3. Morrowind
4. Nethack ;0
5. hmm

OK need to get a shower and get to work. I'll explain my choices and add a 5th choice when I get back.

Oh yeah and you guys all know that Nethack is the m-effing bomb!

Jul 11, 2005, 08:00 AM
On 2005-07-11 05:43, roygbiv wrote:
1. Ultima 7 (Both parts)

HOLY FUCKING SHIT YES!!! YES YES YES YES YES!!! I can't even believe what I'm seeing! And I thought I was the only one!!!! And you put MORROWIND too! Let's get married or something....j/k

well here's mine

1.Ultima 7...just because it's so awesomely classic
3.Valkyrie Profile
4.Star Ocean 3

Jul 11, 2005, 08:40 AM
1. PSO Ep. 1&2 (Well, duh.)
2. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (just started this over with my fiance' last night)
3. Skies of Arcadia: Legends (still working on this one)
4. Tales of Symphonia (engrossing story)
5. Baten Kaitos (beautiful animation)

Jul 11, 2005, 08:59 AM
In no order

Bahamut Lagoon
Chrono Trigger
Ogre Battle 64

May not be the best RPGs out there, but these ones stand out in my mind as games I really had fun with.

Jul 11, 2005, 09:00 AM
On 2005-07-11 06:59, Bradicus wrote:
Ogre Battle 64

I forgot about that game...by the end of it, I got the worst ending because my Chaos Frame was so damn low. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Jul 11, 2005, 10:15 AM

Almost forgot to mention Valkyrie! ><

Jul 11, 2005, 10:50 AM
dude... I have soo many damned favorite RPGs that could all go into my #1 spot >_>

at first thought I would say...

1) MegaMan Battle Network 2 & 5
2) Super Mario RPG
3) Chrono Trigger
4) Thousand Arms
5) Secret Of Mana
6) every other RPG I love =3

and for me all these count as #1 spots XD

Jul 11, 2005, 11:06 AM
On 2005-07-11 04:49, InfinityXXX wrote:
Errk, someone said Golden Sun. Golden Sun is another good game. If it would've been on like the gamecube with better graphics(The graphics aren't bad on the GBA. Its just that GBA's strain my eyes) Then I think it'll get more recognition. The only thing I hated about Golden Sun was when you die and you restarted, you had to go through a lot of text and that in "The Lost Age", there was one the CHEAPEST final boss ever! The whole Djinni explosion pissed me off so bad. I used up 2 WHOLE packs just on that final boss.

I know what you mean. I swear the last time I battled him, and won, I freaking pwned his cheap ass.

Jul 11, 2005, 01:50 PM
1. Phantasy Star Online Episodes I&II
2. Final Fantasy VIII
Characters, Storyline, Battle System, Junction System... I liked it all very much.
3. Xenosaga II
Anything Xeno--- 0wnz >_>
4. Super Mario RPG
5. Final Fantasy VII
Again... Classic

Jul 11, 2005, 02:31 PM
In no particular order:

Skies of Arcadia
World of Warcraft
The Way
Golden Sun

Those are the only top ones I can think of at the moment. =/

Jul 11, 2005, 03:59 PM
1) FF6
2) Chrono Trigger
3) Zelda 3
4) Grandia 2
5) Secret of Mana

PSO is special.

Jul 11, 2005, 04:10 PM
1. PSO
2. ToS
3. Pokemon
4. Star Wars: KoToR
5. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

I'm not going to explain why, how or who http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Jul 11, 2005, 04:12 PM
1. PSO
2. Final Fantasy
3. Super Mario RPG
4. Diablo
5. Dark Cloud (kinda an rpg?)

Jul 11, 2005, 05:40 PM
1. Phantasy Star Online
2. Skies of Arcadia on DC
3. Shenmue
4. Guild Wars
5. Grandia 2

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Fyrin on 2005-07-11 15:43 ]</font>

Jul 11, 2005, 05:57 PM
1. Disgaea (strategy/RPG)
2. Front Mission 4 (Mech RPG)
3. Phantasy Star Online Series. (MMORPG/ Solo RPG)
4. Final Fantasy Tactics Series (Strategy RPG)
5. Monster Hunter [Soon to be series, AFAIK?] (MMORPG/ Solo RPG)

Jul 11, 2005, 06:44 PM
1 - FF7
2 - FF8
3 - FF9
4 - FF Crystal Chronicles
5 - FF Tactics Advance/FF 1&2 Dawn of Souls/Every Other FF game that is out.

Yes i know, I am a hardcore FF Fan. I hae completed them all But FF8...... The disk got snapped in half http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cry.gif http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_nono.gif

Jul 11, 2005, 06:47 PM
If i had that one device that lets you play GBA games on a television then I would enjoy FF tactics advance more but due to my eyes hurting halfway in a battle I'm progressing slow. The whole job thing is cool.

Someone mentioned Disgae, that game looks cool and my copy of it should be comming in the upcomming weeks. I can't wait to play it.

Jul 11, 2005, 06:50 PM
Heh, people think Final Fantasy VII is a good game. That's cute in a naive sort of way.

Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III/VI, Earthbound, Pokemon Red/Blue, Final Fantasy Tactics, Paper Mario, etc.

It's not five, and not ranked, but hey, it's the best I can offer for now.

Jul 11, 2005, 06:54 PM
I've never played FF 7. Bt everyone says its a good game. I heard from some folks at school saying its the best game in the world. What in the hell makes this game so good? Why is it so hyped up? From what i undersdtand theres a boy named cloud and then theres some other guy thats a bad guy(i'm guessing) thts names start with a S. The only reason i know this is because of Kingdom Hearts.

Jul 11, 2005, 06:56 PM
final fantasy VII is a good game, but thats all i'll say, dont wanna get in trouble here. as for my list.

2. PSO
3. Morrowind
4. Final Fantasy III/VI
5. pokemon

ff7 may be my fav but in terms of hours logged PSO has them all beat hands down.

Jul 11, 2005, 08:10 PM
On 2005-07-11 16:54, InfinityXXX wrote:
I've never played FF 7. Bt everyone says its a good game. I heard from some folks at school saying its the best game in the world. What in the hell makes this game so good? Why is it so hyped up? From what i undersdtand theres a boy named cloud and then theres some other guy thats a bad guy(i'm guessing) thts names start with a S. The only reason i know this is because of Kingdom Hearts.

Have you been living under a rock these past 8 years? x_x Go play it. Just dont get sucked in by the fanboyism.

1.PSO (#1 Meat Sheild!)
2.FFVII (now I hate it because its become like a religion) >_<
3.Star Ocean 2 (Ashton > All)
4.Breath of Fire 3 (Ryu = silent but deadly)
5.Chrono Trigger (Frog and Crono. nuff said)

Jul 11, 2005, 08:27 PM
Don't let something like other's fanboyism decide whether you should hate something you used to like >_>

Although, that being said, I haven't gotten very far in FFVII at all, but eh.

Anyways, more than 5, but oh well. No particular order:

Shining Force/Shining Force 2/Shining Force: Sword of Hadja/Shining Force remake for GBA
Vandal Hearts
Ogre Battle 64
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario RPG
World of Warcraft
Phantasy Star Online

Jul 11, 2005, 08:59 PM
The lack of a certain series on this listing so far is absolutely shameful.

1. Phantasy Star IV. What isn't there to like in this game? Great graphics for a 16-bit RPG, great music, great characters and character interaction, an interesting plot that doesn't fall completely apart for half the game, a sense of history even if you haven't played any of the other PS games, and characters that don't end up as clones of eachother in battle.
2. Final Fantasy VI. Another class act all around, though the plot does somewhat fall apart in the second half, though it gets major points for non-linearity for that... XP Had entirely too many characters, but still made you care about all of them in some way. Loses points for it's magic-learning system, which resulted in clones on the magic end of things.
3. Chrono Trigger. Yet another awesome game. Few flaws, just doesn't rank quite as high as FFVI for getting me emotionally fewer times.
4. Sailor Moon: Another Story. Shut up. I like Sailor Moon, and it was the first RPG I ever played. >_> Quite possibly the easiest game ever invented, since your TP/mana/whatever maxed at 12, and replenished after each battle(Though it sucked ass for boss fights unless you had a LOT of money... XD). Suffered from an incredibly annoying collection side thing where you had to find all the pieces of a puzzle, including the four hidden pieces, in order to get a set of special items for your characters. XP
5. Phantasy Star IV again, just because it deserves it.


Jul 11, 2005, 09:02 PM
1) Grandia II
2) Final Fantasy IV (II)
3) Final Fantasy
4) PSO

In no particular order.

Jul 11, 2005, 09:41 PM
PSIII Arislan? Wow I've never heard that before. I mean it is a good game but it's definatly the black sheep of the family. As for my choices hmmmm lets see here...

In no particular order;

1. Final Fantasy 5
2. Shining Force Series
2.5. Secret of Mana 3 (JP only, SNES game.)
3. Phantasy Star II
3.5 Panzer Dragoon Saga
4. Dragon Warrior III
5. Final Fantasy 2/4 (JP version is much more complete.)
5.5 Dragon Force

Meh, I cheated a 'lil bit http://www.gixxer.com/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon_rant.gif http://www.gixxer.com/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon_rant.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Guntz348 on 2005-07-11 19:44 ]</font>

Jul 11, 2005, 09:44 PM
On 2005-07-11 19:41, Guntz348 wrote:

What!? How could someone with the name and avatar of Guntz not have Shining Force up there? ;o

Jul 11, 2005, 09:45 PM
On 2005-07-11 19:44, Mixfortune wrote:

On 2005-07-11 19:41, Guntz348 wrote:

What!? How could someone with the name and avatar of Guntz not have Shining Force up there? ;o

Dooood! Slow down I hit the button to quick. See do we really want old man Mix with his finger on the button? Nooooo!

Jul 11, 2005, 10:33 PM
- Nippon Ichi Series (Puppet Princess/Rhapsody/Little Princess/Tenchi no Present/Disgaea/Phantom Brave)
- Guardian Recall (Import)
- Phantasy Star Series (PS 2 is pissing me off, but playing the PS2 version of it now.
- Wild ARMs
- Skies of Arcadia

Honorable mentions:
- Grandia series (extreme meh)
- Xenogears (xenosaga blah)
- Galaxy Fraulein Yuna
- Madou Monotaragi (Puyo Puyo version)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sharkyland on 2005-07-11 20:37 ]</font>

Jul 11, 2005, 10:53 PM
1) PSO (Yeah, well, duh...)
2) Seiken Densetsu 3 (Or Secret of Mana 2... I still like to call it by it's Japanese name though.)
3) Final Fantasy Tactics
4) Xenogears
5) Zelda 3 (Was this an RPG...?)

Edit: Made a few stupid errors... *Ahem*

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Fefnir on 2005-07-11 20:55 ]</font>

Jul 11, 2005, 11:22 PM
1. Baldur's Gate: Throne of Bhaal
2. Baldur's Gate
3. Baldur's Gate 2
4. PSO
5. Arcanum

Honorable mention: Chrono Trigger

Yeah, I think that about covers it.

Jul 12, 2005, 12:37 AM
Tough even though I don't play that many RPG's.

1. Chrono Cross
2. Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn
3. Morrowind GOTY
4. Icewind Dale 2
5. Shadow Hearts 1 & 2

I am probably forgetting some, I rarely beat them, and there are sooooo many I would like to play. Like Breath of Fire 3(I really liked it), Wild Arms 3, Dark Cloud 2, Legend of Dragoon, more I am forgetting. I had all these, and sold them, I think, bah, I wish I had more time.

Jul 12, 2005, 01:07 AM
In no order:

Super Mario RPG. My first RPG ever, as I never liked to play RPGs back then. When I rented this game, I had NO idea what RPG meant, and when I found out, I already paid for it's rental, and was told to give it a try. It was a classic game that will never leave my memories

Megaman Battle Network series, mainly, 2 and 5. Good realtime combat system, good story, and it's Megaman, a series I was getting into for the first time.

Chrono Trigger: Damn good game, nice, orignal concept of the time it came out in, has a good story, too.

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, agian, good story, good realtime combat system. IMO, any decently executed realtime combat system will be better than any turnbased/timebar based system. Just seems more realistic to me.

PS IV: Good story for it's time, good reference to the history of the series, and fairly difficult.

Jul 12, 2005, 01:08 AM
Oje... do RPG/Strategy games count? Eg. FF Tactics or Fire Emblem...

If they do... good, if not too bad I'm still including one.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Face it, that game is fun. Heck, I have picked it up just this week after not playing it for over a year (only was about 1 hour into it). Now I am over 24 hours into it and enjoying it so much. Simple gameplay, simple controls, and classic graphics and sound. Overall a really great game.

Sword of Mana

Yeah, an old game but still great. I am a sucker for old school RPGs so this one obviously was one I enjoyed. Again, simple yet the story made it really great.

Xenosaga Episode I

Haven't played Episode II yet (haven't beat Episode I either.. PSO among other games always get in the way ;_; )... Anyway, I for one enjoy the movie sequences. The music is outstanding and fits in very well. The gameplay is tough but easy to understand and master. As in, easy to master the controls but long and tough to master the game. Turn based are generally my favorite RPGs and this one stands out above.

Final Fantasy... well, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X... Eh, I love them. The series is one of the best out there. If only because of Nobuo Uematsu's music I love them. I really like IV, V, and VI though. A lot.. And you haven't heard game music arrangments until you have heard the Final Fantasy arranged music. (Arranged: orchestrated basically, though might also include vocals, eg. Final Fantasy Vocal Collection) I really can get into music that I like, and with so much of it that I do like out of this series it just adds so much to it. I always find them fun, with all sorts of entertainment value to them, and quite a bit of emotion as well.

Phantasy Star Online Episodes I&II&IV

Yeah, I know. Not the best storyline, not the best AI or graphics or... you get the idea. But the music is pretty darn good. What makes this most possibly the greatest RPG I have ever played has nothing to do with the game itself. It is the community and friends I have made on it. For that reason alone I love this game. The people that play it make it have the best storyline. Because it is the story of everyday life, of the players. There is humor (SO much of it! It's great!), sadness (real stuff so it hits harder), anger (yeah everyone gets angry at something some time), anxiousness... the list goes on. Because the story is made by people it has no real end. So long as people play it in some form or another the story will live on. And even when the game dies (inevitable years from now after the final version is made), the story, the community, the friendships will continue. This makes this game so much more ingrossing than any other ever made. It makes it a real pleasure to play. That is why I say PSO, no matter how many faults the game itself has, is still the best RPG ever.

And yeah... Impossible for me to make a complete list cause well... I love so many others! Chrono series... Super Mario RPG... the RPG mod for UT2004 http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif so many...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BLITZKOMMANDO on 2005-07-11 23:10 ]</font>

Jul 12, 2005, 01:29 AM
On 2005-07-11 23:08, BLITZKOMMANDO wrote:
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Face it, that game is fun. Heck, I have picked it up just this week after not playing it for over a year (only was about 1 hour into it). Now I am over 24 hours into it and enjoying it so much. Simple gameplay, simple controls, and classic graphics and sound. Overall a really great game.

Geez, I completely forgot about FFTA, and I've been PLAYING it a lot lately. Must...get all jobs and...beat all missions T_T

Jul 12, 2005, 05:53 AM
Did i even play 5 rpgs....

I think i did,

1. Mario Rpg - the one who took them all.... with a Hurly Glove http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

2. Evolution Worlds

3. Grandia II (since i lack many RPs played...)

4. T.O.S.

5. once i play more Rpgs... PSO will be removed from this list >>

Jul 12, 2005, 04:06 PM
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Shining Force III
Skies of Arcadia

in no real order

Jul 12, 2005, 06:53 PM
1. baldurs gate trilogy - aye 1, 2& Throne of Bhaal. Say what you will but like lotr, that was 1 book split into three, this was one game split into three. amazing game. told well, great cast of characters and it was fun! boo & minsc forever!

2. kotor 2- yeah it was buggy and cut short, but the dark edge to the story really made it better than the first one in my eyes. plus there was a Playable character with a proper beard. which was absent from the first. Boo!

3. neverwinter nights - okay before you can say 'bioware fanboy' the main reason this gets an entry is because of the sheer amount of modules that can be downloaded for it! many which are a real joy to play. the two offical add-ons are great too.

4. shenmue 2 - more action than the first, more colourful, more engrossing story and the use of japanese instead of poorly acted english (DC version) was a real bonus. if the third one never sufaces (and not the online version) i will be one unhappy chappy.

5. pso - story? pah! graphics? meh engrossing action? Yeah right. BUT i still love this game. the first console online rpg, its not the game itself that makes me love pso, its the people! so many cool friends have been made because of this game. the experiencince i will always remembered, not played out in some cut-scene, but played out by me! the first time you see the dragon, saving a friend from a sly slap to the back with a rifle blast from the other side of room, the pure 'wow' factor of seeing a heavens punisher for the first time. the feeling of bravado of been part of a a team of hunters charging into a room to save a team mate who was foolish enough to run on ahead.

honorable mention - deus ex - an rpg yes, and a good one, but i always viewed it more as an action game. and one of the best around.


Jul 12, 2005, 10:11 PM
Panzer Dragoon Saga (like fine wine)

Final Fantasy 6 (happy memories)

Skies of Arcadia (because i was starved for happiness by then from the Sea of RPG Angst)

Phantasy Star 2 (hasn't aged well, :shrug: still great premise/story)

Chrono Trigger (happy memories)

i'd like to put a few more, but... fallout deserves an honorable mention, as does shining force, warsong, and earthbound. but these are my 5.

Jul 13, 2005, 01:37 AM
Hmm... I hate adding on to a 3 page long "Top" list thread... But oh well

1) Phantasy Star Online
-What can I say?

2)Secret of Mana
-Classic! Made me fall in love with action RPGs! One of the best systems to date!

3)Legend of Mana
-Extremely underrated 4th instalment of the mana series... Great music, art, stories, ambiance... Beautiful...

4)Final Fantasy X
-This spot kind of goes out to all FF... As much as I hate to say it, 10 is my favorite FF... And not just because it has voices... It's just the only one that doesn't seem to be a tired old re-hash... Second in line in FF goes to 8, then 9, Tactics(original), CC, 5, 7, 6, TA, The ones I havent played, followed by 11 in dead last because we have a very mutual hate-hate relationship... And it killed my mother...

5) Chrono Trigger
I suppose... But only because to this day, no rpgs (that I have played) that aren't on my list have surpased it...

Jul 13, 2005, 04:55 PM
In no real order off the top of my head:

Skies of Arcadia
Grandia 2
Shenmue (the first time through it)

Jul 13, 2005, 05:43 PM
I must be the only person in the world that hated Grandia 2 more than almost any other game.

Jul 13, 2005, 09:16 PM
Here are my top five:

1) Final Fantasy III for the SNES
2) Panzer Dragoon Saga for the Saturn
3) Chronotrigger for the SNES
4) Phantasy Star for the Master System
5) Dragon Warrior II for the NES

I consider PSO a hack and stash not a RPG.

Jul 14, 2005, 01:19 PM
On 2005-07-13 15:43, digigram wrote:
I must be the only person in the world that hated Grandia 2 more than almost any other game.

Grandia II was... alright... A little too... cookie-cutter, as with most rpgs... And Ryudo lost all of his good interesting character traits in the end of the story... And of course there was the whole bit with absolutely no freedom of character choice at the end... And that is a must for "top" calibur rpgs in my eyes... Keep in mind that a large part of this board holds favoritism towards dreamcast... And Grandia II, among others mentioned, were of the few good rpgs for dreamcast iirc...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RurouniJoku on 2005-07-14 11:20 ]</font>

Jul 14, 2005, 01:33 PM
5. Good question, but ToS definately doesn't go here
You... Bastard!

My top five (no order really)
3:FFCC (final fasntasy chrystal chronicles)
4:Paper mario http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif
5:Kicked pokemon, now being replaced with skies of aracadia. heh, i forgot how much fun that game was until recently.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Feelmirath on 2005-07-19 10:44 ]</font>

Jul 14, 2005, 01:57 PM
No certain order...

2.Tales of Symphonia
4.Kingdom Hearts.....
5.FF Dawn of Souls

Jul 17, 2005, 01:04 AM
seems many people get strategy/tactic games confused with RPGs x'D

[1] shadow hearts covenant
[2] shadow hearts
[3] final fantasy vii
[4] tales of symphonia
[5] phantasy star online ep1&2

i would list legend of zelda: ocarina of time as my favorite of RPGs in general [and it is first, in fact...check out gamerankings.com] but action RPGs are somewhat obscure in genre.

edit - ffvii...not ffxii http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: decrescendo on 2005-07-18 00:27 ]</font>

Jul 17, 2005, 10:27 AM
In no order:

Tales of Symphonia

Final Fantasy 7

Chrono Trigger

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Golden Sun

The other 5 I like:

Quest 64 - hey, I liked it http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Final Fantasy 1 (NES)

Skies of Arcadia Legends

Golden Sun: The Lost Age

Pokemon Fire Red (loved the original before this)

Jul 17, 2005, 01:45 PM
1. Golden Sun
2. Golden Sun: The Lost Age
3. Golden Sun
4. Golden Sun: The Lost Age
5. PSO 1&2

Jul 17, 2005, 02:13 PM
5) Tenchi Muyo! Game-Hen - A modest Super Nintendo game by Banpresto, it was immediatly one of my favorites, not only because it was about the anime, but because of the gameplay: It mixed RPG with chess and strategy, where you would control the characters throughout the various battle fields, each with their unique abilities. One of my favorites, still today.

4) Chrono Trigger - A classic RPG, with the brilliant concept of time travelling throughout the various worlds. The battle system was great too, with the ability to Link with several chars in one single attack. The plot was awesome, with its multiple ending features.

3) Grandia II - The best battle system ever.

2) Final Fantasy VII - Suddenly, everyone says this game sucks. But not me, this was the first official RPG I played. And what a game. I was instantly hooked, and didn't regret any single hour playing it or maxing everyone and everything.

1) Final Fantasy VI (III on Europe/US) - The best game I spent 50 hours with. So good, I don't dare to play it again, since it might not feel as good as if felt a few years ago.

Jul 19, 2005, 10:43 AM
On 2005-07-17 12:13, Even_Jin wrote:
2) Final Fantasy VII - Suddenly, everyone says this game sucks. But not me.

When some people realize that everyone likes something they decide for some reason they must rebel, even if there is no merit to their reasoning. This hate tends to be infectious. Anywho..

1)Kingdom Hearts
3)Skies of Arcadia
4)PSU(played in E3 booth. Loved it.)
5)Tales of Symphonia(for gameplay)


Jul 20, 2005, 10:00 AM
in this order

5) tales of symphonia

4) Final Fantasy VII

3) Diablo II

and for me i got a tied in the #1 spot between

1) Pokemon Red (the first one) and PSO ep I for the dreamcast (i like more the PSO I&II for the gamecube) but i am saying the dreamcast because that was my first impression of PSO and thats the one that counts for me.

Jul 20, 2005, 12:10 PM
1. Dark Cloud
2. PSO Ep. 1&2
3. FFX
4. Star Ocean : Till the End of Time
5. Dark Cloud 2

Jul 26, 2005, 08:04 PM
In no real, particular order: Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III/VI, Final Fantasy VII. Also high up on the list are Pokemon Blue and Silver.

What can I say? I have really old school tastes for RPGs. :3

Jul 26, 2005, 09:22 PM
On 2005-07-26 18:04, Eihwaz wrote:
In no real, particular order: Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III/VI, Final Fantasy VII. Also high up on the list are Pokemon Blue and Silver.

What can I say? I have really old school tastes for RPGs. :3

FF7,6 and Chrono trigger old school? Damn now you guys are really making me feel old. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cry.gif

Jul 28, 2005, 01:12 AM
1. (tie) Panzer Dragoon Saga & Vagrant Story
3. Morrowind GotY
4. KotOR II
5. PSO

For those that have played PDS you know. It truely is a classic. It's stands as my all time fav RPGs. Dragon morphing, battle system, story, art style, music, ect... everything that made that Panzer series excellent as a shooter make it superb as an RPG. The world of Panzer really came through in this one, fully utilizing the interesting art designs to their fullest. The battle system stands with KotOR as my favorite "turn-based" systems. To move around the field to pin point a weakness, then charge the 3 bars and let loose your dragon's harshest attacks are so rewarding. Add to that a fulflling ending to the overall Panzer story. If only a remake of this was possible.

Now Vagrant Story could be more of a tactic game than an "true" RPG, but this was one hell of ride. The weapon selection/creation still amazes. The story keeps you going straight through to the end, sadly leaving you wanting more... but with some good replay value to boot this one is fully rounded out. Again the art and overall style shine. Many hours lost to this one, but not as much as...

Morrowind Holy s**t! This is what true RPGing is about. Being able to do "anything" was a feat I had not done before in a game(well GTA, but not at this magnitude). Mixed with a fully realized world, an interesting main quests and 2 expansions that furthered your adventure this one is a keep. Though definatly not for everyone. Only Oblivion can top it. Plus the construction kit and mods added to this game like no other(for me at least).

Loved KotOR but thought the story and characters in II were more interesting. Adding to that my Star Wars geekiness and this one is a keeper. Plus I love the battle system. Now the modding team needs to finish up on the "lost" content.

And then there's PSO. What can be said that hasn't been said. It's really the community that has made PSO the long lasting game it is. With it being my first online game venture, it has been well worth it.

Aug 10, 2005, 08:59 PM
I'm counting only traditional Role Playing Games.

In no particular order my favorite 5 Role Playing Games are...

Fire Emblem VII The Blazing Sword for the GBA
Final Fantasy III (VI) for the SNES
Skies of Arcadia for the GCN
Golden Sun for the GBA
Grandia for the PS1

Aug 25, 2005, 01:32 AM
Hi talking rpg dont ask im new here in this area my top 5 game's are
1 Secret of Mana
2 Secret of Evermore
3 Mario rpg
4 FF4
5 3 favs Megaman command mission,Phantisy Star Online Ep 1&2 even 3 those three are tie together.

Aug 25, 2005, 01:50 AM
Final Fantasy Tactics
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
Progress Quest

Aug 25, 2005, 12:21 PM
mine favorites are

1.Guild wars
2.crono trigger
3.phantasy star
5 Secret of mana