View Full Version : I need sleep...

Jul 11, 2005, 02:53 AM
howdy all. it's about 1:44 in the morning for me, and I've been trying to sleep for hours. Yeah, I'm sure alot of you know what I mean. try to sleep, no dice, hop on the computer.

yeah, I've been working full time at McDonalds (been working here for 1 1/2 years) so I can have a little money for tuition this fall. not a biggy. well, it sure as hell is when you're getting a continuous stream of the most rediculous orders imaginable. I swear every bloody Hutterite in the area comes in just to piss me off.

now if that's not bad enough, I'm stuck working with some of the stupidest, obnoxious people around. my city is filled with a bunch of lazy, stupid, irresponsible, drug-using, hicks. the list goes on. they think they're all that, act like they're black and run around the place acting like small children instead of working. what about the managers? they don't seem to care, but if I start to talk with one of the few "good" people, I get reprimanded for being slow. The till and drivethrough crew are always nagging me for their food, even though I am usually the only one around to work. where is everyone else? probably being stupid in a corner somewhere. bah.

feels good to rant. bloody morons...

anyway, I have to put up with that, 8 hours a week 5-6 days a week, for three months straight. not to mention I havn't had a decent night's sleep in about 3 weeks.

my bed is like a rock (one with sharp corners and flat hard parts where there shouldn't be any), my pillows are so compact from use, that they're almost as unmaleable as plywood, and there is no happy medium when it comes to blanket warmth. either too hot or too cold. I also have a history of insomnia, and I'm a light sleeper most of the time.

anyway, that's my story, and I'm sure you're all tired of me complaining. I'm going to attempt to sleep some more, but I probably wont drift off untill 5ish.

can't wait till college...

Jul 11, 2005, 03:41 AM
I know how you feel about the co-workers and sleeping habits.

I ranted about my life/work many a time so I won't go near that barrel of laughs anymore- unless something out of the ordinary happens.

Fast food = hell job

Sucks when your bosses don't care about the workload and don't give you consideration for your part of it.

I have an over 10 year old bunkbed.
The mattresses poke me when I slept on them last. As in the springs shoot out of the padding.

I end up sleeping on either a 2 inch thick "temperpedic" whatever, or a Mickey Mouse foldup padding on the floor. Not fun.

Yeah, usually getting 6 hours of sleep of less on work days, and trying to catch up on my sleep during evenings and or weekends.

Sometimes I can't fall asleep whilst laying for 3-4 hours in complete darkness. Sometimes a jerk brother has his TV on all night-too loud, or some idiot revs their engine/peels out-burns rubber at the stop sign right outside my window.

Also fireworks, one huge one sounded off tonight. :/

Its great how you can put all that aside to do such great (art)work, and handle a pressure work environment. As soon as you get your own space and more free time, in college or otherwise, look out!

Just try to make the best of your situation. Not let life's little rose thorns get you down, look forward to a better tomorrow. Yesterday is the past, good things can happen in the future.

Cliche', easier said than done, yeah. But its what gets us through our lives right?
That and maybe some caffeine boosts every once in a while. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 11, 2005, 07:06 AM
OOoooh, trying being a telemarketer. Thats the worst job ever, the people cuss you out and treat you mean, and 9 times out of 10 your co workers are gonna be idiots along with your supervisor.(DAMN THAT BLOODY SUPERVISOR AT TCIM! MAY HE BURN IN HELL!!!!).........ignore that....

I'm unemployed, i terminated myself(actually i walked off) But before then i can sympathize with you. Going to work dealing with people nagging with you 8 hrs a day 5 days a week for me.

I never had problems with sleep unless i'm trying to force myself due to i'm excited at something thats gonna happen the next day.But i do hate how when your sleep and your awaken by animals, children playing basketball at 3 in the morning, and people that blow their horns around 6 a.m to wake up their friend for work.

Jul 11, 2005, 08:45 AM
I used to work at McDonald's, too, so I can understand some of your frustrations. To get all the regular stuff made and THEN the special orders.. grrr... especially when it was busy.

Jul 11, 2005, 12:19 PM
On 2005-07-11 05:06, InfinityXXX wrote:
OOoooh, trying being a telemarketer. Thats the worst job ever, the people cuss you out and treat you mean, and 9 times out of 10 your co workers are gonna be idiots along with your supervisor.(DAMN THAT BLOODY SUPERVISOR AT TCIM! MAY HE BURN IN HELL!!!!).........ignore that....

You only put up with it for what, a week? At least you no longer have to deal with it while some of us are still stuck. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

I sympathize on the sleep front, with a different kinda problem. I can sleep really well, my bed is comfy. The problem is just that there is a different thing everyday to wake me before I am ready.

1. Douglas calls. Ranted so many times on that I won't repeat.

2. Sun. My bed face directly at the window so the sun can wake me up at 6 if it decides to show up. That was remedied by an eyemask, I am starting to get used to it rather than pull it off my face when I sleep.

3. This morning, it was construction/redecoration in one of the adjacent suites. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but all the sudden loud bangs keep making me jump.

4. Emergency power outage. That made me jump too, way earlier than I want.

So. Anyway. Ya. Seems like I am destined to never wake up feeling refreshed. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Jul 11, 2005, 12:52 PM
lol,That one week, was a week in Hell.Maybe you shoulda been there. I swear the whole mood of the job just makes you depressed. You can be happy goin in but as soon as you enter its just....ugh words can't describe. 12:51 p.m my time. I wonder if Kuda's still asleep.

Jul 11, 2005, 02:50 PM
One solution, you need a new bed. One that doesn't feel like a cement block. The pillows could use replacing too. How old is that stuff?

Jul 12, 2005, 12:59 AM
On 2005-07-11 12:50, ForceOfBrokenGlass wrote:
One solution, you need a new bed. One that doesn't feel like a cement block. The pillows could use replacing too. How old is that stuff?

the bed is about 2 years, but it sucks monkey. the pillows I've had since I was 7. they still have little colorful people and numbers and junk. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

I slept a whole, 2 hours last night. finally drifted off at about 7:30 after my dad yelled at me for being up. work was better tonight. got out early, and a good crew. people I can actually get along with. no rushes either. it was nice. I think I might sleep well tonight.

Jul 12, 2005, 10:25 PM
whiskey or soma usually does the trick. oh wait, still with your folks?... whiskey or soma usually does the trick.

Jul 13, 2005, 07:07 AM
On 2005-07-11 00:53, Scott_Kuda wrote:

can't wait till college...

Yeah, when it's 5 am and you STILL can't get no sleep. Woohoo!

Get used to a schedule of staying up/sleeping. Each one has their own schedule, but it's important that you follow it. Sleep is UNDERrated, it's helluva healthy, and some believe it to be healing.