View Full Version : Earth and Beyond

Ian D
Aug 11, 2002, 02:40 AM
I'm praying no one else made a topic like this, but I want to know how the game is. I was accepted for beta testing but I figured I would have my other computer networked by the time I could download it, so now I can only wait and swear at my networking equipment. [b]Anyways[b], the game looked really good (which is why I joined beta testing) but I can't play it as of yet. Just post how good/bad the game is here and some news for it.

Linkage (http://www.earthandbeyond.ea.com).

Aug 11, 2002, 08:32 AM
The screenshots look pretty cool.

Aug 11, 2002, 09:08 AM
W00T! A fellow tester! Welcome, you have chosen wisely. I'll give you the lowdown on this sweet game.

First of all, this is NOT EQ in space, neither is this a "twitch" game, like Xwing or all of those f-18 games. This is a PSW (persistent-state world), and it acts as such.

Before I begin, you will need an EA account. It's free, and you can get it at the EA website.

When you first start, you will immediately be asked to make a character. There are three races, each with three different proffesions:

Progen-excell at combat, they have several fighting tricks up their sleeve. They are alos best with projectile weaponry. However, they are slow, and have small cargo holds and device slots.

Jenquai-excell at exploration, these guys are very stealthy. they weild beam weapons easiest (though every class starts out with one), and are reactor-effecient, but they have crappy armor and shields that couldn't hold against an abandoned drone (level 0, and I've gotten killed by 1)

Terran-as always, Terrans are some way or another the most balanced. In this case, they are only balanced as they can use either other races technology, except for items with Progen Only or Jenqaui Only on them. They excell at trade, and can fire missle weapons with ease. Sadly, they aren't energy(reactor)-effecient, and they're armor is only average.

The professions are warrior, explorer, and tradesman. Sadly, the Terran explorer, Progen tradesman, and Jenquai tradesman are all locked until after the game goes live.

when you decide on your class, you then create your avatar, or actual person. You can choose between Gender, Hair styles and colors, face types, head shapes, skin color, eye color, tattoes, glasses, ear pieces, clothing style, and have 2 paint schemes for each piece of clothing, shirts and pants. Lastly, you pick you Proportion. You can use the arrows, or drag the slider urself, it doesn't matter.

After your avatar comes the look of your ship, you can choose between three hull types and three wing types, then you can paint it. This painting is more complex. you can choose between your hull, wings, profesion (tail section, or for Progen, the big struts on your ship), and your engine, the least noticeable detail. There's a primary and secondary area to paint for each, and you can choose between glossy or flat paint. Or, you can pick one of the three metals for that section, silver, gold, or bronze(I think it's bronze), or even randamize it and pick what you like. After your paint, pick a decal, several to choose from. Finally, name your ship. The name will be on your hull and wings, and you can color it as well, and the ship name isn't bound by the "Letter only" thing like your actual name.

Finally, you make your avatar name, decide whether you want to play through the tutorial or not, and select your galaxy (only one right now). I'll let Megan tell you the rest.

This game is awesome, although the last few patches have ruined a few things. Which reminds me, expect some Godzilla-sized patching, like 2 hours long, at least on one of them, unless you get lucky or somthing, and you don't have to patch that. Also, servers are on from 7AM to 12PM, Pacific time.

I look forward to meeting anyone here who was accepted in the beta. Look for Raventw (hehehe, guess where I got the PSOW name), Innuendo, or Valkrie, and if you need anything, I'll be happy to help. If you can't find me (big surprise), go to your friends list, in the Group button above the chat interface. Put all of those names in, and see if I'm on, or just give me the name of your avatar on this thread. Either way, Welcome to Earth and Beyond!

P.S. Was hoping someone would make an E&B thread! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Ian D
Aug 11, 2002, 09:59 AM
Okay, I'll probably be on sometime this week if I can get the network up. I'll post what my name will be when I actually download the game.

Aug 11, 2002, 01:22 PM
Cool, can't wait. Tell me which class you'll get, if you get a warrior(doesn't matter which race, every race has a warrior class available, all with different skills), I can help you as soon as you get to your first duty station.

Aug 11, 2002, 03:42 PM
I wanna be a beta tester! T-T

Ian D
Aug 11, 2002, 04:07 PM
On 2002-08-11 13:42, Shadow_Blade wrote:
I wanna be a beta tester! T-T

Then signup >>;

Ian D
Aug 11, 2002, 04:08 PM
On 2002-08-11 13:42, Shadow_Blade wrote:
I wanna be a beta tester! T-T

Then signup >>;

Aug 11, 2002, 04:49 PM
I think I got picked as a beta tester for this, but turned it down. lol.

Aug 11, 2002, 05:09 PM
You WHAT??? Why did you do that??? Well, more E&B for me http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Aug 12, 2002, 08:16 AM
I have been accepted as a beta applicant, but i haven't tried it yet. What is expected from a beta tester anyway.

He, maybe we could meet on PSO, if the european server is still connected to the american one. I live in Holland.

Aug 12, 2002, 08:39 AM
Basically, beta tester provide feedback on how the game is, as weel as report any bugs they might have encountered. (sometimes NPCs tell you that they're having an error, warn you it's a bug, then tell you to report it)

Aug 12, 2002, 08:22 PM
Looks like a good game.

Ian D
Aug 12, 2002, 10:20 PM
On 2002-08-12 18:22, Ness wrote:
Looks like a good game.

That it does my friend.

Aug 12, 2002, 10:34 PM
YOSHI, gotten the game downloaded yet? Sadly, the servs are down indefinetly, probably due to the bugs they encountered while they were moving the servers to a new location.

Aug 22, 2002, 07:45 AM
Oke, I signed up for the Beta test and am now waiting for an answer.

RavenTW, do you know any Dutch people who play Earth & Beyond? I would love to meet them.

Aug 22, 2002, 08:15 AM
Dutch? No, maybe a few UK, and a German or two, but no Dutch.

Also, for those who sign up Westwood picks people every month, so You'll have to wait 'till September before you know or not. I signed up three times, and eventually, all three were accepted! (But, since my most recent entree was accepted, i didn't confirm my acceptance on the other 2, although I was hoping Dad would like to play)

Another note to Beta Testers: WW has decided to reward betas testers with a program for those who pre-order E&B. Also, anyone who pre-orders will immediately enter the beta if the order from EB, Amazon.com, and Gamestop. Link: http://test.earthandbeyond.ea.com/news/news_article.jsp?news_id=140