View Full Version : FanArt: Lex Luther is Brainiac.. I think..

Jul 16, 2005, 03:31 PM
I dont know If anyone realized but I am sort of a JLU fan. In anticipation for this weeks new episode.. well that and I was really bored yesterday.. I wipped this up in about 25 minutes.. the shadding took a couple of hours.. lol..

Well, for all of u that care..
Lex has been showing off some superstrength in the series lately and no one knows why? Well as it turns out Brainiac (a Superman villan.. go figure) is inside of luthor..

So this is either a clone of luthor thats really brainiac in disquise.. or the real luthor with a creamy Brainiac Filling..

Fan of JLU or not.. Hope u enjoy.. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif


Not to bost, but I knew I had done a good job when my brother came home and saw it for the first time.. never knowing what had happend to luther looked at the picture and said... HEY THATS LEX LUTHER..
I thought to myself.. ah mission acomplished...!!

Those of u that draw cartoon charecters know what I mean..

Jul 16, 2005, 03:49 PM
Thats great!
Fantastic talent.