View Full Version : Jesus Christ F*** MySpace

Jul 18, 2005, 04:40 AM

Jesus Christ... MySpace is so retarded I swear to God.

Supposely it's a blog/journal website gone mad. What is it? Ok... basically, you're given a homepage for yourself directly after you input e-mail, name, etc.
You post blogs like on live journal, and people interested in your blog may post depending on the limit of the type of posters... what it has that other blogger sites may not have is a comment section, mail section, pictures, favorites, and ratings.

Picture rant - 10 pictures... good enough. Why in God's name are people sticking all these mother fuckin pictures on their profile. I know what you fuckin look like dammit, stop showing all these pictures of you and your stupid friends gettin drunk and partying and shit. All I see on some of these profiles are stupid modeling pics (probably not even theirs) and pictures of women degrading themselves... what the fuck man? Now everyone knows you're a cheap slut and they'll find you, pretend to be your friend... get you drunk, and fuckin slam you so hard til you pass out. Next thing you know you're fucking pregnant because you GOT DRUNK! So why? Why in the fuck are you doing this? I don't wanna see 3000 pictures of you being bored? What the hell.
Now if you're showing you with friends oh well... as long as they're not stupid pictures. A waste of space retard.

MODELS/ACTORS/SINGERS- NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. PLEASE STOP IT... After seeing some odd accounts with models and shit. I got tired of it. Fanboys and shit making accounts all the fucking time. And all the idiots who fall for it... Shut the fuck up and delete them off the account! THEY ARE SO STUPID!

HTML - Look, I'm fine with the customization of the sites and all... but you're utterly "TARDED". Stop putting in wack ass videos and songs on your page...

Pretty Ricky

They're not even good singers and shit they fucking suck ass... dammit... Go ahead and shoot yourself in the head with a nail gun because you already suck and wreak of idiocy.

Spam Accounts - Why in the hell are there automated people now? They're pretending to be from this area you live in... and I'm all like.. I don't live in Turtle Creek anymore... leave me alone you fucking retarded horny bitch! STOP E-MAILING ME!

Underaged Girls- YOU MUST WANNA BE RAPED BECAUSE YOU'RE FAKING YOUR AGES AND MAKING ACCOUNTS AT AGES 19+ And you got these old ass men telling you how they wanna fuck you and you still keep teasing them. Go on... get raped... THATS MY NEW SLOGAN. Shit, you're not supposed to have MySpace in the first place. Get a fucking job.

Females on MS - What the fuck? All these whores complaining about 24305983450983405 e-mails that they get on MySpace... well if you put a little more on than just a fucking thong and cowboy hat... you might not get many requests and mail. Look ugly in a picture... dress in a potato sack. YOU'RE A RETARD! You shouldn't even discuss the shit. Stop looking like a goddamn whore and maybe you'll reduce the size of your mail.

Males on MS- There's a bunch of dogs who say I love you and they have like more chicks on their account than males... Cuz they want booty. IF YOU DONT GET ANY ATTENTION FROM ANY FEMALE YOU DONT KNOW JUST DELETE THEIR ASSES. Easy as cake. Stop complaining about how no one loves you and fucking do it. Shit. Friend Counts is NOT a fucking race to see who has how many friends. You'll always be 498753498057 less than the creator. Nimrods

Dating through MS- It's ok to meet someone you knew or know from internet. Yeah blog it or keep it to yourself. We read it. It's alright. It's the year 2005. DON'T GO AROUND BRAGGING ABOUT THE FUCKING SHIT. You know a male talks to get ass, and females tease until they get raped and shit... big deal.
But always remember... MySpace is meant for 2 major things JOURNAL and FINDING/MEETING FRIENDS... not finding someone who's gonna give you AIDS and shit.
Just because you can meet them doesn't mean you have to fucking bang them in the ass and shit. Damn

And my newest hatred... OVERPASSING "Barubary/Myria/Jeff"


TILA NGUYEN... aka Tequila or whoever the fuck she think she is...

What the fuck man shes such a fucking slutbag i swear look...

Man that bitch fuckin sucks so much fuckin dick. Fuck that ho. She needs to be slapped with her trick ass.

I was reading all this shit people post on her page it's so fuckin funny.
She makes a blog, and like 10 million people posts on the motha fucka... she she doesn't even reply. Everyone says hi and expects some sort of answer from her, but they S.O.L. (shit outta luck) cuz no one gets a reply "whooomp whooomp" motha fuckas. I'm not gonna stress the shit too much because I know celebs... but everyone of us know all that plastic cali girls are just as retarded as the no-brainers on her friend's list.

I never wanted her on my list... Never wanted to be on her list... never want to talk to her... nadda.... zip... zeeeeeeeeeeero.... shit. NEVER!

If I could get her e-mail and password and change all that shit on her page I will... but then again I'm too nice. I don't have too much time to rant on her ass or anyone else's... that's it for now. Fuck her... Fuck MySpace... Fuck Blogging. I'm ranting on here again because I feel at home and I'm sure you all are on my side and against this so-called commercialism of sex a.k.a. MySpace... it's ok to be on there but I'm saying it's idiotic... and with all those chain letters... way too retarded.

Ok I love you all! I wish you all a hell of a mother fucking day!

~C A P C O M~

P.S. oooh god... I left out the fucking Garage Bands and shit... The music completely SUCKS! Jesus fucking Christ... WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would post weak ass shit on their page... only 1 good rapper on that whole entire site... but the rock music's gotta suck hard ass... it should be that way...


...I guess everybody wants to be a fucking millionaire nowadays.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BogusKun on 2005-07-18 02:43 ]</font>

Jul 18, 2005, 06:50 AM

I got tired just reading your anger in there.

First thing.
Glad to see you got the hell out of there with most of your braincells intact.

After seeingg that crappy site once firsthand, concerning idiotic high schol kids posting about how this weird internet girl likes him and how someone posted and they have a crush and they're gonna see em at school tomorrow, oooh!!!01011!! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Second thing.
You got your name spammed onto a Tila Nguyen account? Without your consent? Otherwise, how else can you type out such a response. If her doing whatever she does offends you, its not your worry since you can ignore the person entirely, but what happened with your name being linked there? Anything bad.

Also you might want to clean up your post, ALOT.
A lot of kids come here, so the site is labeled quietly as PG-13.

That was a hefty rant. Good you got it out. Just take out the inappropriate stuff, please- for the sake of everyone here, whether they are adults or not.

Jul 18, 2005, 07:46 AM
haha! I found this rant to be amusing. Yeah I know what you mean. I have a myspace account that I check regularly. But I only have 38 friends, and for good reason. I'm fucking sick of stupid asses posting annoying ass bulletins...like this one guy on my friends list who's like "OMG I HAVE A NEW PICTURE COMMENT NOW!!!"...."HEY GUYS NEW PICS!!"..."NEW ARTWORK PLEASE COMMENT!!"....it's so fucking annoying.

Most of the people on my friends list are people I know in real life or once knew. People from high school that I used to talk to and don't anymore. Its a good way to keep in touch with some people who are far away.

As with "Myspace" celebrities..it's pathetic. Also, try searching Paris Hilton, you will get about 300 matches, all paris hiltons claiming to be the real one. It's so fucking pathetic...it makes me sick.

Charles actually fell in love with this girl off of Myspace. They talk on the phone all the time now, and he went to the movies with her once. Which makes me want to regret ever finding myspace in the first place.

Jul 18, 2005, 08:27 AM
Females on MS - What the fuck? All these whores complaining about 24305983450983405 e-mails that they get on MySpace... well if you put a little more on than just a fucking thong and cowboy hat... you might not get many requests and mail. Look ugly in a picture... dress in a potato sack. YOU'RE A RETARD! You shouldn't even discuss the shit. Stop looking like a goddamn whore and maybe you'll reduce the size of your mail.

Males on MS- There's a bunch of dogs who say I love you and they have like more chicks on their account than males... Cuz they want booty. IF YOU DONT GET ANY ATTENTION FROM ANY FEMALE YOU DONT KNOW JUST DELETE THEIR ASSES. Easy as cake. Stop complaining about how no one loves you and fucking do it. Shit. Friend Counts is NOT a fucking race to see who has how many friends. You'll always be 498753498057 less than the creator. Nimrods

Welcome to the internet, I have pamphlets available at the front service counter for information regarding the wonderful interweb universe. Restrooms are at the front of the compound, cafeteria in the middle. Enjoy your stay.

Jul 18, 2005, 10:21 AM

Well. i use Xanga,(FictionXX) and i've never really checked anyone elses stuff so i don't know if xanga is like myspace.

Errmmm but thats the internet...*enough said*

Jul 18, 2005, 10:46 AM
I hate myspace, it's just another outlet for cheating partners to find a target.

But Tila is fairly attractive, or at least she used to be. I didn't know she was on there.

The entire internet is a disgusting cesspool of people looking spread their seeds. The wonderful chat interfaces have helped break down communication. It's all about the biggest schlong, the biggest boobins, the fattest buns. Sick stuff.

Of course, cellphones have done the same thing.

Basically, anytime an opportunity for secrecy opens up to a person, whether they are in a committed relationship or not, lust has the chance of grabbing a hold of them and ripping them away from their correct path.

Fuck myspace, that damn site can go to hell. Fuck AOL, it's the worlds largest swinging network. Fuck cell phones, it lets people get away with shit they shouldn't be doing. Fuck email, it's the same as a cell phone. Or better yet... fuck dishonesty of all kinds.

Jul 18, 2005, 03:28 PM
True, in most cases, however, at the moment, the Internet is enabling my wife and I to keep in contact every day while I'm in the US and she's in China, which would simply not be possible by other means (International phone cards are waaay too expensive for basic chatter). There *are* some legitimate uses for messaging services, just that a lot of lame immature people use it for more, abnormal, means.

Jul 18, 2005, 06:43 PM
On 2005-07-18 04:50, HAYABUSA-FMW- wrote:

After seeingg that crappy site once firsthand, concerning idiotic high schol kids posting about how this weird internet girl likes him and how someone posted and they have a crush and they're gonna see em at school tomorrow, oooh!!!01011!! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Second thing.
You got your name spammed onto a Tila Nguyen account? Without your consent? Otherwise, how else can you type out such a response. If her doing whatever she does offends you, its not your worry since you can ignore the person entirely, but what happened with your name being linked there? Anything bad.

Actually it's people who make a "local" account in bigger cities of america, put 1 picture of a chick and e-mail you talking about meeting up... and give you a link to some porno/swinging site.

About the comment section... yeah what sucks so much about it is that, people tend to leave stupid comments saying "Oh remember when..." or "you got so drunk..." when all they do is crave attention.

I only have so few people on my list probably because I rather get around and meet people in person than through to internet. My uncle once told me, these days most females (even males) looking for love don't stop until they find it. If they're so quick to give it up... who knows who they ran into in the process.

On 2005-07-18 05:46, Evil_Althena8 wrote:
haha! I found this rant to be amusing. Yeah I know what you mean. I have a myspace account that I check regularly. But I only have 38 friends, and for good reason. I'm fucking sick of stupid asses posting annoying ass bulletins...like this one guy on my friends list who's like "OMG I HAVE A NEW PICTURE COMMENT NOW!!!"...."HEY GUYS NEW PICS!!"..."NEW ARTWORK PLEASE COMMENT!!"....it's so fucking annoying.

Most of the people on my friends list are people I know in real life or once knew. People from high school that I used to talk to and don't anymore. Its a good way to keep in touch with some people who are far away.

Yeah, I understand... because all I saw was chain letters... and annoying posts about new pictures... it's a blog. Not a fashion show.

I actually found some friends and familiar faces/classmates through there.

On 2005-07-18 08:46, trypticon wrote:
I hate myspace, it's just another outlet for cheating partners to find a target.

But Tila is fairly attractive, or at least she used to be. I didn't know she was on there.

The entire internet is a disgusting cesspool of people looking spread their seeds. The wonderful chat interfaces have helped break down communication. It's all about the biggest schlong, the biggest boobins, the fattest buns. Sick stuff.

Of course, cellphones have done the same thing.

Basically, anytime an opportunity for secrecy opens up to a person, whether they are in a committed relationship or not, lust has the chance of grabbing a hold of them and ripping them away from their correct path.

Fuck myspace, that damn site can go to hell. Fuck AOL, it's the worlds largest swinging network. Fuck cell phones, it lets people get away with shit they shouldn't be doing. Fuck email, it's the same as a cell phone. Or better yet... fuck dishonesty of all kinds.

Technology is ruining our social lives... I remember those old Hollywood stories about the night life and all... Even people who weren't famous such as nerds, geeks, pong-players, ugly and/or fat people had lots of fun. Why can't we have that anymore? Where everyone is cool and attractive not by what they look like on the outside. It's like the internet tells us what to do and see.

Jul 18, 2005, 09:20 PM
Don't hate myspace, its actually a great setup site.

Hate (I guess) most of the people who go to it---a lot of it is just a way for attention and to promote yourself---but yeah, that's the people's choice.

Really, just worry about your own blog and not other peoples' I guess.

Jul 18, 2005, 11:30 PM
True... but then again. Someone is using my friend's image for an account... sayin she's 16, loves sex, this and that....

My friend isn't even like that and she's 19.

Jul 20, 2005, 01:55 AM
i personally have one and i'm 19. the whole reason i got it was to meet up with a really good friend from when i lived in tahoe. granted its helped in other areas too, i've also gotten a few small freelance graphic design jobs from people there. i didn't get rich or anything but hell i made enough to pay for pso for a good long time. theres plenty of annoying crap there but ultimately its been a good experience.

Jul 20, 2005, 02:59 PM
Blah, if you think myspace is bad, should've seen thedilly last year, they started mass deleting everyone who wasn't 18.....now there are MUCH LESS underage people with more adult sensitive profiles.
In a way i miss some of them, cause about 85% of them there were just into random banter and chatting, and i'd say the other 15% were asking for trouble......still best to cover your own ass

Jul 20, 2005, 04:06 PM
I've had one for a while, but I use it to keep in touch with friends who don't get on AIM. Although those bulletins can be quite annoying.

Jul 21, 2005, 02:18 AM
The very second I realized what this topic was about, I agreed with it. Journals/blog = emo

Jul 22, 2005, 01:45 AM
On 2005-07-20 12:59, DarkEliteRico wrote:
Blah, if you think myspace is bad, should've seen thedilly last year, they started mass deleting everyone who wasn't 18.....now there are MUCH LESS underage people with more adult sensitive profiles.
In a way i miss some of them, cause about 85% of them there were just into random banter and chatting, and i'd say the other 15% were asking for trouble......still best to cover your own ass

I heard most of the people there are racist and use INDIRECT terms to keep from getting in trouble. Probably because 93% of the people are not black. My friend posted a comment there and everyone was all on him for no reason. But dilly is more of a ridiculously base for popularity anyways... it's not considered a blog site tho there is a feature I heard.

On 2005-07-21 00:18, Fossil wrote:
The very second I realized what this topic was about, I agreed with it. Journals/blog = emo

Thumbs up to that man

Jul 22, 2005, 01:03 PM
On 2005-07-21 00:18, Fossil wrote:
The very second I realized what this topic was about, I agreed with it. Journals/blog = emo

Yeah, of course.

Not like you can't just write about your life.

Who does that anymore?