View Full Version : Gib Help on Saint-Emillion

Jul 22, 2005, 04:20 PM
I'm getting my ass handed to me by this stupid boss with my level 38 fonewearl in normal mode.

I had no problem defeating him even up through VH mode with my Hucast, but he's giving my Fonewearl one hell of a time.

I stripped her of all the mind units and replaced them with a Cure Freeze (thank you Rico Royal) and 3 Dragon HP's to get my HP up to where I can survive all one-hit attacks - cept one.

The first time I battled the snake, I went through all five scapes she had trying to figure out the darvants and which magic to use. Still not sure about the darvants, but it seems if I can dodge most of their attacks and focus on hitting the glowing red ones, Saint-Emillion surfaces for some damage - if I'm wrong here, let me know.

First stage seems to be vulnerable to zonde and that goes well enough, second stage seems to be vulnerable to foie as does final stage. On my first battle I had that damn thing down to one body spot left before he comboed me back up to the ship.

Second time, I had just finished off the second stage when he did that big greenlight thing and without scapes, back up to the ship I went.

So, question is, is their a better way to deal with the darvants? Is the magic plan for a fone zonde-foie-foie? And, am I missing an area I can stand and deal damage while taking less damage?

Ya, I know, go level her up a bit and try again and that's what I'm doing. I was just sooooo close!

And that's the easy one of the three - yikes!!!

Jul 22, 2005, 09:27 PM
Tech weaknesses and attack values (http://www.tychopso.oddigytitanium.com/EP4Monsters.html)?
But your level is low for Saint-Milion, like it's hard to solo Olga at that level. You could try to get some more HP Materials.
Ah, and um. When it uses the laser, hide behind the rocks. When it uses its Divine Punishment attack, I think you get less damage the further you are away from the orb in the center.

Jul 22, 2005, 09:43 PM
Thanks Tycho - I'll try those tips.

Thing is, I can solo both Falz and Flow at that level - all that c-moding paid off - and I was just a few hits away from finishing Saint-Emilion. I just don't know the strategies/patterns as well as I know the other bosses yet.

I'm going to grab a handful of scapes and go back and beat that beast down - just hope the other two don't show up instead.

WOW - looked at that chart - sweet - awesome stuff there - thanks!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sitka on 2005-07-22 19:45 ]</font>