View Full Version : PSO GC to Support Progressive Scan?

Aug 14, 2002, 12:39 PM
Just bought a Component Video Cable from NCS and have been loving the Progressive goodness ^_^; Does anyone know if PSO GC will support Progressive scan (like Wave Race does)?

Aug 14, 2002, 06:58 PM
This one has been done before and I think the answer was yes.

Aug 14, 2002, 11:03 PM
Actually, what was asked before was if the trial supported progressive scan. To which the answer was a resounding "I don't know". However, it was speculated that it would support progressive scan.

Aug 15, 2002, 07:11 AM
So whats a progessive scan? for all who dont know the term.

Aug 15, 2002, 08:20 AM
Hey i'll answer that before mag comes in hear and disses me or something for being a fanboy (I don't understand either but he's crazy like that http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif)! Ok what most see when they are playing a game is an interlaced image... This means that every other line is a composite of what the image should look like (one line "real image" one line composite); hence one is darker than the other. When you have a component video hook up it displays a very high image quality (color, clarity, etc) but if your tv supports it (as well as the game system) you can view the image as one continous image without the "gaps" present in an interlaced picture.

Aug 15, 2002, 08:33 AM
component video basically supercedes s-video as the 'clearest picture king.' By seperating the colors more in the cables, there's less "bleeding" of colors on screen. Mostly on seen on the newer tv's 27" and up, as well as medium to higher-end DVD players. If you ever see video input/outputs that are blue or green next to a red one and go "what the hell?"- those are for component video. like Reav, i only know of component cables for the xbox... the nice fat Monster cables costing 45 bucks, last time i checked...yeow. The technology has been around for some time now, so i really doubt nintendo would be foolish enough to have not made the GC component-ready

Aug 15, 2002, 08:38 AM
Yeah I got the Xbox High Definition Kit (the component hook ups) awhile back but I've been scouting around for the GC component video cables... Ended up costing me $50 with shipping >_<! The thing with GC is that only certain titles can be played using progressive scan (I have no idea why) whereas on Xbox u can just activate it in the options menu and it works for all games...

Aug 15, 2002, 05:27 PM
PAL GC games don't have the Progressive Scan option.
So EU gamers are screwed (as usual).
The only hope is to use Freeloader (shipping soon), and see if a US game on a PAL GC still has the option.

Not all Xbox games play in progressive scan.
about 80% do.

Aug 15, 2002, 05:33 PM
Saff you have it the wrong way around.. PAL GCs can't output progressive scan. I wouldn't be surprised if it was left in PAL Ep2 for example, but simply couldn't be implemented on a PAL GC.

Aug 15, 2002, 05:42 PM
progressive scan all lines are refreshed every frame, on interlaced pictures you are only getting half the lines every frame.

Aug 15, 2002, 05:50 PM
So what I gather from all this is PSO GC might have progressive scan (at least for the US version)?

Aug 16, 2002, 04:30 AM
It would be very surprising if it didn't have it.

As for PAL GC, I have asked on specialized boards, and that was the answer I got.
Until we can try Us games on PAL GC, we won't know for sure if PAL GC are doomed...

as time passes, I'm less and less interested in GC PSO. Problem being I can't shell out so much money for just one game.
(gotta import a Us/Jp GC for progressive, add UPS and import tax (20%) for it and keyboard+mem card+BBA+prog. video cable+PSO = BIG OUCHIE)

My cures for my PSO addiction are to realize how bad Sega/ST has treated us as customers.
No communication.
No explanation or apologises for unjustified server breakdowns during week-ends, rampant cheating, etc ..
Play thousand of hours and then being told to just toss all of it away and start from zero again.
Being kept in total ignorance as to upcoming title (PSO Xbox : Jp live launch title)
I'm slowly getting disgusted of it all.

My pain relievers are Halo, Gunvalkyrie, DOA3 (box), Vantage Master Japan (jp Win), and soon Shining Lore (Win) I hope.
Ikaruga (DC) in less than a month.

Thinking of DOA X and panzer dragoon helps too.

Sorry for the babble .. couldn't help myself. had to spill it out.

Please no one take it as flame or anything.
just mindless expression. quite sad realization in fact.

Communication with customers should be a priority for all firms. Having a great game is no excuse for no communication.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: saffaya on 2002-08-16 02:32 ]</font>

Aug 16, 2002, 07:05 AM
Thanks for the discription guys!!