View Full Version : News on GTA

Jul 26, 2005, 05:38 PM
News for GTA: San Andreas.

1)They changed the ESRB rating to AO.
2)They plan to ban the game.

I found this out this morning, any thoughts? Personaly I thought Rockstar was asking for it.

Jul 26, 2005, 05:50 PM
They were indeed asking for it.
I'm just wondering how this is going to affect the series in general though? Bigger delays? Far less graphic and adult content? (Which to some is a good thing.)
Rockstar were on the edge of decencey anyway, even by my standards(!) and this time, they went a little too far.

Jul 26, 2005, 06:11 PM
Rockstars = Idiots for not admitting there was code left over

Politicians Fighting GTA = Politically correct, clueless idiots only out to further their political carear through half truths.

The whole thing was blown out of proportion, a stupid arguement brought up by someone with an axe to grind. An idiot who is now claiming The Sims 2 is a pedophile's paradise (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=60190). Jack Thompson shows a lack of knowledge in the field of modding and doesnt seem to be able to seperate stuff produced by the developers and stuff produced by Users.

Hot Coffee was User made in the long run. User Made Code enabled the modification and nothing was released by Rockstar to enabled the mode. But they were idiots to hide the code in the long run.

Jul 26, 2005, 07:01 PM
whats worse?

1. shooting everyone in a city, running crowds over, having sex with a hooker and killing her to get your money back or...
2. having sex.

Whats worse?

1. Politicians being hypocrites or
2. Politicians limiting adults (18+) video gaming freedom by banning a game because they are hypocrites.

I vote for 1 on both.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: digigram on 2005-07-26 17:01 ]</font>

Jul 26, 2005, 07:25 PM
On 2005-07-26 16:11, Deathscythealpha wrote:
Rockstars = Idiots for not admitting there was code left over

Politicians Fighting GTA = Politically correct, clueless idiots only out to further their political carear through half truths.

The whole thing was blown out of proportion, a stupid arguement brought up by someone with an axe to grind. An idiot who is now claiming The Sims 2 is a pedophile's paradise (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=60190). Jack Thompson shows a lack of knowledge in the field of modding and doesnt seem to be able to seperate stuff produced by the developers and stuff produced by Users.

Hot Coffee was User made in the long run. User Made Code enabled the modification and nothing was released by Rockstar to enabled the mode. But they were idiots to hide the code in the long run.

On 2005-07-26 17:01, digigram wrote:
whats worse?

1. shooting everyone in a city, running crowds over, having sex with a hooker and killing her to get your money back or...
2. having sex.

Whats worse?

1. Politicians being hypocrites or
2. Politicians limiting adults (18+) video gaming freedom by banning a game because they are hypocrites.

I vote for 1 on both.

I fucking love you people. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

But yeah, my basic feelings are summed up by the above statements, as well as the latest page from Maddox.

Jul 26, 2005, 09:11 PM
Yeah... I thought the news was funny

We had to take all of our copies out of the store where I work (Blockbuster) and remove all GTA paraphenalia from the store...

Also we had to place a bunch of new posters describing all of the different game ratings (as if anyone cares or actually obeys)

I'm sorry but, the game deserved it...

I vote 1 on both too, digi..

Jul 26, 2005, 10:43 PM
Yay! Wazzy's back!


On 2005-07-26 17:01, digigram wrote:
whats worse?

1. shooting everyone in a city, running crowds over, having sex with a hooker and killing her to get your money back or...
2. having sex.

Whats worse?

1. Politicians being hypocrites or
2. Politicians limiting adults (18+) video gaming freedom by banning a game because they are hypocrites.

Couldn't have said it better, even though I absolutely hate the game http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

We have Hillary Clinton complaining about how the ESRB didn't do a good job on rating this game blah blah blah. To that, I say "They do an excellent job in rating games and they have been doing an excellent job in enforcing pollicies to avoid as many problems as possible." I could imagine her or any other politician rating a game.

Idiot: I give this game an M rating.
Developer: But sir, this is Reader Rabbit 6.

Lets just see what happens with the PSP title, Liberty City Stories...

Jul 26, 2005, 11:04 PM
Personally, I couldn't give two shits for the GTA series. Although, I feel sorry for Rockstar in that they are the current targets of Hillary and her screaming, ranting, and ravings. Anyone who is under that should be pitied.

Jul 27, 2005, 01:13 AM
Sigh, so this means they'll be no GTA: SA price drop? Darnit, shoulda bought it while i had the chance, in a few years, a copy of that game will be worth a bundle on ebay...probably.

Yeah, Rockstar shouldnt have left the code in, but since it's technically "in" there, theres no choice but to do what was done. Sad, really.

I think its funny how the people that protest this game the most are those that have probably seen the least of it, otherwise they would have noticed the interesting story and the social commentary that is all over this game. From what ive heard, the ESRB rating thing is based on a submission of a game's most "extreme" content, and then a rating is based on that content. My guess is these politician guys have only seen the hookers and the "rather cartoon like" violence rather than things like the strong position agaisnt drugs and drug use,

Maybe if we spent our attention on real issues like ACTUAL hookers on the streets, there wouldnt be games with hookers in em. Besides, from what i heard, the infamous minigame in question involved the main characters girlfriend in consensual sex, no rape, no hookers. Guess we gotta get all those skanky girlfriends off the streets as well, lol.

If you look at something like this narrowly, you lose sight of what the maker truly intended.

Unforgiven, Scarface, Casino, The Godfather, Get Carter (lol). ect. Violent movies who have been critically acclaimed and in the case of Scarface, considered as one of the best movies ever. What if we only judged these by their most "extreme content"? Same difference.

Jul 27, 2005, 01:58 AM
yeah the game goes for a bundle on ebay. bought a few copies myself so now i have one for each system...anyways my view on the whole thing.

yeah rockstar was a little stupid for leaving it in there but meh. also i think game makers should be able to put whatever the friggin want into a title. if the next GTA has you raping pigs good for rockstar, i hope it bothers people. if you dont like it dont do it in game, or if you find the entire concept offensive oh jeeze dont buy it! and seriously, parents need to take some fucking responsibility for their kids. its their job to make sure their child doesn't get exposed to things they decide are innapropriate. besides if you're gonna come down on rockstar for keeping but not using the content in the game you should come down on google and yahoo for coming up with porn when you search for half-life 2.

on a side note, i dont condone the molestation of animals, i was only using the pig thing as an example.

Jul 27, 2005, 02:08 AM
When i got to work and read the note sent to us by the warehouse saying to take down all the games and send them back, i laughed....i must have laughed on and off the rest of that night. Thinking about it, i laugh more. Uh...yeah, i think Grand Theft Auto is one of those games that promote the kind of negative actions people think is cool. Every time i hear about a theft, or a death, i think "Wow..someone played the wrong games when they were a kid."

Now, if you think about the games i play, you'd probably say that some are promoting death and stuff [I'm talking about Devil May Cry]. Only the difference is, i know it's not real and would never think about doing the things i see although....if i could have Dante's clothes and Ebony and Ivory...that would be cool...i'd even settle for the amulet him and Virgil have http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif.

Anyways, i'm glad someone found the hidden sex stuff or whatever and it got taken off the shelves and a possible ban. Er...please don't hate me too much

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zelutos on 2005-07-27 00:09 ]</font>

Jul 27, 2005, 11:58 AM
On 2005-07-26 23:13, Graptakular83 wrote:
Sigh, so this means they'll be no GTA: SA price drop? Darnit, shoulda bought it while i had the chance, in a few years, a copy of that game will be worth a bundle on ebay...probably.

Just import a copy of the PAL Version. Luckily for us, the BBFC had the common sense to realise the content was not part of the Standard Shipped Game and GTA:SA did not have a sex minigame shipped with it.

And I had feared common sense had died everywhere.

*Salutes BBFC*

Jul 27, 2005, 11:25 PM
On 2005-07-27 00:08, Zelutos wrote:
"Wow..someone played the wrong games when they were a kid."

I know some how I am going to lose this battle but alas I should try.

I don't think the kid played the wrong type of games. I don't think that games should be the main scapegoat for why someone does something wrong. I think it should be placed largely on the parents.

Every time I read a politicians statement on the game they say that the "M" label does not tell parents exactly what is in the game and the "Ao" rating will help(Yes, I know the "Ao" rated games are not sold in major retailers). Isn't the difference between the ratings miniscule though. Like a one year difference. Doesn't it also tell you what is in the game such as "Strong Sexual Content, Strong Violence ect.". Shouldn't the parents know if they are buying "Numbers Muncher" or "GTA:SA". Even the "Video Game Report Card" which reports how well retailers and game publishers and ESRB...people are doing with the ESRB and even that says there needs to be more parental interaction in what the children buy.

Also by the way you say banned I am suspecting that you mean banned from being sold. Is this correct?

I need something cleared too. So in the GTA:SA game there is partial code which is a fully loaded "sex scene". Now there is a sex scene in the game but it's clothed and to get this sex scene unclothed they need to acctually need to go get a mod off the internet to get it this way.

Do I have this correct?

Jul 28, 2005, 12:39 AM
Err. Zelutos meant that sarcastically. It probably didn't look like it, but his next paragraph explaining that he currently plays a M rated game: Devil May Cry, and it doesn't have any effect on his pysche and mental well being.

I'm not 100% sure either on the details. But I read over what DeathScytheAlpha said and it seems that way Shattered_Weasel.

Jul 28, 2005, 02:07 AM
Well sarcasm is a hard thing to spot...http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Jul 28, 2005, 09:30 AM
To Quote Conan O'Brien

Parents had this to say about the game:
"We let them buy an 'M' rated game for violence and bloodshed, rather than for sex."

No matter what, it all comes down to the parents protecting their children from such images, and the company isn't at fault so future games shouldn't be censored.

However, yeah rockstar was stupid for lying about it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SpikeOtacon on 2005-07-28 07:32 ]</font>

Jul 28, 2005, 12:03 PM
They deserve it.

Sorry if I sound too mean but I never liked GTA especailly San Andreas.(I protested it)

(Finally theres a black guy as a lead charater http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Oh, but wait, hes a criminal. Great way to potray us blacks to other countries that barely have african americans or anyone of african descent! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif)

Anyways, his code, what is it? I never heard of it but i did hear about the game going from M to AO on Fox news.

Jul 29, 2005, 09:54 PM
On 2005-07-28 10:03, InfinityXXX wrote:
They deserve it.

Sorry if I sound too mean but I never liked GTA especailly San Andreas.(I protested it)

(Finally theres a black guy as a lead charater http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Oh, but wait, hes a criminal. Great way to potray us blacks to other countries that barely have african americans or anyone of african descent! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif)

Anyways, his code, what is it? I never heard of it but i did hear about the game going from M to AO on Fox news.

Fox news...figures. Anywho, I don't intend to sound at ALL racist, but honestly, GTA wasn't the first to portray black people the way it does. The stupid fucking stereotype showing african americans as a criminal people is all over the media.
I think this whole hot coffee thing was mostly the fault of the users. Just because Rockstar made a sloppy game with left over code doesn't mean they wanted to start this whole scandal. Quite frankly though, I don't give a damn...cause i haff an M rated version http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif w00t

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Split on 2005-07-29 19:56 ]</font>

Aug 1, 2005, 08:27 AM
well who really cares its basiclly the same GTA game as before with and african-american and set in cali or something. Also, i think its the parents should tell what the kid is able to play not the goverment.

Aug 1, 2005, 08:33 AM
On 2005-07-28 10:03, InfinityXXX wrote:
(Finally theres a black guy as a lead charater http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Oh, but wait, hes a criminal. Great way to potray us blacks to other countries that barely have african americans or anyone of african descent! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

That would be a good point, minus the fact that the other lead characters were, *gasp!* criminals too! So you could say that those characters were racist too, if you know what I mean.

I think parents these days are just being too sensitive... last time I checked, M rated games were supposed to be 17+. I never understood the AO rating, since that's only 18+... one year? Big woop. If you're so afraid of your children being influenced by any of this, don't buy it for them. Where else are they gonna get the money, from WORK?

At 17 years old, at that point things like this shouldn't surprise you, and if your child is under 17 and owns this game, well, that's either the sellers fault, or the parents fault.

Aug 1, 2005, 10:15 AM
Yes its true that their are other black stereotypes in other games. But what i'm saying is that there is not one game that has an african american as the star in any game that has been in america. Sure, people argue that "Well they've had all other races in gta" but that is not the case here.

I don't find it quite funny or entertaining that their are no black main characters in video games and then when they finally put one as a lead hes potrayed negatively. Our only lead and its a negative one that is BASED on stereotypes. I've seen how the characters talk and act like in that game.

I was already sick of african americans(or anyone of african descent) being potrayed in most animes.(Dbz being number one on my list) Then I hated how we were potrayed in video games either as npcs or co starring to the lead.(All the black people in Megaman battle network 2. The guy from final fantasy 7 and much much more) And then they make a freakin game, with us as the star, but the character is a coon, based off of stereotypes on what the creators thought all black people in the hood act like.

Your DAMN right I'm pissed off! Don't sit up there and try to tell me its not that bad because it is and if no one speaks out about it now, then its only gonna continue the cycle. I come from a long line of civil rights activist.(My great grandmom, Mae Bertha Carter, was the first woman to send her kids to an all white school in Sun Flower County Mississippi) I am also a member of the Naacp and my uncle is the president of it in Houston, Texas so of course i'm gonna get mad.

Also someone said that the media(movies/tv shows/news) has always showed african americans negatively. Yes and No. Yes thats true but THERE ARE movies, tv shows, african americans in the news that are potrayed positively. See my point?

Though i hate it when there is a movie/tv show that stereotypes us.(Hustle and Flow/ Don't be a menace/ Amos and andy show) but i don't care that much because there are movies/tv shows where we are potrayed positively.

Maybe i wouldn't be harsh on the game if there were games that had us as positive leads but there aren't any.(If their is their barely heard of and theres no way most people could buy it)

Say i am overreacting but it makes me mad when i hear people trying to give this piece of filth the benefit of the doubt. The game should be banned and i laugh at how the company that made the dang game are in trouble.

The basic message I'm just trying to give out is this. I do not like how we don't have any main characters and how we are potrayed in most games. I find it offensive that we finally have a lead main african in a game but he is based off of stereotypes and is ignorant. That, my friends, is why you see all the civil rights leaders and other black people including myself getting mad over this game.

Aug 1, 2005, 10:22 AM
couldn't have said it better myself SUPAH. and i definately agree that parents need to monitor their kids more if they dont like them being exposed to content like that. Also EVERY character in EVERY GTA is a stereo type, the jewish lawer and cortez in vice, woozie and torreno in san andreas, etc. they dont single out any one group of people. i'm jewish and the whiney jewish lawer didn't bother me, i just laugh, granted i'm about as religious as a brick but you get my point, they aren't doing it to pick on or single out any group. stereo types in many cases are a bad thing but if you play the GTA games most especially san andreas, you find CJ (main character) is really a good guy that takes some "bad" paths to avenge a family members murder, but that could honestly be any person of any race, its all about context.

Aug 1, 2005, 10:30 AM
On 2005-08-01 08:22, Kaio666 wrote:
couldn't have said it better myself SUPAH. and i definately agree that parents need to monitor their kids more if they dont like them being exposed to content like that. Also EVERY character in EVERY GTA is a stereo type, the jewish lawer and cortez in vice, woozie and torreno in san andreas, etc. they dont single out any one group of people. i'm jewish and the whiney jewish lawer didn't bother me, i just laugh, granted i'm about as religious as a brick but you get my point, they aren't doing it to pick on or single out any group. stereo types in many cases are a bad thing but if you play the GTA games most especially san andreas, you find CJ (main character) is really a good guy that takes some "bad" paths to avenge a family members murder, but that could honestly be any person of any race, its all about context.

Lemme say it once again as in previous post.I hate seeing many blacks as negative and ignorant in other video games, then seeing one finally as a main character being potrayed by STEROTYPES piss me off even more. Clo/cj(whatever his names is) is a ignorant, ghetto ass coon. Maybe he had motives that were positive but its all about the way he acted in the game. The way he was designed.

Maybe you didn't find the jewish person in the game offensive but that is you and i don't see a large amount of movies that have jewish stereotypes in movies/tv shows/video games.(pay attention to how i said large)However i see a large amount of black stereotypical characters in the 3 categories i described.

Edit: I wanna stop talking about this for i think this is gearing away from the original post.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2005-08-01 08:40 ]</font>

Aug 1, 2005, 10:38 AM
i completely understand your point. i happen to like the main character very much, granted i'm not african american so obviously the stereo type wouldn't bother me. please dont take me as a racist (not saying you did/do) i'm just voicing my opinion same as you. please dont take my comments as deliberate attempts to piss you off. and you are right jews get stereo typed less at least in games. in tv and movies i see it more, granted its not nearly as negative as a black person being portrayed as a criminal, so i can totally understand where your coming from with that. sorry if i got under your skin a bit.

Aug 1, 2005, 10:41 AM
On 2005-08-01 08:38, Kaio666 wrote:
i completely understand your point. i happen to like the main character very much, granted i'm not african american so obviously the stereo type wouldn't bother me. please dont take me as a racist (not saying you did/do) i'm just voicing my opinion same as you. please dont take my comments as deliberate attempts to piss you off. and you are right jews get stereo typed less at least in games. in tv and movies i see it more, granted its not nearly as negative as a black person being portrayed as a criminal, so i can totally understand where your coming from with that. sorry if i got under your skin a bit.

Lol i apologize kaio if i sounded mad in my post it wasn't meant as a direct attack, sorry kaio.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2005-08-01 08:42 ]</font>

Aug 1, 2005, 10:45 AM
no worries, i didn't want my veiws on the subject to sound like a direct attack on you lol. so its all good.

Aug 1, 2005, 05:10 PM
On 2005-08-01 08:15, InfinityXXX wrote:
Yes its true that their are other black stereotypes in other games. But what i'm saying is that there is not one game that has an african american as the star in any game that has been in america.

Urban Chaos and SiN.

Aug 1, 2005, 08:24 PM
I'm sorry, I think the whole arguement is bullshit, and you can debate it with me all day long if you want. If you can find a way for a game studio, to make a block busting hit of a game about a 17 or 18 year old african american harvard applicant on his way to get his degree, and make it vastly entertaining, i'd agree with you..


Tell your "protests" to a couple hundred years of stereotypes of EVERY other race spoken *from* every other race against every other race.

Believe me, I don't want to be portrayed as a drunk settler scalping poor native american reject, OR spririt guide. lol. But thats much more interesting than "human", it also doesn't "represent" any of us.

Think italians are fucking pissed at nintendo for mario? or GTA? doubtful. Do mobsters represent ALL families of heritage similar to media portrayed mobsters? no.

Point in case, you aren't carl johnson. Carl johnson doesn't represent 100% of the african americans in the US, more like .000000001%, so do NOT turn this thread into a "they are stereotyping every african american in their video games", because they're not.

*had to get that out*

Aug 1, 2005, 08:32 PM
everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. and your entitled to yours, i'd frase it a little nicer next time cause it almost sounds like you want an argument. not trying to spark one myself, but we all just need to be cool and keep our repsonces civilized.

Aug 1, 2005, 08:47 PM
No, just sick of people (anyone) saying "hey, thats not me". I'm really not even directing it at anyone specifically. Just been through wayyy to much shit lately in atlanta with people calling me racist because I looked at something funny (smiled) and all white people are the same (i'm not white). sick of people being fucking selfish and stupid. We're all human, and being mad because some company makes a game about 1990's SO/NOcal that has a main character that is *an exact mirror image of the other GTAs starring thug italians*, sounds rediculous.

you are you. Dare someone to prove you wrong.
However, try and tell someone that "carl johnson" doesn't exist, and you *are* wrong.

Aug 1, 2005, 11:54 PM
Digigram you are NOT BLACK goddamitt so you do not know how much it pisses off black people with this god damn game! You do not and CAN not understand of why it pisses off black people when we see fuckin stereotypes. We are FUCKING tired of this shit! Don't you sit up here and call my arguement bullshit when it IS NOT! My arguement comes from many black wise and strong leaders that have been in this world for many years.

Jim Crowe, Amos and Andy, Don't be a menace, the list goes on and on of stereotypes of african americans in various things for the past 500yrs. My arguement is bullshit because of I am sick and tired of my people being stereotyped? What, am i suppose to turn my shoulder? Bullshit! I will NOT sit up there and smile and codone that game!

How dare you sit up here and try to say i'm wrong for being pissed off. True, stereotypes our going to be there but HOW THE HELL do you break the fuckin cycle if you don't ever stand and try to break it! True there has been other stereotyps of african americans in games but they were not lead characters. Cj/clo(whtevr his name is) is a character that use ebonics(some of the words he use i don't even hear my fellow people use) and he coons heavily. The whole setting /theme of the fuckin game came from a movie called "Boyz in the Hood", And in boys in the hood the charactyers were not potrayed stereotypical.

Lemme say this again because i don't think you got it my friend. This sole sentence is the main reason why i am mad: DO NOT PUT US IN A VIDEO GAME AS A MAIN CHARACTER BASED OFF OF STEREOTYPES. WHEN YOU STEREOTYPE US IN OTHER GAME AS CO CHARACTERS.

Someone brought up a game with a black main character, that would be fine and dandy if a wide range of black people knew about it.

I've seen many movies/tv shows that stereotyped black people but not one showed them as a main character. What also further angers me is that the people that made the game our majority white which further shows its an attack on the black community.

Abut the Carl Johnsom stuff,The NAACP(NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR ADVANCEMENT FOR COLORED PEOPLE), A huge organization is outraged by this game so don't sit up there and say my arguement only represents a small amount of blacks FOR the NAACP is worldwide and is in almost every state/country.

So do not tell me my stuff is bullshit for me getting angry. Me and about almost all of the black community are sick and tired of us getting stereotyped goddammit i'm done and if you wish to continue this then argue with me over pms, cause both of our arguements are off topic.

You may wonder why i just sat up there and attacked you harshly but I really HATE IT when a race of people tell one race that they should stop being up tight over their race being stereotyped or discriminated. You do not know how it is to be black. I do not know how it is to be mexican or native american. I can not say that mexicans shouldn't get so mad over something for i am not mexican and i do not know how much it impacts them and you can not say/imply that blacks shouldn't get mad over something for you are not black. You do not know know struggles of black. I do not know no struggles of toher races. You can relate but YOU DO NOT KNOW.

Now you read this and THINK before you make another unthoughtful comment about african americans and their views. And yes, i've never cussed this much in a post i hate when people sit up there and tell me that i shouldn't care because of an attack on my people.

Edit: The whole "Yo G", "I'm gon be doin this".
That crap is so fuckin stereotypical. Theres some people that actually used those fucked up words but I live in the projects.(Tulsa, Oklahoma The Meadows apartments) I hear shootings and see em on a regular basis and I see people that clo/cj was suppose to be based off of and halve the action/words that clo/cj(and friends) use are REALLY FALSE.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2005-08-01 22:00 ]</font>

Aug 2, 2005, 12:06 AM
Please take up the arguement with Rockstar Games, (Rockstar North is it?).

There is no use arguing with digigram here, or anyone else. He didn't make the game, and he didn't even specifically say he owned the game/played it and/or enjoyed it.

He accepts it since it is none of his business right(and for his own personal reasons, outlined above somewhat)? He's not African American, so its not his problem? Is that what you're saying?

Sure there are things he can do to help your cause but then someone is going to shoot down his cause with the arguement that he "isn't black" and this is none of "his business."

Rockstar went with the Southern/Northern California gangster theme, after using the mob gangster theme in their previous titles. They probably did plenty of research on movies like Boys in the Hood(which is a movie I enjoyed watching) and from other sources. They were trying to make a character with that kind of persona.

They probably didn't think too much into the balancing of making a steretype/making a character similar to their references.

I can't speak for Rockstar, I can't speak for African Americans, and I can't speak for digigram.

Everyone calm down.

Aug 2, 2005, 12:16 AM
Madden is another game.

Aug 2, 2005, 12:17 AM
I did not say "he isn't black,so he its none fo his business." I said "He isn't black, so don't tell me how i should act or feel towards this game and its sterotypes and coonery".

Anyways, i was through with the whole topic after Kaio's post. I only made my last post in response to digigram's. Rockstar has been emailed many things and has been protested by portest lead by some good civil rights leaders.(Al sharpton is one of em)I've already took it up with them

My very first post in this topic said "they deserved it" Then i gave why i felt they deserved it. That was on topic

Anyways, i can't alter his views since i'm guessing hes pretty grown but i can gave him insight to the flaws of his post. But if he wants to debate, my pm box is open.

Hayabsa, go watch boys in the hood again
,(which took place in the time gta san andreas was in) then after watching it compare the way cj/clo(don't know his name, don't care)and everyone else black in the game act to the way cuba gooding and ice cube etc acted.

Big difference in words and actions right?

GTA san andreas was just made as a video game to show black people cooning to please off other races who actually think they've embraced the African American culture but what they showed was entirely wrong because they couldn't capture the essence of it.

Some of the sterotypes are the slang that very few people barely used.

The stereotypical mean/ fast acting african american females.

Theres much more but i dare not list it due to i got morals and don't want to list these degrading stereotypes to this board.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2005-08-01 22:26 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2005-08-01 22:28 ]</font>

Aug 2, 2005, 12:25 AM
i think this topic needs to be locked, its gettin aweful ugly in here, no need to create anymore unrest between fellow PSOW members.

Aug 2, 2005, 12:29 AM
I think the game was meant to portrait a stereotype of every race. I mean look at Ceaser.

Aug 2, 2005, 12:40 AM
Infinity, warning +1. Digi was arguing his side, and you came back at him with hot molten lava. I don't care how incensed you are with the GTA sitation, it does *not* mean you can flame a fellow member.

This thread has lost it's constructiveness. Time for it to be laid to rest.