View Full Version : PSOBB: Billing info question

Jul 27, 2005, 08:55 PM
Ok, so recently (Monday actually) my billing info changed. I won't go into too many details, but I'm needing to change CC info. From looking around the site (PSOBB billing site) I saw no easy way to change this info (why is that anyway?) aside from Cancelling my subscription and then starting a new one. Is this the only way to go about doing it?

Ideally what I'd like to do is to (I guess) start a new subscription using a different card until I get my replacement card (in a week or so), then switch over to the replacement. But if the only way to change info is to cancel/start new subscription the way I see things happening is like this:

Cancel old subscription w/now invalid info (already done now anyway)
Pay $8.99 for New subscription w/"temp" card
Cancel New subscription when replacement card arrives in week or so
Pay $8.99 for replacement (of original) subscription w/replacement card

Would I be correct in assuming this is how things would go if I went with this "plan"? (In essence I'd be paying $8.99 for a subscription that would only last a week or so, just so I could play during my day off tomorrow. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif)

Is it just me or does it seem kinda stupid that there's no easy way to change billing info? And if one should change it that the subscription wouldn't just continue until the next billing date then use the new info if that's the only thing that changed? Or am I just missing some "security" thing? And why is the cycle only 28 days anyway?

Hmm, maybe I'd just be better off waiting for the new card and spend tomorrow catching up on my anime backlog instead of playing BB...?

Jul 28, 2005, 11:40 AM
You would be correct...
Straight from the FAQ on the PSO BB site:

Q: How do I change my billing address (or credit card)?

A: If your billing address or credit card information has changed, you will need to cancel your current subscription and purchase a new license using your new details.

To cancel your current license, go to PlaySega.comand log in to your account. Select "Your Playsega.com Account", then choose "Purchases". Next, select the purchase that set up your current subscription. You will now see the purchase details. At the bottom, you will see your current subscription details. If your subscription is Active, you will be able to CANCEL it by pressing the 'CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION' button. The subscription will cancel on the day that the next payment would have been taken. When your old subscription has a status of CANCELLED, you are able to purchase a new license - remember to update your billing address.
Note: Canceling your subscription will not affect your character data. All characters are tied to the Game ID and not the subscription.

Jul 28, 2005, 03:32 PM
The subscription will cancel on the day that the next payment would have been taken.

Ugh.. BB site, think I forgot to look there... -__-; ahh well... Anyway, if I'm reading that correctly no matter when I cancel it (before the next bill date which would for me be Aug something), it will still be "active" for the remainder of the 28 day cycle, at which point I can put in the new (semi-perm) info, correct?

Jul 29, 2005, 09:01 AM