View Full Version : Fun Saturday!!

Aug 1, 2005, 01:10 PM
Over the weekend, Saturday to be exact, it seems that my isp is not working, and I am getting corruption error messages when I try to go online with Scejntjynahl, but offline its fine. Saturday was off to a dismal beginning, I had to go to the office and work for only 1 hour... >.> Why they bother is beyond me.

On my way back home I stopped at the mall to buy couple of yugioh booster packs, since now I have someone to actually play against, I thought it worthwile to get some to supplement my dismall decks.

Well wasn't that a grand idea, I dropped my Nintendo wallet at the store when I am about to pay then some snot nose kid picks it up and runs off with it! "WTF" So I chase the brat. Then his big bro gets in the my way, I jump kicked his ass... grabbed the kid and take my wallet. But the store shop owner had called security, which then jumps on my ass on the big bro who was getting up. I get sent to a detention room... which I had to explain what had happened. Luckily the store owner that sells the yugioh knows me and was a witness... after four hours I'm let go.

Return home to get lectured because the chores where not done... >.> So I did them... and then locked myself in my room. Yay for Saturdays! -_-

Aug 1, 2005, 01:13 PM
/me hugs Scen.

Ah, we all have days like that. Fortunately that store owner was there, because chances they'd be like "OMG WHY DO YOU HAVE A NINTENDO WALLET!!!!111!!!1"

Anyway, good job laying the smackdown on those brats and I hope your days get better.

Aug 1, 2005, 01:37 PM
"There's no honor amoung thieves."

Yeah, sucks that they stole from you, but you got to kick some ass, and got your wallet back!

Also sucks that you lost four hours of your day. >_>;

EDIT: lol i r spel gud

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Eihwaz on 2005-08-01 11:43 ]</font>

Aug 1, 2005, 01:53 PM
Ah the days when the whole world seems against you.
Not a lot I can say really, "Shit happens. But mostly to me, so don't worry."
maybe next weekend eh?

Aug 2, 2005, 05:57 AM
You handled it pretty well. But did you explain why you didn't do your chores with them?

This sounded like a scene taken out from Streets of Rage. Kung Fu his ass!

Aug 2, 2005, 06:41 AM
On 2005-08-02 03:57, Even_Jin wrote:

This sounded like a scene taken out from Streets of Rage. Kung Fu his ass!

This time he did!
We better stop giving this advice dude. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif
And he got caught for doing so. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Yeah. That would have sucked to come home to a big chore load after that sequence of events.

My Sunday sucked. Chores all day, then my brother gets yelled at for not doing his chores and he runs out of the house when he gets "grounded".

Yesterday he took me doing my chores as going against him(which is how he takes things since my parents said I did and he didn't) and one of his friends prank calls me, about a serious issue.

I'm beyond angry at this. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_nono.gif
He never does his chores, slams every door in the house, does drugs, and etc. I'm not saying anymore, and should start my own rant. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cry.gif

Aug 2, 2005, 10:29 AM
On 2005-08-02 03:57, Even_Jin wrote:
You handled it pretty well. But did you explain why you didn't do your chores with them?

This sounded like a scene taken out from Streets of Rage. Kung Fu his ass!

Explaining? That would have meant me telling them that I went to buy yu gi oh cards which they think its a waste of time. And heaven forbid I mention I was detained, then they would say I have a record and that I play too many video games blah blah blah... there is no explaining with people that already have their minds set -_-

On Sunday, this took place:

Sunday... oh yes Sunday. I wake up till noon ... this usually happens when I fall asleep in anger. Go downstairs and lo and behold... its all dirty again... So once again I do the chores... but this time I decide to confront the fridge... ewwww fucking ewwwww. Sweet beans in a bowl since FOURTH OF JULY (gags) A pot of rice that the mold on it is BLACK not even white anymore ... 5 cups of yogurts that have expired... tomatoes whose skin resembles dog poop... and on and on and on... Took me about 3 hours just to clean that mess and deoridize the whole damn place, it reeeked. Then I cleaned the kitchen floor the living room (sweeping and mopping). I then made myself something to eat, steamed rice with canned tuna.

And then my sister returns and looks into the fridge... and demands to know what I did with the beans... im Like "THEY ARE OLD AND PAST DUE..." she was like "THEY WERE MINE YOU HAD NO RIGHT..." blah blah blah 2 hour yell fest... so yeah... locked myself in the room again waiting for Monday, so I can go back to work -_-

Aug 2, 2005, 12:12 PM
Your sister has serious problems if she thinks she needs to keep beans from the fourth of july in the fridge. At least I would assume so...

At any rate, next time LET HER eat the ancient moldy beans, see how much she likes it.

Aug 2, 2005, 02:49 PM
On 2005-08-02 08:29, Scejntjynahl wrote:

On 2005-08-02 03:57, Even_Jin wrote:
You handled it pretty well. But did you explain why you didn't do your chores with them?

This sounded like a scene taken out from Streets of Rage. Kung Fu his ass!

Explaining? That would have meant me telling them that I went to buy yu gi oh cards which they think its a waste of time. And heaven forbid I mention I was detained, then they would say I have a record and that I play too many video games blah blah blah... there is no explaining with people that already have their minds set -_-

Not true. Whatever happened to dialogue? Maybe they can't dialogue, but that's not gonna stop you to do it. They're not bullies that won't listen to reason, right? They CAN be reasonable, even if they're square-minded like some people I know. You just have to deal with them in the proper way, and make them understand your point of view with valid arguments.

Now, try explaining it in a language they would understand. Not all lies are bad lies. Like, "I was going to the store to:

- Check the latest games
- Do your business
- Meet a friend
- You were just passing by
- Etc.

when blah blah blah happened."

Now, about your criminal record. Did you explain stuff to this "Big bro"? Was he the kind of guy that didn't want to listen? If he was, then you acted on self-defense, or self-retrieval on this case, since you had no other problems with them except for wanting your wallet back, which is a legitimate cause.

Hiding it from them? Don't forget that they CAN help you. I'm not gonna lie, they ARE gonna be angry and you're gonna hear it. But what, gonna isolate yourself rather than accept or request an extra hand? I would do it myself, but I know it's wrong.

Whenever I got sent to see the principal, I would always tell them. I would hear it out, I would probably get beaten up again, but at least I can't say I hid something from them.

And my sister's the same. But she does the opposite too, and can't allow anyone to complain back. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif Ah, sisters.

Aug 2, 2005, 07:28 PM
On 2005-08-01 11:10, Scejntjynahl wrote:
I had to go to the office and work for only 1 hour... >.> Why they bother is beyond me.

I get sent to a detention room... which I had to explain what had happened. Luckily the store owner that sells the yugioh knows me and was a witness... after four hours I'm let go.

Go to office but get sent to detention room?
Sound like an american school.

Aug 2, 2005, 11:53 PM
On 2005-08-02 17:28, Fanta wrote:

On 2005-08-01 11:10, Scejntjynahl wrote:
I had to go to the office and work for only 1 hour... >.> Why they bother is beyond me.

I get sent to a detention room... which I had to explain what had happened. Luckily the store owner that sells the yugioh knows me and was a witness... after four hours I'm let go.

Go to office but get sent to detention room?
Sound like an american school.

He went to work for one hour.

After work he went to the mall, then got taken to a detention room at the mall, after beating up the kid.

I hope you had ID or something in the wallet that showed it was yours and/or some video footage of what happened. Also i wonder if they questioned the kid who ran off with your wallet. It isn't hard to get kids to change their story, after outright lying and saying it was theirs.

I know how you feel about the bad food thing. I clean out our fridge on a regular basis. Food that nobody would ever want to see in their life, I have to touch and toss out. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_barf.gif

Next time take your sister over to the trash can and show her what those beans looked like. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif