View Full Version : armours....

Aug 18, 2002, 01:20 PM
ok...what is the most recent armour or shield u have found (the best one/s) and where did u find it?
i found a 4 slot brightness circle and a 3 slot electro frame, both found in ult caves. i did also find the virus armour:lafuteria, but as i'm an android, i cannot use it, so i sold it.
and the shield i found was a kasumi bracer which was also found in ult caves....
this proves that if u do a certain area a number of times, u can get lucky, but all of these items, i can't equip yet because of their lvl.131-141 requirement and i'm only lvl.78 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Aug 18, 2002, 05:35 PM
I found a 0 slot Sacred Cloth with oran ID in a F2 box and a green ring in a R2 box with oran. About 4 days apart too. This was 3 months or so ago.

Aug 18, 2002, 10:03 PM
On 2002-08-18 11:20, sai-lou-fu wrote:
i found a 4 slot brightness circle and a 3 slot electro frame... the virus armour:lafuteria...kasumi bracerThat's quite some good luck. However, you have not played one area very much, if you are only level 78. I'm level 153, and the rarest armor I've found was a green ring...

Infact, I would say that you are the luckiest person in PSO with those finds in the few hours that you have played.

Aug 18, 2002, 10:21 PM
On 2002-08-18 11:20, sai-lou-fu wrote:
ok...what is the most recent armour or shield u have found (the best one/s) and where did u find it?
i found a 4 slot brightness circle and a 3 slot electro frame, both found in ult caves. i did also find the virus armour:lafuteria, but as i'm an android, i cannot use it, so i sold it.
and the shield i found was a kasumi bracer which was also found in ult caves....
this proves that if u do a certain area a number of times, u can get lucky, but all of these items, i can't equip yet because of their lvl.131-141 requirement and i'm only lvl.78 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif


what a crock. i played ultimate caves to death both on dc and pc and not a damn thing.

Aug 19, 2002, 12:23 PM
heh, exploder eh? i dont think so, i haven't got a single cheat cartridge. no gameshark, no exploder, no nothing! so get facts right b4 assuming things, u cant just say things like that because u haven't found ne thing, i'm just lucky, thats all.... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_bash.gif

Aug 19, 2002, 02:44 PM
soz mate i agree with the other guy, ive over 400 hundred game hours and ive found jack. BUT if u r genuine good 4 u.

Aug 19, 2002, 03:03 PM
if thats how it is, then, i don't care, its how it is, but just because a person who has only been on for around 40-60 hours finds good stuff and others who have been on for 400 hours, haven't, they just assume that we have cheated.....

Aug 19, 2002, 05:28 PM
So... about how many times have you played Ult. Caves?

Aug 20, 2002, 01:22 PM
probably around 100-150 times, i use my s-rank spread with 60% on native to kill the monsters, so it doesn't take me long and i don't die either.

Aug 20, 2002, 03:15 PM
On 2002-08-18 11:20, sai-lou-fu wrote:
ok...what is the most recent armour or shield u have found (the best one/s) and where did u find it?
i found a 4 slot brightness circle and a 3 slot electro frame, both found in ult caves. i did also find the virus armour:lafuteria, but as i'm an android, i cannot use it, so i sold it.
and the shield i found was a kasumi bracer which was also found in ult caves....
this proves that if u do a certain area a number of times, u can get lucky, but all of these items, i can't equip yet because of their lvl.131-141 requirement and i'm only lvl.78 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

On 2002-08-20 11:22, sai-lou-fu wrote:
probably around 100-150 times, i use my s-rank spread with 60% on native to kill the monsters, so it doesn't take me long and i don't die either.

What you are saying doesn't add up. You get around 45000-70000 ex points for each offline run through ultimate caves (45000 if you go straight to boss, 70000 if you check every room). Now you claim to have gone through ultimate caves about 100-150 times. Taking the two extremes of both sets of numbers, you will get somewhere between 4,500,000 to 10,500,000 ex points. Now, a level 78 character only has about 1,000,000 ex points. At level 89, you will still have less than 1,900,000 ex points. As you can see, there is a BIG contradiction here.

Well, I got a ORAN character with ~800 hours. It is very hard for me to believe that you have found all 4 of those rares in ultimate caves. It is possible, but saying that the armors have 3 or 4 slots in them just makes it improbable. The number of runs through ultimate caves and your character's level (i.e. ex points) contradicting each other doesn't help to your claim either.

Now, would you care to tell me how much each one of your armors and shield adds to your base (i.e. with nothing equiped) DFP and EVP stats?

Aug 20, 2002, 11:54 PM
triple s has a valid point there. if you went through ultimate caves that many times, you would be over 110 by the time these events supposedly happened. *cough*exploder*cough*

Aug 21, 2002, 02:47 PM
btw, i'm adding up all the times i play up to the day i have posted, i'm now a lvl.103+ and i have not used ne exploder, so, blue-hawk, shut the hell up!
i'm not gettin all defensive, its just that it pisses me off sayin i have exploder, i use no cheats, nor have i ever on pso.
and i have been to ult caves over 100 times, and as u all may know, when u lvl up, the exp take gets higher to lvl up, so u don't lvl up all the time u do it. i just go through the main routes and u only get full exp when u get EVERY monster in the caves.

Aug 21, 2002, 05:27 PM
On 2002-08-21 12:47, sai-lou-fu wrote:
btw, i'm adding up all the times i play up to the day i have posted, i'm now a lvl.103+ and i have not used ne exploder, so, blue-hawk, shut the hell up!
i'm not gettin all defensive, its just that it pisses me off sayin i have exploder, i use no cheats, nor have i ever on pso.
and i have been to ult caves over 100 times, and as u all may know, when u lvl up, the exp take gets higher to lvl up, so u don't lvl up all the time u do it. i just go through the main routes and u only get full exp when u get EVERY monster in the caves.

What you say still doesn't add up. When you first posted that you went through ultimate caves 100-150 times, your character was at level 89. A level 89 character will have less than 1,900,000 ex points. By stating that you went through ultimate caves more than 100 times on the main route with your Hucast, that is still around 45,000 exp times 100, which is still 4,500,000 ex points. There is a signficant contradiction there. I haven't even included the ex points that you got in trying to get to ultimate caves in the first place (i.e. going through normal mode, hard mode, vhard mode, and ultimate forest). So if you have gone through ultimate caves 100 times with the additional ex points from other modes and levels, you will have more than 4,500,000 ex points, probably around 5,000,000. However, your low level contradicts that.

Aug 21, 2002, 05:37 PM
On 2002-08-21 15:27, Triple-S wrote:
However, your low level contradicts that.

Which was the reason I asked the question. (n_n )! h00ray!

Aug 21, 2002, 05:37 PM

Aug 22, 2002, 02:11 PM
i heard somewhere that v2 armors have no slots, any truth to that? maybe it was jus the chu chu armor....but ya hes deff a cheater lol, why do cheaters always wanna seem legit, if ur a cheater be a friggin cheater, cuz the legits apparently know way more about this game lol so your jus gonna look like a fool...

Aug 22, 2002, 02:36 PM
i'm not a fuckin cheater, sorry for the language, but it has to be said....i am 99.9% legit, and that .01% is probably because of a couple of hacked weps i have, which btw where given to me. i have never used a gameshark, or ne other cheat cartridge as i have said in other messages, so take that into your thick heads!
now these items, only a few, which are as said 'electro frame, brightness circle' which have both got 4 slots. and 1 kasumi bracer, now i know alot of u think that u can only get this items if u cheat, but if u try hard, u will obtain these items, and i know and so does my brother that i found these items. so no more about that.
maybe i messed up on a few details and over-exagirated on how many times i have been through the caves, it is more probably around 70-75 rather then over 100. i am sorry for this mistake, but could u guys get a life and start pissin of someone else, becuase it does bug me to be called a cheater, i dispise cheaters, i have been NOLed, RSOD'd..etc tons of times and i know how it feels, it is annoyin.....
and how come evrytime i create a topic of some interest, it blows up in my face, i say i found something, which i did, and u guys r like, HE'S A CHEATER, just because i have a bit more luck then a couple of ppl, i bet ppl have found far better items then these.
so just lay off!

P.S. don't u dare ne one call me a cheater, or http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/twak.gif !

Aug 22, 2002, 02:38 PM
ok mate its not that bad. you gotta understand that we have all been done over at one time or another, there is so much hacking etc that people do despise this. Soz if ant offence has been caused.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: NoeGenisis on 2002-08-22 12:41 ]</font>

Aug 22, 2002, 02:45 PM
Oh please, saying you're 99% legit is pathetic. There's no such thing as a partial legit. You either have items made by a cheat device or you don't. If you do, you're a cheater, if you don't, you're legit. It's simple as that.

Aug 22, 2002, 02:54 PM
i have around 2 items made by a cheat device, but they were given to me, if that means i'm a cheater just by havin a couple of items hacked, so be it, but all i'm sayin is that this was not intended.

Aug 22, 2002, 04:22 PM
Intent doesn't matter. You have 'em, and you know they were made.

Same as buying a stolen item off the street. You have 'em, and you know they were stolen.

Aug 24, 2002, 11:00 PM
ok, ok.... let me be the first to appologize about the exploder thing. i now believe the shields, but not the srmors yet. i believe you because of this shot i took about 2 hours ago in pso pc with my yellobloze hucast