View Full Version : BET/MTV.(Long rant. Get your reading glasses)

Aug 6, 2005, 12:34 AM
I am sorry but these 2 stations are going to hell.I tried watching them but i stopped and then i looked at all the shows with my digital cable thingy and i have come to the conclusion of,"These 2 stations are going to hell"

MTV(Music television)
I'll start with this one. Its a shame that this station has been reduced to nothing more than reality/crappy shows and abercrombie kids and gangstas. The only 2 musically shows(that i've seen) are the block they play in the morning and TRL(total request live).(This may have changed for i haven't watched a "lot" of MTV in a long time. I usually just turn to it when i'm bored)

Then theres the many retarded ass reality shows. (I'm starting to not like reality tv)These shows gotta to be the most dumbest shows. I mean who would actually compete in these shows.

Theres one show called Next. Theres 5 guys or girls and theres 1 girl/guy who the 5 guy/girls are competing to go out on a date with.Now the main guy/girl starts off with 1 guy/girl from the 5 and if he/shes fed up with him/her, he gets rid of him/her and go to the next one.

Now this sounds kinda interesting, right? NO! The main guy/girl is either a slut or whore and the 5 guys or girls are all horny bastards. The show is all about making fun of most of the 5 people. Heres how the start of an episode would go..

Lets say the main person on the episode today is a girl.

1.The main girl starts off sitting on the beach/peer
2.The first of the 5 guys is introduced and heads towards the girl sayig something along the lines of "God shes hott!"When majority of the time shes ugly as hell.
3.The girl takes one look at him and request another guy by saying "Next"
4. The guy is outraged, saying something along the lines of "OMG shes a bitch"

The main person of an episode always abuse their power by Nexting her/his dates over simple things such as the way the person look.

Along with dumbass shows like this are Real World (this was good on the first 3 seasons, now it needs to end. It has same people. Jock, slutty girl, gay person, confused goth girl, nerdy guy that they never show, black person) Room raiders and some other crappy shows. People say watch Mtv2 but what about the people with basic cable. I feel sorry for them for they have only MTV and BET to watch music videos. (They both play the SAME music videos over and over and over and over....*I'm so freakin tired of that new bow wow song*)

BET(Black Entertainment)
BET was just sold to Viacom.(MTV) It had owned a good portion of it for some time but now its been sold. During the time it was half owned by Viacom i saw great changes in it.(they started creating reality shows -.-) They were slowly going away from focusing on "Black Entertainment" to just booty shaking to black music and regaetone.(latino music and rap mixed)

If you have cox digital cable, look at the schedule for BET. It is: Church stuff in the morning, BOOTY SHAKIN MUSIC, TRL(booty shkin music request), MO' BOOTY SHAKIN, and then towards night 30minutes of BET nightly news, after the news.....SLOW BOOTY SHAKIN MUSIC and then back in the morning with church stuff.

***BET announced that they're cutting out Bet nightly news(the only thing i watched on the station)***

Ok, there are more forms of black entertainment, let alone, more things black people do than go to church and shake their asses. This was going on even before viacom took over.(there were just more reality shows.)

The station now only focuses on black music, wait, lemme take that back, they don't even focus on black music for if they focused on "black" music, then they would play more black artist other than mainstream black artist. There are so many other black artist of other genres of music other than Rap and New R&B, but they never or rarely played on BET.

But all hope is not lost. A new station geared towards black entertainment called TVone has just came out. But since the station is new, its lacking in the show department.(They play episodes of some tv shows over and over again throughout the week) But the only thing about TVone, is that you can't get w/o basic cable.

Sad to say it but MTV and BET, 2 stations that use to be very great, have just turned awful. I hope someone with some sense come into power and take both stations into a new better direction.

Edit: I just realized that this rant wasn't all that long. I've made longer.....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2005-08-05 22:35 ]</font>

Aug 6, 2005, 03:18 AM

I was talking with my mom in the car when she decides to turn to the hip-hop stations.

I can't belive I said this, and it certainly is funny since I can't say things like this without sounding funny:

"Why did you want to listen to that instead of the other one? You don't even know the names of these artists, the name of the song, or what they're singing about?"

"I like it. Air Force 1's!"

"Okay mom you don't have to just listen to the same radio stations all day. This song is the same as every other song on the radio played a million times a day, about the same thing!"

"Okay, who is it?"

"Well to me it sounds like this 'Mike Jones, Mike Jones, hit her from behind, if she turn around smack her, I got more money than you, Mike Jones, Mike Jones!'"

There's more to rap music than what's on the radio, they play the same popular crap all day long, everyday, which are just the same lyrics over and over.

How many times does a song come on the radio about "hitting her from behind," or hanging out in the club?

This is the most overused shit ever.

More crap:
"I don't like this song, I'm changing it okay?"


"Its Usher, Little Jon, and Ludacris saying Yeah every two seconds, It was played nonstop-all year on the radio stations and because of the damn teens at work playing the Usher CD everyday, for a year! Now this soul station got a hold of it-took out the Ludacris verse and will play it until the end of time! So two years in a row I have to hear YEAH!!! by Usher and hear it at work still when someone switches over to this station!"


My Soundz of Spirit CD is very nice, things I've never heard before-from artists I've never hear before also.
Songs about:

"Substance, I'm saying something, I could talk about fancy cars and stuff, but that whole roll has gone far enough!"

"Ain't no soulmate of mine, just gon' sit on your ass, waiting for me to put an outfit on your ass. With or without me, could you survive! Standing in line for them to see your behind, in anybody video, everybody video!... When your daughter gets older she's gonna need some explaining!"

"Its about time we exercise our minds, you may be surprised at what you will find!... Talking trash about women is dead in general! It occurs when a fool's thought train is minimal!"

I was seriously considering picking up a CD by this artist LYFE I was interested in from a BET video http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif , Joss Stone's second album, and Talib Kweli's Beautiful Struggle. I dunno why I didn't get at least one of em, but there's always tomorrow to hear more new music, isn't there? And there was only one of those Soundz of Spirit DVD's left in the store, so at least one more person bought one. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

You could spend $10 on way more wasteful things than some good hip hop/music by Del the Funky Homosapien, Cee-Lo, Goapele, etc. and a DVD documentary! Hell even in the same store and section, crap comedy-romantic-comedy junk DVD's going for $20. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_nono.gif

Sure the radio was great for me in the past to hear music I haven't heard of before, but I search out my own stuff here and there, less and less by sampling music on the radio.

TV, same thing there. Just shut it out, since I used to come home and watch videos all day while doing homework or something. What's funny is my brother does it now, and I asked what he was doing since he just saw that same video 10 minutes ago on the same channel. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

But my mom's cool sometimes. She was suprised I knew who Kurtis Blow was when "These are the breaks!" came on the radio.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HAYABUSA-FMW- on 2005-08-06 01:23 ]</font>

Aug 6, 2005, 12:51 PM
that, my friends, is why i prefer classic rock. its all original.

Aug 6, 2005, 01:44 PM
all blacks seem to do nowadays is shake dem booties *no racism intended*
whatever happened to just regular black people? the ones that don't spend every waking moment..shaking their booties?

Aug 6, 2005, 02:47 PM
Lol, your right though ai_no_usagi(sorry if i didn't spell ur name right). Not all but there is a fair amount though. Its so sad...http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif.

I also would like to add, why the hell is Lenny Kravitz(black and Jewish*his mom was the woman married to the white guy on the Jeffersons*) never played on BET? I mean it can't be because hes mixed becuase Alicia Keys(black and white) and Amerie(Korean and black) are played a hell of a lot.

*Off Topic* Alicia Keys is a wonderful singer but shes a bit over rated.*I just said a bit don't kill me >.< *

If BET was so called black entertainment they would show more than just music shows and not only that but play other music than just mainstream Rap and R&B or old music from the 70's-80's.(they play the old music at night)

Theres a fav singer of mine named Pharrell and when he released his cd N.E.R.D.(it was a kind of a blend of rock and other stuff) they only played one song of his once. He had released 3 singles(I forget titles but one was "She wants to move", the other, "Rockstar", and the last i can't remember but i heard it on the music choice channels) but only one got played once on BET.

I am very ashamed of BET. Along with MTV it needs to be cancelled. And I don't think i'm the only black person that feels this way.(Ness wasn't fond for it too)

Aug 6, 2005, 02:59 PM
You also forgot to mention the hell of all hells (in regards to reality shows)...

Laguna Beach...

Yay! Lets watch stupid, spoiled, bratty, blonde (no offense to anyone who is blonde here) bitches who are, supposedly, "Queens of the world." yeah...fun...-_-;;;

Let's also watch them hit on a different guy every damn week and then go back the last week's guy ALL IN ONE EPISODE.

Anyhoo, you are right that TV channels are sinking to an all-time low. The only channels I ever watch now are Comedy Central, Food Network, Spike TV (starting to find Star Trek interesting), and Cartoon Network (only for Adult Swim. They overplayed shows can just rot in hell).

Aug 7, 2005, 04:20 AM
Lenny Kravitz was played on BET when he had a single/video callaboration with Jay-Z after he "retired."

They didn't show Jay-Z in the video but just his likeness and a graffiti mural of him.

Lenny Kravitz is however more of a rock artist, no?
"American Woman" comes to mind first and foremost as one of his hits.

So he wouldn't get much playtime unless he did more collaborations with rappers, sadly.

He's usually played on VH1 when he drops a new CD/tour.

"Rockstar" was on N.E.R.D's first album, and "She wants to move" on their second(which had a pic of the three in an egg with a flag on it).

That album cover alone turned me off to it. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif But plenty of people I know purchased their mixtape one with Snoop Dogg on one track, then rock songs on the next. They always skipped the rock tracks too. Heh.

Don't worry too much about what gets played or not, that voting for videos to show on TV is ridiculous. Who honestly wastes their timeto do that? That will take way more time than listening to music you want.

And saying all rap music is not original is wrong. There are rappers who make it big by copying the stereotype of a rapper(cash money millionaires come to mind, no?) and not doing anything worthwhile with their exposure and there are those who create original music, instead of regurgitate the song about money/women/clubs.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy rock, just not 100% of it(the genre as a whole, same as rap, I don't enjoy 100% of it). http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Aug 7, 2005, 07:32 AM
MTV= crap
MTV 2 = better =D

Aug 7, 2005, 11:46 AM
I too am not a really big fan of rock. I'm really picky who i listen to in that genre. Even though BET barely play black people from other genres but BET have just lost what it stands for. They only play musical shows or reality shows(excluding college hill)that focus around music like "Blowing up Fatty Koo". I'm not for sure but I don't even think they do their comedy show where comedians perform. They have 2 other shows, "Girlfriends" and "The Parkers". Both of these shows are ok but they are old. Lots of people have seen all the episodes. Also they don't keep in order.

For MTV, I have not seen Laguna beach but i saw an ad for it and based on what i saw in the ad i knew i didn't want to ever see it.

Anyways I haven't watched either of the stations since i made this topic but it just irks me in a way.(not as much as the day i posted it) everytime i think of what these 2 stations turned into.

Aug 9, 2005, 12:20 AM
very easy lesson here kids.

mainstream = teh sux0rz
underground = excellence

learn to ignore most of popular culture, especially modern american popular culture. trust me, all the really cool people aren't paying attenting to it anyways. and the yokels blathering on and on about it can blow it out their ass.

http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif and now you know. and knowing is half the battle! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif