View Full Version : Radio Talk Show with Jack Thompson

Aug 8, 2005, 04:45 AM

He doesn't sound as crazy as everyone has made him out to be. Doesn't mean that I agree with him.

Aug 8, 2005, 06:13 AM
The point remains:

Video Games, a growing multimedia experience and worldwide hobby, has become more acceptable to more and more audiences.

There are those that push the boundaries too far in the gameplay experience(and target audiences), in some people's honest opinion.

People have been killed all over the world and there have been ties to video games in those deaths.

The evidence/scientific studies don't point to videogames as the main cause of those deaths, and people will undoubtedly murder over anything and everything(and have since well before video games).

Using lawyers/politicians to heavily regulate a growing multi-billion dollar industry(in the US alone) is not acceptable to the millions and millions of people who partake in videogames of all kinds as a hobby.

My Opinion:
Its only a front for more publicity to get people to join their cause in order to get more ratings/money/exposure.

Bans on games in other parts of the world, for whatever reason, have backfired. The games have been sought after more, more publicity is raised due to the controversy, and more money is made for the game's creators(developers/publishers/software programmers/gaming media/etc.).

This doesn't stop the media frenzy feeding off the words that Grand Theft Auto contains images of sex and violence. They will toss on top of that how videogames are meant as "kids entertainment"(and show how they themselves are completely unaware of the last 30 years of innovation in gaming for both adults/minors) or how the boxes aren't labeled clearly enough.

I've seen Teen rated RPG's with minimal in game references sighted on the ESRB labels as containing "Use of tabacco/alcohol."

Then I look over at a rental ad for GTA nearly not fitting within the boundaries of the text box for graphic content/intense violence/high sexual content/etc.

Don't act like its not on the box. Don't act like you weren't warned and your kids will just go play it at someone else's house and go out and start another Columbine.

I have a collection of over 200 games, spanning many systems and years(including playing M rated games at ages under 18). I'm currently considered an adult in this country, at 19 years old. I wouldn't give up my games for the world.

Especially when R rated movies which contain graphic violence/nudity/sex scenes are only blocked from the youth in movie theaters' initial release(and parents can buy them tickets walk in their kids and leave them there, to go do other things without buying a ticket themselves/watching over their kids) but after they are released on DVD/VHS home videos, nobody cares anymore, since it isn't "news" unless someone gets killed and a reference to an old movie is sighted as the cause and now society is "rolling downhill."

You don't want your kids playing GTA, cool. You're doing your job as a parent and we should applaud you in this day and age-more power to you, but what gave you the idea you can now tell everyone that the game is bad-and teaches people to kill, and nobody in the world should play it? Then go on to include other M rated games as examples?

Your duty to the world isn't to stop people from getting murdered is it, your true motivation lies elsewhere.

M rated games are rated M for content, just like R rated movies are rated R for content not suitable to everyone.

Since when is this not enough?

Sorry for the rant everyone, which includes many obvious/well know things which didn't have to be repeated(here).

Aug 8, 2005, 09:42 AM
Actually, I like this bit on the Jacko dude from VG Cats artist.


THAT makes him look crazy http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Aug 8, 2005, 11:38 AM
*Stands up and claps for Hayabusa*

Aug 8, 2005, 01:34 PM
That's his TV face. Behind the scenes, he's nothing but pure scum who doesn't care for ANYTHING but himself. After reading several hundred emails he has sent to gamers who have tried speaking to him in an intelligent manner, I am convinced. This man is no good, no matter what shining smiles he puts on for the TVs.

Aug 8, 2005, 02:25 PM
It doesn't matter if it is his T.V. Face he still said some pretty stupid things.

"EA is colaborating with the porn industry"

Aug 8, 2005, 06:50 PM
Erm... anyone remember this thread?


Jack Thompson is as ignorant as he is arrogant. The man is using the current situation to further his own career. He has never said anything earth-shattering that wasn't insane hyperbole, and he never will. He has no working knowledge of the videogame industry, and he should simply shut his mouth and stop being insane.

Aug 8, 2005, 07:46 PM

Following the Flores case Thompson became prominently involved in First Amendment issues, particularly concerning the possible effects of sexually violent material. Interestingly, the Florida Supreme Court ordered that he undergo psychiatric testing during this campaign, which he successfully passed. He later quipped that this made him one of the few sane lawyers working in the state. What specific events or statements prompted the court to require testing, and on what grounds, is unknown.