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View Full Version : Dog movies take over once again

Aug 12, 2005, 09:06 AM
Since I was a child there have been "Air Bud movies" with a golden retriever playing everysport you can imagine. Soccer..hockey..baseball..football.. and the plot is always the same. The young boy and owner of the dog's team is doing horrible, and on accident they find out their dog can play this sport.

In the end after some tough moments and zanny antics, its the big game. And you know what?! The dog wins the game for them!

I never liked these movies. But what makes it worst, people must like these movies because, well they seem to be making more and more! Its like those Kid Bop cds! -____-

But now, I went to the movies and wanted to see a good movie, I dunno, Wille Wonka or something. But the only movie showing at that time was "Bailey's Billions..." a movie about a talking dog who is a millionair.

If you can't guess. I did not watch it.

But yet again, dog movies are taking over. Who are watching these movies!!

Aug 12, 2005, 09:28 AM
http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif Air Bud. The ending of each Air Bud movie is predictable like you put it: The dog wins the game for them!

I for one don't watch Air Bud. I may did several times when I was younger and that was way back, at the time I didn't consider it as one of the best movies I've seen.

I'd have felt the same if I'm in that movie theatre situation as you were in.

Aug 12, 2005, 10:15 AM
Yeah. As a kid I thought they were amazing "OH NOES..they are going to lose the championship.."

And then, I see the adds for new ones, and its like wtf?

Aug 12, 2005, 12:18 PM
Don't worry, the truth is that in reality, not many people watc crappy feel-good kids/dog/sports movies. I work at a theater, so I know what does business and what doesn't. The following things sell like crazy:

Comedies that don't have Jimmy Fallon in them
PG-13 horror movies
Movies from acclaimed directors (Tim Burton, Quentin Tarantino, etc)
Movies based on other things a lot of people like (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Resident Evil, etc)
Good Disney Pixar movies (Incredibles, Finding Nemo, etc)

Movies that sell five tickets and get kicked out of our theater within two weeks to make room for new stuff:

Under-advertised Oscar winners (Seabiscuit, Million Dollar Baby, etc)
Foreign films (Kung Fu Hustle, etc)
Terrible kids movies (Air Bud movies, Baby Geniuses, other crap like that)
Way Too Weird movies (Devil's Rejects, etc)

So don't worry. Most of those crappy Air Bud movies go straight to home video, and even less are actually bought by people. I don't understand why companies are so bad at knowing what people will pay to see and what they won't, because even to me, a random 18-year-old kid, it's plain as day. I'm never wrong when a new movie comes out about how much business it will do.

Aug 12, 2005, 12:55 PM
Can we bring up Land Before Time in this discussion?Shouldn't those dinosaurs be extinct by now? http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

The only good thing I can think of those sappy movies - is that although they're sappy, they're wholesome compared to 99% of the market and what is on TV nowadays.

One of my coworkers who 17 admitted crying in Airbud 1 when the dog got sold to the mean old man.

Aug 12, 2005, 02:24 PM
Homer: The villain should be a dog!

Mel: A dog! But no-one will know what's going on!

Homer: They will if you give him shifty eyes. Then they'll suspect the dog!

Homer: I second that motion! With a vengance!

Studio Executives: Who are you anyway?

Homer: Do the words 'executive director' mean anything to you (whispers to Mel) I'll explain later.