View Full Version : No, I will not change myself for you

Aug 14, 2005, 12:59 PM
Man, it's been awhile since i've vented on here, but I'm just really annoyed right now, so let me vent.

Well, as some of you might know, I'm 16 years old, still in high school. Throughout my high school career, i've never joined a sport. I've always stuck with the high school bands (Jazz + Concert) and I also play with the Henry Ford Community College Studio 110 Jazz, Symphony, and Wind Ensemble band. Finally, I sing with the Dearborn Community Chorus. Obviously, the stated consumse alot of my time, but because I love band as much as I do, I do it, and I enjoy it. I recently went to Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp over the summer for Music, but that's another story, (a good one...I really enjoyed Blue Lake)

Anyway, last year (my sophomore year) people had been trying to get me to join a sport. I didn't listen to them, but I acually thought about it for awhile. This year I had decided to join the Wrestling team. A few kid's asked me about it, and I said "yeah, probably...we'll have to see" and then the year ended.

Well, I keep a Xanga and a Livejournal, which are used mostly just to vent, but to continue on...As the summer went on, I thought about what I was going to do. Now, obviously as you might've noticed already, I really love band and playing music. Basically for me, it goes like this:

Band = Life
Everything Else = Not as important (well, you know what I mean)

Well, after giving it much thought (especially after Blue Lake, where I spent 2 weeks of nothing but band, thus giving me a whole new outlook on how much it rocks) I decided to give up the Wrestling idea. I knew that I would be given hell for it from alot of my fellow idiot peers, but I posted in my LJ and Xanga how I wasn't going to do it. Reason? The HS Jazz band does ALOT of extra stuff, many of which would conflict with the sport. Finally, all the college band classes I take (which I do get credit for) and my choir, all take up alot of time. Personally, it would be very hard (near impossible) to Wrestle, and then 1/2 right after practice head off to various rehersals (most of my rehersals start at 7:00pm and go until 9:30pm or later) and then still somehow make it home to do homework?

No. Fucking. Way.

So where does my annoyance to post a rant about this come in? After posting my decision in my journal(s), I'm already getting tons of comments from my fellow peers that are like "omg I don't believe you!" and "I can't believe you would pick Band over everything else! You are a loser."

This bothers me. I'm musically inclined. I've been playing the Saxophone for 5 years, and I'll be damned if I'm going to quit doing something I enjoy, for something I wasn't even sure I wanted to do in the first place. Furthurmore, I don't need anyone else's shit about it. Just because they don't have the intelligence to learn to play an instrument, and to enjoy acual music, i'm supposed to dumb myself down to their level? No, you guy's like what you like, and I like what I like. I will not change because of what you people have to say. Honestly, i'm looking to possibly presue a career in the music field, so just shut the hell up and let me be.

Sorry this is a bit long, but I just got annoyed by this little bit.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Link00seven on 2005-08-14 11:01 ]</font>

Aug 14, 2005, 01:13 PM
You stick to what you believe in and enjoy my friend.
Don't let anyone tell you any different, and most of all don't let them bother so much.

Although I can see you're on the right track anyway. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Good luck.

Aug 14, 2005, 01:21 PM
Pay them no mind. You should do something that you like and if your uncomfortable with anything, you shouldn't do it.

Last year I was 2nd chair for Drumline and 2nd chair for Trumpet during marching season and during concert season I was section leader of Trumpet section. I played 3rd part for Jazz Ensemble.(Only because i got in it late)

But I got out of it during the end of my sophmore year(last year) because of I didn't like our new band director. I'm thinking of joining it this year.(we have a new band director).

People make fun of the band but the band is the best/funnest sport of all. You gain a lot of nice memories from it and you get to go to a lot of nice places. I think you were wise that you didn't do wrestling. I don't even know how you cvould've done it since your in Band AND Jazz Band. Both require a lot of focus and practice.

Aug 14, 2005, 01:44 PM
It'd be different if they were encouraging you as a friend, but the "omg you suk, loser." shit is just stupid. Those people you need to block from viewing/commenting on your Xanga/LJ.

Or more so, make a new LJ/Xanga and don't give it to anyone who can't keep it to themselves.

Constructive criticism and people encouraging you to better yourself is one thing, people dissing and making fun is entirely un-needed, and I'd be quick to boot anyone that can't be mature about what they have to say on what you do for yourself.

Aug 14, 2005, 02:02 PM
I've considered making my LJ/Xanga and AIM a "friends only" or (in AIM's case) "only people on my buddy list can contact me." This is another one of those instances where the idea stands.

Besides, i'll get it more once school starts -- these are just the people who read my LJ/Xanga and who I talk to on AIM.

Thanks guy's.

Aug 14, 2005, 02:29 PM
Link - those people are dipshits, primarely for the reason that if they were shoved into a similar situation...


Unfortunately, in high-school, jock > nerd.

Just be glad you're 1/2 done with HS and try to enjoy the time you have left (as impossible it may seem to do).

Aug 14, 2005, 08:07 PM
Hm, if it's not too much trouble, perhaps you could simply make a new Xanga like Abdur suggested, and keep it friends only, and update it along with your "main" one? Perhaps you could keep more private rants and observations in the "friends only" one, and more general stuff in the main one? :3

Also, if you decide band is more important to you than wrestling, that's your decision. People who give you crap about your decision need to just fuck off. Don't worry at all about what they think.