View Full Version : Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross crossovers *Spoilers*

Aug 16, 2005, 03:36 PM
Why has Schala's hair color been changed? in Chrono Trigger, it was a light blue, possibly a white. But in Chrono Cross, it is blonde. I really don't think Square needed to do that.

Is Guile really Janus? It seems quite possible seeing as at the end of the game, he goes off in search for Schala.

Any Connections between frog and Glenn? probably not other than the name. probably something like FF and Cid.

When you reach Cronopolis in CC, you find out that Serge has been named "prometheus". (if I recollect correctly) In CT, Robo's origional name is prometheus aswell. possible connections here?

These are just a few of the things I've been wondering about. anythoughts, comments or questions?

Aug 16, 2005, 06:14 PM
To be honest, I can't stand Chrono Cross. I stopped short after I've advanced a little in the parallel world, and gave this game to somebody for free. So I haven't completed this game.

Chrono Trigger is another story, I love this game. I haven't been playing it for a very long time (in a matter of years), nor did I complete it (it wasn't my game at the time).

So I can't say anything to your thoughts of these things. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif I see there's no posts here yet for a while, so I just thought to at least say something.

Aug 17, 2005, 01:44 AM
what? has no one else played these games?

Chrono trigger is quite possibly one of the best RPG's of all time, and Chrono Cross I'd give an 8 * rating on.

Aug 17, 2005, 06:30 AM
It's been a couple years since I've played Chrono Trigger, but I remember that in a flashback, it shows Glen being turned into a frog by Magus.

If I remember correctly..?

Maybe Outrider can clarify. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Aug 18, 2005, 01:00 AM
yes, glenn was turned into frog. glenn was also an amazing swordsman, but wasn't very confident in his abilities. same goes for glenn in CC...

Aug 19, 2005, 03:22 AM
I personally don't understand why people hate Chrono Cross so much. It's not that bad of a game. I played both Chrono Cross and Trigger and liked them both. Yeah, i don't know why Schala's hair goes from blue to blonde...that's kinda dumb. Maybe because they designed Kidd first and then decided that Kidd should be Schala's clone?

I mean sure, Chrono Cross takes an already complicated plot and makes it even more convoluted. Sorting out the plot was fun for me though.

Aug 19, 2005, 12:04 PM
Chrono Cross isn't that great of a game, but it was based on Radical Dreamers, which is techically the actual sequal to Chrono Trigger. IIRC, yes, that one guy IS magus.

Also, there's some other connections. Lucca, Marle, and Chrono show up in CC a least twice. Of course, you also have to remember Chrono Cross takes place in an alternate timeline from Chrono Trigger.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kalier on 2005-08-19 10:05 ]</font>

Aug 19, 2005, 04:50 PM
I think the main reason so many of us have issues with Chrono Cross is that it just doesn't share the same sort of spirit or character that Chrono Trigger had to it. The games don't even feel related for the most part. Of course, I harbor a deep hatred for Chrono Cross because it raped the plot of Chrono Trigger and killed off most of the main characters... but that's just me.

Erm... I quit CC long before I got to the end, and while I always say I'm going to finish it, it hasn't happened yet. Still, I know a fair amount about the game from other sources. From what I can remember, the two Glenns don't have any real connection besides the whole "having the same name" and the "looking-alike" thing and their abilities with swords. As for Guile, since it was revealed in Radical Dreamers that Gil was actually Janus, I guess it's a safe bet to say Guile is Janus, but I dunno. I think it's something more akin to the Glenn/Glenn comparison. I mean... he kinda looks like Janus and has some of the same movements, but to me he always seemed more like Janus good twin brother or something. (Not to be taken literally.)

As for Schala's hair, I think that was just an aesthetic change that they made as a result of changing character designers. On the other hand, I seem to remember hearing somewhere an idea for why it changed, but I don't think that was in the game.