View Full Version : PSOBB: Need directions to go to the Delsaber route for MA2..

Aug 19, 2005, 04:26 PM
Does anyone know which way am I supposed to go in VR Temple to acess the Delsaber route for VR SS? I looked at Tycho's map, but it doesn't label the routes well enough for me...

Aug 19, 2005, 04:38 PM
Take the blue route on Tycho's maps.

Aug 19, 2005, 05:24 PM

hey, while I'm at it:

Green route: (Chosen Ones)
--Lilies and Dimenians in temple
--Wolves and robots and spaceship
--loads and loads of Merillas/Meritas in East Jungle

Blue route: (Beginning of a legacy)
--Hildes in Temple
--Delsaber and a few Garanz in Spaceship
--Bosses in North Jungle

Yellow route: (Beginning of a Legacy)
--Hilde plus Lilies in Temple
--Delsaber and a few Garanz in Spaceship
--loads and loads of Ul and Zol Gibbons

Purple route: (Forbidden Path)
--Belras in Temple
--Pan Arms in Temple
--loads and loads of Gees in Seaside