View Full Version : HUnewearl Mags

Feb 22, 2001, 11:01 PM
I was curious about peoples opinions on the best way to raise a mag as a HUnewearlhttp://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Feb 22, 2001, 11:18 PM
It depends on your section ID. My *personal* favorite, is to raise a Varaha Mag. These look like a pair of wings (See bottom for links to images)

Note that the tops of these mags are dependant on the color of the character who started it. I started a white character and gave the mag to my main character only so that I had a pair of white tops, which, I am told can be seen even in dark rooms. =)

However, if your online name is "Deedlit", it looks like you'd be a type-B hunter. So Garuda would look decent (pair of butterfly wings), but it's not as practical, as say, Apsaras (big mecha skirt).

If you want some info on how to build these mags, I have a mag-building post under the MAGS forum on how to get an Apsaras. Also, nozedive13's FAQ on the GameFAQs board is useful in figuring out exactly what to feed mags. Let me know what your section ID is, and what you'd like to get. I can try to put together a MAG diet for you.

Pictures (from jeha.org)
Varaha (http://www.jeha.org/pso/mag/img/valarha.jpg)
Garuda (http://www.jeha.org/pso/mag/img/galda.jpg)
Apsaras (http://www.jeha.org/pso/mag/img/apurasas.jpg)


Feb 23, 2001, 12:00 AM
I hate my level 200 vahara, its plain and ugly. i want the garuda, that looks sweet.

Feb 23, 2001, 12:05 AM
Haha, I hated my lv200 Bhirava (pair of stinking sneakers on my back), but at least it made for some interesting conversations (I can rollerskate lying down!)

Keep the LV200 Varaha though; they're good bait for the magcells, or so I hear (still haven't found one, at 140hrs of gameplay. grumble)

=) Cliftonium

Feb 23, 2001, 12:33 AM
On 2001-02-22 21:05, Cliftonium wrote:
Haha, I hated my lv200 Bhirava (pair of stinking sneakers on my back), but at least it made for some interesting conversations (I can rollerskate lying down!)

=) Cliftonium

I have the sneakers too. I feel your pain... Have you tried that thing with giving your friend your mag and they feed it once and it changes when it reaches 200? Don't know if it's true. Never tried myself.

Feb 23, 2001, 01:51 AM
i have garudas there kewl lookin. every 1 sayz they look like angel wings.