View Full Version : Megaman X7 review

Sep 2, 2005, 08:29 PM
Capcom, what in God's name were you thinking?

This game is almost blasphemy to the Megaman franchise.

Why do I say this? Well, lets start at the beginning shall we.

At the start of the summer, once all my final exams were over with, Zelutos, myself and my friends mark took a little trip to EB. Weeks earlier, I had bought MMX8, and EXTREMELY enjoyed it. It was THE best Megaman Game I had played since MM2 and MMX6. Anyway, I originally went in looking for a few games to tide me over for the summer, with intent on purchasing FFX.

After not finding a copy of FFX in the new and used game selections, I decided to settle for FFX-2. Then, a previously enjoyed copy of MMX7 cought my eye. I remembered watching a trailer for it at Capcom's website a long while back before it even came out. I thought "Wow! Now I can have all the X games http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif"

So, I purchased FFX-2 and MMX7, and took them home with dreams of a good summer of gaming. I got home, popped in X7 and was very disappointed within the first 10 minutes of play.

to start:

-1. Voice Acting. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_nono.gif I would have prefered it to have been mere text than to have had the amaturish voice acting I found in this game. The only voice that really suited their character was Zero. Megaman was a pansy and Axl sounded like a pre-pubecent teenager. There was very poor emotions put to the voice acting. It even seemed like they were voice actors reading some script, instead of portraying the illusion of the actual characters.

voices? 1.5/5

-2. Speed. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif I see their legs pumping but I'm getting no where. Slow as a decomposing sloth. Jumping is even slow, and there is little time to avoid attacks.

Speed? 2/5

-3. Battle System. Since when does Megaman need an auto target? When he's in a sucky game. Mechaniloids will fly at you from BEHIND and INFRONT of the screen, and hit you where you can't even tag them. Bats will swarm you from above, and you can't shoot up. Try to run away, jump and shoot them? To bad you're too slow. You do get to mess around in some Mech-suits. One with rockets and a cannon, and a spidery one too. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Fighting? 2/5

-4. Character Design. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif The Reploid you have to fight... geeze. One is even an onion! an ONION! WTF Capcom? other than an onion, you pretty much fight a bunch of zoo animals. Not much imagination, but I guess it take some imagination to make a robot onion with a swiss accent. Axl was cool. I enjoyed being able to play a new character, and one with a really cool suit of armor. he can fly!@

All robot masters aside, characters? 4/5

-5. Power-Ups. Not too shabby, Some of the power-ups you aquire from the robot masters are pretty cool. Axl gets a really cool cannon from one of the bosses, and Zero gets a Glaive and Daggers. Now, to increase your characters strength, you recieve power-ups from the reploids you save(like in some of the previous MMX games). Sadly, you don't get enough, and the reploids have a tendancy to keel over quite quickly, leaving you with squat.

Mighty Robots? 3/5

-6. Level Select/Option Areas/Loading. *twitch* Like the game play, it's SLOW! It take so long to load, and is boring to watch. Wooo, a bunch of lineties going across a screen. I'm jumping for joy. not. Alia... is stupid. When you have a selection to make, such as retry/level select, she asks you if what you selected is okay. It is auto set to NO and when you want to get into the gameplay, you more than occasionally have to do your selection over again. "do you want to go back to level select?" Of course! I just clicked on it! would I have done that if I didn't want to? http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_rant.gif and I thought robots were supposed to be smart...

Layout? 1.5/5

-7. Story. Story wasn't to bad. As expected, Sigma makes a return. What else is new. I don't really want to type any spoilers, I'll leave it at that.

Depth? 3/5

-8. Difficulty. I found this game pretty hard. due to it being so... slow. You need to unlock X, and by that time, you've probably used the majority of your powerups, leaving him not good of a choice. Capcom didn't even leave code for us to get X's ultimate armor. I certainly could have used it on this one.

X_X 2/5

So, that's all I can think of that makes this game what it is. Capcom, give yourself a pat on the back for a job well-done. Well-done like a charred steak.

Over All Rating: 2.5-3/5


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Scott_Kuda on 2005-09-02 18:31 ]</font>

Sep 3, 2005, 03:08 AM
I can't speak for X7's voice acting, but if they did with X7 what they did with MM8, then I share your pain. I don't know how you come to the conclusion that Japanese voice actors are an appropriate choice for the American release of a game, but apparently someone at Capcom does. Megaman sounded as feminine (if not more so) as Roll, and if I didn't know better, I'd suggest that Dr. Light's first name must be Elmer, and every time I hear him talk, I'm waiting for him to start going on about "wabbit season". The animation was great, but holy crap... This game doesn't simply stop at slaying a person's faith in Japan's ability to produce voice actors, but it goes so far as to stab it a few more times, make threatening phone calls to its family, and blow up a few planets it finds along its way out.

Sep 3, 2005, 11:10 PM
Well, the Japanese voice acting in MM games is always 9 billion times better than the American voice acting. Compare, for example, Rockman X4 and Megaman X4. X is unplayable in MMX4 due to his horrible squeaky girly voice. X in RMX4 is perfectly usable(Mind you, I always used Zero any way because Zero kicks ass). Iris is less obnoxious-sounding in RMX4, and Zero's voice of course owns all because Okiayu Ryuutarou pwns. Plus of course RMX4 has Makenai Ai ga Kitto Aru and One More Chance as the opening and ending themes, which just owns even more.

There's an option in X7 to change to the Japanese voice actors, which makes things better, unfortunately the gameplay itself retains the US voice acting, but the cutscenes are livable... *sigh*

And MegaMan did not need 3D. I hate you, Capcom.

Sep 4, 2005, 02:30 AM
On 2005-09-03 21:10, Ian-KunX wrote:

And MegaMan did not need 3D. I hate you, Capcom.

For the X games, yah?

Because I'll swear by my MegaMan Legends spinoffs, anyday!

Seriously, I love those games. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Little bro played some X7 after he asked me to borrow it from a friend. After watching the first level or so, I didn't want to try it out at all.

It looked extremely unintuitive to play. And yeah, robot oninons. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

X8 had more 2D stages? I've heard as much, and haven't played a Megaman X game since 5. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Sep 5, 2005, 11:18 AM
That was added to my stupid games little corner right be side guess what THE TRASH if they make games like that there should be at least some swears like damn or ass I mean even serious sam is better(heck I love serious sam) but anyway 3d megaman Horriballs I like megaman X4 and x5 back in the day. dammit those were awesome games