View Full Version : Welcome to New Orleans

Sep 7, 2005, 10:39 PM
I was on my way home from the mall wen i got a call to report to my home unit to go to New Orleans.. That was like the 31st...

I spent about 5 days at a truckstop in Laplace(a city not to far from new orleans) directing bus route for evacue transportation and sleeping outside under an eighteen wheeler on my time off.. I just got to New Orleans yesterday though.

Luckily for me, and the rest of my company we havent seen any action, yet.. I spend most of the day clearing debrie from the road.. Tree's mostley.

I havent seen any bodies yet but other pleople in my company have...

I mean this whole thing is just weird.. Its almost like an afganistan thing all over again. The environment here is esentially the same.. Many places dont have power or running water.. We live inside of a temporary base(practice building for the Hornets),and your entire life gets put on hold for an undetermined amount of time.

I mean its just like deployment all over again. I should be proud to serve my country and all that.. which I am.. especialy in a time when my country needs it so bad. But I left for New Orleans on a Sunday.. I was supposed to move to college in florida on Wednesday.. I mean I cant explain how mutch this puts my life on hold..

A lot of people need help, but my life is being tatered by this deployment deal.. the whole situation effects the lives of Every person in Louisiana believe it or not..

The people from New Orleans are moving all around the state.. and Many i mind you, dot have good intent.. People are getting shot, and mugged all over the state.. The crime rate, even in rual areas has risen dramatically.

Places I used to feel safe, I cant really say that for now. I guess we all have to wade through it what ever way we can and make the best of it.

Sep 7, 2005, 10:49 PM
In a city a few miles from us where evacuated citizens are, the crime rate has doubled. Theres a lot of raping and shoplifting and hold ups.

I really don't understand why people are trying to hurt and rape one another in such a crisis, you think everyone will be trying to help each other but theres probably an explanation in the rules of sociology.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2005-09-07 20:50 ]</font>

Sep 8, 2005, 03:30 PM
The reason people are raping others are of many reason. they are scared and yet out of control.

With no authority around (besides special police and Marines) it's hard to tell who and where in any situation. How do you know some woman is getting raped? Why?

Several reasons... Let's dig into a man's perspective.

I lost my house... my memories... everything. How will I live on? No one is here to help me, and how do I know they're coming... a million questions in my head I can't answer. So this woman I consider very attracting is in the same situation... she is alone and I since I will probably die soon... I need to do something... I need something to make me feel good and powerful. I'm going to rape this woman, because I have nothing and I won't know how this will feel. I might as well do it.

You see? There are many reasons why this would happen. It's not that people should be helping each other, but they want to help themselves because that's who is there for them first.

You help you first, because humans are naturally greedy. They are too scared to come up with things. The shooting is another... people are too protective and greedy at the same time.

Instead of sharing, we become protective over what is scarce. Food... clothes... material things someone else lusts over. You try to take my woman, or food... I will cap you down. Simple as that.

Come on ... the answers to your questions are obvious. Haven't you studied Scapegoat and Possiblities in 8th grade? We are all (men especially) are guilty of it. Sex and Protection... it's what man is all about. If some guy raped your girl or daughter, what you gonna do? Watch?

People may say... "Oh I would've waited for someone to save me" while others may think "I don't have that kind of time... I need this now"

"You NEED to do it now! Because no one will save you"

That is a mentality of man.

Don't deny yourself of being a male. Especially you heterosexuals.
If you were encountered by the most attracting healthy single woman you ever met, and she asks you if you want to sleep with her... your response is always YES!

If you were in the situation of a Katrina victim... and you were alone... with nothing... and you saw that same woman (but didnt ask you the question)... and you felt like it's the end for you? Your oppurtunity is there... you're going to do something. It will be in your head... and it will always be in your head no matter the time or place.