View Full Version : ultimate dragon question

Sep 18, 2005, 02:48 PM
Hi i play offline xbox and i was wondering what lvl i should try ult dragon at im lvl 56 Humar with rita 200

Sep 18, 2005, 03:16 PM
You could probably have a slight chance (depending if you're lucky and careful) though id imagine being around 65 to 70 maybe even 75 is a bit smarter. And alot easier to beat.

Just make sure you have good Ice Defense...and very quick left right thumbstick action!

Sep 18, 2005, 04:02 PM
Its possible to beat sil dragon without getting hit, but if you do get hit you might not be able to take many blows from sil dragon(if any at all). You should take tingles advice and lv up a bit, and if needed take a few scape dolls to be on the safe side.

Sep 18, 2005, 05:47 PM
Don't forget to Jellen Zalure 'em first and foremost.

If your levels on those two techs are low, you would have to keep it up early and often.

And yeah, look forward to a longer battle, than if you were a little more higher leveled. So Scape Dolls, after your first attempt. If only to get his patterns down, so you can avoid damage. Then your next run, if you died, bring those Scapes.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HAYABUSA-FMW- on 2005-09-18 15:48 ]</font>

Sep 18, 2005, 06:16 PM
Its dependant on the weapons and equipment you have. I was able to defeat it with my RAmarl at Lv. 52, but you should be at least 58-70 before trying.

Sep 18, 2005, 08:56 PM
Maybe you dont need to be that high.. I mean, get a good Handgun (or Holy Ray if you have it) Get away from the Dragon's face and anywhere in its ice range and fire. It'll drop after enough hits (but if you do 0 damage then you're shitouttaluck.) Then go and beat it down senselessly (Yamato, whatever you have) When it gets up get away again, cuz if you hurt it enough. It'll do the Dragon Hide Underground attack. Avoid him like usual, but his final try does a spiral, from out to the center. Get near the edge when he passes by, run to edge and you'll be safe. Otherwise get ready for a world of frozen hurt!

Guides here can tell you more info then i have though. Just give it a best shot!

Sep 19, 2005, 06:43 AM
I give the advice of the wonderful weapons called, "Slicers," even when he's on the ground (Unless you've got good Daggers/Double Saber). 5 parts with HUmar ATP damage won't live long.

When you're MST gets higher (It's hard to compare to normal HUmars, since my HUmar has had max MST for so long), use Gizonde when he's in the air. Until then, I guess you can try to hit him with a gun http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

When he goes underground, hurry to open up youor Area Map, use that to dodge his burrowing when he comes to rush you (Twice). The third time, he spirals around, so all you have to do is pass him to get to the end of the stage and you'll avoid him until he comes out again.

...Mini guide? http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif