View Full Version : Classroom Loudmouths

Sep 20, 2005, 03:44 PM
Hear ye, Hear ye, Hear ye.
Tales of College woe. A light hearted affair.

Because I applied too late for the Further Ed course in Graphic Design at college, my better half (That's my GF to you illiterate forum goers!) suggested that I retake a couple of my GSCE's and improve my grades, like herself. I've always wanted to improve some of them and it'd look better on my CV. Now seems as good a time as any.
(For those of you not in the know, GCSE's are primarilly the Grades you'd get in subjects after 'High School')
It's a year long course and it's better than working full time. I have every intention of applying for Graphic design next year. Preferably on time!

So back to main reason of this rant.

My main fear of joining a GCSE retake class was the age difference. Most of my classmate's are 17 (with the odd acception). Old man Kiz here is almost 22. You do the math.
Thank god my misses is there with me. I wouldn't cope by myself. The difference in maturity is incredible.

My classmates are like 5 year olds on smarties.
A lot of them are Ego-boosting Attention Whores.
They're about as funny as a death in the family. (Such comedy highlight's include yelling "no" to a "yes" answer purposely. Hilarious. Please stop. My spleen is about to burst. I need it to live.)
"Lookah me! Lookah me! I'm funnier than a wombat with a kiwi up my colon!" All wanting to be a clown and adored by the masses.

As much as I dislike a lot of them, I enjoy getting a few laughs myself by actually shooting down alot of the scallywags.
For example, Captain kiwi was constantly disrupting the class by heckling one of our teacher's.
Fed up, I shouted to him "Yes we're all aware of the unfortunate size of your wang. Stop trying to make us believe otherwise by acting all alpha male, cus it aint gonna happen." Good times good times.

On another note, today he was literally kicked off one our classes as our english teacher refuses to teach him for being disruptive. She's warned him several times too. The class cheered as he left the room.

Sure, you can call me a hypocrite for loudly mocking the hecklers, almost becoming one of them myself but there's a difference.
I don't disrupt anyone working and I only do it to those who deserve it. I only target the one's disrupting the class themselves. It usually shuts them up, so it's for the greater good.

These kids need to learn that this is college, not school.
You're here by choice to learn.
If you're not here to do that, get out.

Sep 20, 2005, 04:11 PM
*sigh* Kids like that annoy me! They thrive and live on making jokes that aren't funny. I know what your going through, Kiz.

We should just get all of em on a boat and ship them somewhere. I mean, funnyness is nice but theres a line between being funny and being a dumbass especially when your in a school.

Sep 20, 2005, 04:48 PM
I like this rant. It is very funny.
And great come back, Kiz. :>

Sep 20, 2005, 05:09 PM
On 2005-09-20 13:44, Kizaragu wrote:
"Yes we're all aware of the unfortunate size of your wang. Stop trying to make us believe otherwise by acting all alpha male, cus it aint gonna happen."


Nice one.

Sep 21, 2005, 03:31 PM
http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif it's even better in night classes! you should watch how a few 30 and 40 year olds quickly shut down an entire class full of numbnuts.

first they ask politely, but firmly, taking you aside to control yourself. basically not making a scene and hoping you can act like an adult. then they'll "shh" the class occasionally. after that, they're like white on rice making sure the "kids" behave. they have no problem taking it to a higher authority, making a big scene, getting the person removed from class, or doing it themselves.

hee, hee, it's funny! piss off a paying adult at your peril! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_hamster.gif http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/pandaroll.gif in unison this time! roll, roll, roll...

Sep 21, 2005, 04:31 PM
I've also had my share of spoiled nerdy dudes, with their 1337 300 IQ brain complex and beavis & butt-head laughing style.

Truth is, at least around here, you don't really care about one's age after high-school, when you're on a class. I've seen dudes older than my gramps attend some classes, and I saw some of those gifted boys who were allowed to enter college sooner.

What distinguishes you by this time isn't something as age, it's more like who acts idiot or not, something those classmates of yours will take some years to get.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Even_Jin on 2005-09-21 14:32 ]</font>