View Full Version : PSOBB: Who wants to start playing Challenge?

Oct 7, 2005, 05:00 AM
When I'm on I cannot find anyone who wants to play challenge!
I really want to start to play challenge, and if theres anyone that can be on between 10am - 5pm Australian standard time (Its about 8pm as I write this post, it says 3am on here, so I'm guessing about 5pm till midnight by this board time) and wants to play challenge from the start, please reply to this thread and we can work out a time to challenge! I want to use my HUmar or RAmarl, but depending on who wants to challenge, I may creat a RAcast for challenge.
Cheers for reading this guys!

Oct 10, 2005, 01:51 PM
Most people are concentrating on the 2x drop rate and waiting to do cmode. Well at least most people are concentrating on the 2x drop rate. I'm up for cmode as soon and I mean as soon as the 2x drop rate is over. There are a few others that are waiting too.

Hopefully the cmode community will pick up. My gamertag is shigecki, but I don't know about the time difference, hopefully I can meet up with you and introdruce you to some of the others that are excited to start BB cmode.

Hopefully I'll see you around.

Oct 11, 2005, 04:18 AM
I got to play a little Cmode today http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Did C1 and C2 with my HUmar, also got a couple of noobs to help me do C1 with my RAmarl, some guys was determined to pick up every item in the level, so by the time me and the FO got to the boss, we had to wait a further 5 minutes for the other guy, took us like 20 minutes including Dragon :S

Oct 11, 2005, 04:54 AM
You have more patience then I do, I would have dropped the game. I can't stand that type of play, noobs or not. By the way, which block do you play on? If this is already stated, oh well. Do you have HUcast or a HUcaseal that you could use?

Oct 11, 2005, 07:15 PM
naa, HUmar, RAmarl and FOnewearl.

Probably will make a cast of some sort or FOmar with my 4th slot eventually, although after this week I probably wont be on PSOBB for a while, I'll most likely only get one more good game hit before my month at the net cafe runs out. I'm mainly in Hyp2, but I lobby jump a fair bit looking for games to join.

Oct 14, 2005, 03:12 PM
that guy probably was pissed afterwards that he couldnt keep what he picked up http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

i'm actually up for cmode, but there is not one game there... sheesh... stupid server seperation -_-;;

Oct 14, 2005, 06:07 PM
Yeah, it is pretty rare to see a Cmode game up, I went into a game entittled C3 on Hyp2 I think, but it was just me and a FO, no one else joined so we decided to do other stuff.

Oct 15, 2005, 10:30 AM
I've been searching for cmoders for the last 5 days. Only gotten to C3 so far. But you'll find me in Tethys 2. Characters: DOOD and Katt.

Nov 2, 2005, 04:13 PM
So I take it there's still no official ship +lobby for cmode games specifically?
If most of the PSOW crew hang around Oceanus 9-1, is it wise to just make a cmode room and wait till the room fills up?

This worked back in DC days, but am I wasting my time creating an open cmode room?

I'll have to start fresh back on c1.

I play late 12:00am - 3am EST in the US.

Nov 2, 2005, 04:20 PM
As Shigecki said, most of us are milking the 2x drop rate for everything it's worth, but we do want to play c-mode.

Hell, I consider that my favorite part of pso and I don't even have an s-rank yet. Damn.

Anyway, Figure by next week, many of us will want to run c-mode and ya, drop by Oceanus 9-1 if you're looking for a game - we've a few PSOW team members there looking for games as well.

Nov 20, 2005, 05:54 PM
yeaa..i love Cmode and i just got BB today so once i learn how to do this computer version..i wann play cmode.. hehe