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Oct 18, 2005, 12:16 PM
Inhaling too much Gamsol Soluvent is very hazardos on a empty stomach :>

*spins al dizzy like*

Oct 18, 2005, 12:23 PM
On 2004-10-13 15:45, ckdexterhaven wrote:

On 2004-10-13 15:30, LaceyLew wrote:

and in my first layer or two of paint. Is this a terrible thing to do?

Yes it is evil -mostly. Never ever mix it with your paint -it never fully dries. It becomes a sticky gooey mess. In addition, it dissolves underlying layers of paint. If you choose to clean your brushes with it make sure you follow up with soap and water. (I much prefer Gamsol)

There is only one use I have for Turpanoid Natural -it is the best solvent I have fouund for old dried oil paint: old brushes, palette, etc

Plenty of people worry about getting it on your skin. They say the main ingredient D-limonine has natural terpines which are the same molecules in natural turpentine. Supposedly these can pass through the skin blood-barrier and carry bad stuff into your cells. Whatever. I use vinyl gloves so I don't worry about it.

I agree.

Oct 18, 2005, 12:26 PM
It didnt touch me no, I just inhaled too much of it.

Oct 18, 2005, 12:37 PM

Oct 18, 2005, 01:53 PM
On 2005-10-18 10:37, Saiffy wrote:
