View Full Version : Special treat: 8-bit pwnage

Sep 4, 2002, 01:49 AM
WMV8 - Right click and save as (http://users.adelphia.net/~snappurunyanko/temp/fda.wmv)
It's so bad...

Sep 4, 2002, 03:20 AM
I remember playing Xevious and Punch Out with the power glove...

Sep 4, 2002, 06:34 AM
You mean it was actually invented. It must have been ahead of it's time.

Sep 4, 2002, 06:41 AM
Yeah, I remember seeing advertisements for the Power Glove. Pretty nifty for it's time. As for the rest of the clip, weird to think that those types of graphics are what we used to drool at. O_o

Sep 4, 2002, 11:32 AM
I vaguely remember being jaded about that Power Glove thingy when it came out. I was a cynical little kid.

Then again, I loved that movie. Rad Racer... so exciting!!

Sep 4, 2002, 01:26 PM
God, do I remember that Power Glove.

And eee, do I remember those graphics XD

You know, in your mind when you think back to that stuff, it's more detailed than it really is.

I remember playing Master Blaster for the NES, and in my memory, you could see different shades of grass, and smooth lines on the characters...but my God, go play it and thats not the case x_X

Sep 4, 2002, 08:28 PM
Keke...interesting clip there, Snap.

Is that from that video game master movie...thing? It kinda looks like it...I rememeber cause it was on Nickelodeon one time...

Sep 4, 2002, 08:35 PM
Ha ha.

I saw people talk about the glove before I downloaded the movie and was going to say there was one in this movie http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

I had a power glove and used it for something, but it didn't really work...

Sep 4, 2002, 08:37 PM
The Wizard!

Sep 5, 2002, 01:37 AM
Oh God, the Power Glove. Looked so cool, but was a pain in the ass to work.