View Full Version : Best Game Ever

Oct 20, 2005, 07:33 PM
I wanted to find out which games are considered to you the best game ever for each different console. Below are the titles that personally I thought was the best made for the systems I have had or still have.

NES - Mario Bros (I was perhaps too young to ready get into Metal Gear at that time)

SNES - Final Fantasy III (Final Fantasy VI in Japan) This game was my first ever RPG and I loved it. The story was amazing and the specials each one had was so cool. It is still considered to me the best Final Fantasy ever.

GameBoy - Final Fantasy. Another epic journey I will never forget.

PS - Two games really come to mind and they are GT2 and RE2. If I must choose one over the other I guess I would have to just lean a bit towards GT2.

N64 - Smash Brothers!!!! I still play it today with 3 other buddies. This game is just as addicting to me as PSO.

DC - PSO handles down!!! The first online RPG and I must have spent like 100 hours on it a week.

XBOX - Halo2, it was too fun for me to blow up people I don't know.

GC - PSO again!!! You know the reasons.

Oct 20, 2005, 08:08 PM
Which Final Fantasy on GameBoy are you talking about? I'm pretty sure there wasn't just a "Final Fantasy" on the system.

Oct 20, 2005, 09:09 PM
NES - Mario Bros (I was perhaps too young to ready get into Metal Gear at that time)


SNES - Final Fantasy III (Final Fantasy VI in Japan) This game was my first ever RPG and I loved it. The story was amazing and the specials each one had were so cool. It is still considered to be the best Final Fantasy ever.

debatable... Some would argue Chrono Trigger was better...

GameBoy - Final Fantasy. Another epic journey I will never forget.

I didn't even realize they released a FF for the original gameboy.... :shrug:

PS - Two games really come to mind and they are GT2 and RE2. If I must choose one over the other I guess I would have to just lean a bit towards GT2.

Really no opinion on Playstation games...

N64 - Smash Brothers!!!! I still play it today with 3 other buddies. This game is just as addicting to me as PSO.

Smash Brothers was the only game I have played for N64 (err actually goldeneye also... but...) So I will have to agree...

DC - PSO hands down!!! The first online RPG and I must have spent like 100 hours on it a week.

First and only online RPG for DC... note, not actually the first online RPG. That award probably goes to some random MUD which has since been forgotten. I would have picked Soul Calibur, but... again that is only because it was the only game I played for DC.

XBOX - Halo2, it was too fun for me to blow up people I don't know.

None of the Xbox titles really impressed me that much... but from what I hear Ninja Gaiden was pretty awesome... I haven't really played Halo2 enought to comment on it.

GC - PSO again!!! You know the reasons.

Smash Brothers? PSO the best game ever makes me a little sad on the inside. Addiction doesn't mean it's good.

Oct 20, 2005, 09:23 PM
I'll go by what you did, not add any consoles or anything.

NES - Super Mario Brothers 3.

SNES - Super Mario RPG, or Donkey Kong Country(any of them, all ruled)

GameBoy - Mario Tennis

PS - Metal Gear Solid

N64 - So many great games, I have to narrow it down to: Goldeneye, Diddy Kong Racing(owns Mario Kart), and Mario Parties.

DC - Never played.

XBOX - Halo 1. LAN parties FTW.

GC - Viewtiful Joe.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: GreyPhantasm on 2005-10-20 19:23 ]</font>

Oct 20, 2005, 09:24 PM
The best game ever for GC is Resident Evil 4. It's nothing like the other ones. The graphics are the best I've seen on GC. The frame rate is perfect. The gameplay rocks (it's just so much fun). It takes a normal person about 20 hours to complete the game the first time on normal. The storyline is exceptional. It's even got subtle humor and a hot chick!

Oct 20, 2005, 09:48 PM
XBox- DOA 3 or PSO or Rainbow Six 3 Black Arrow...choices

GC- Tales of Symphonia or SSBM....ARGGGH CHOICES!!

Gameboy- Pokemon

DC- Sonic Adventure 2 (never played PSO on DC)

PS-hmm.. not a whole ton of games...

NES- Track and Field..oh yea

SNES- Super Metroid

N64- Super Smash Brothers or Perfect Dark

Oct 20, 2005, 09:52 PM

NES: Either Super Mario Bros. 3 or Kirby Adventure

SNES: Kirby Super Star, Super Mario All-Stars http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif or... hmm, Super Mario World 2 was awesome too. There are simply too many awesome games for the SNES to choose a best ever.

Nintendo 64: GoldenEye, Super Mario 64, and even Hydro Thunder to an extent. Hardly anyone seems to remember that game, but the Nintendo 64 version was the best of the three, in my perspective anyway.

Playstation: Uh... Final Fantasy Chronicles, or Final Fantasy Anthology. I realize that all four of those games originally came out on SNES, but, I don't have the SNES versions thus why I chose them for PSX... Oh yeah, and Chrono Cross was rather fun as were Final Fantasy VII and VIII, it's just VII is overrated already even if it was a great game.

Playstation 2: ugh, not sure here... There are so many games here I really cannot decide. I suppose though, Xenosaga was enjoyable for me (have yet to get Episode II) as has been Star Ocean. But, really, there are a number of games that I really enjoy for PS2.

Xbox: hmm, Midtown Madness 3 really is probably the best purchase I made for it. $20 and it is one of my favorite racing games due to the freedom of it. Oh, and the whole adding custom music to the Xbox. 80s Rock + James Bond themes + MM3 = hours of fun to be had. Halo was fun, but I prefer it on PC. *shrugs* Fable was pretty good, and heck, I even enjoyed Sudeki. I mean, gotta love the whole "Kingdom Hearts" feeling graphics with violence and death.

Game Boy / Color: Tetris. Hey, Tetris has got to be one of the best games of all time. And, for the time I was interrested in the series, Pokemon Blue was the coolest game ever. Simple, easy to get into, but still tons of fun to play. Really, for such a basic RPG it is one of the best.

Game Boy Advance: Uh, not sure here either. Again, problems with so many good games. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is pretty darn good. As is Fire Emblem. Of course, the old Mario games are always welcome as well. Breath of Fire is also really nice.

Nintendo DS: Ah, well, just found out today that Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings is being brought over to it. If they kept it similar to the PC version, it could very well go down as freaking awesome. Feel the Magic, while short, was definitely fun. I am also interrested in Trace Memory but have yet to get it.

GameCube: Ahh, Super Smash Bros. Melee is an obvious topper here. PSO was fun as well, but, more for the community than the game itself. I know there are other games that I rather enjoyed but I haven't played them for a while so I cannot say which.

And PC: Half-Life and Half-Life 2 have taken the crown here for me. I've played through them numerous times, only to find myself coming back for more. Heck, Ravenholm alone is a blast to play. Doom II, II not 3, is also a very addictive game. Unreal Tournament 2004 is also a great game, if just for the community content. Again, there are so many great PC games simply due to the age of PC gaming that I cannot hope to list my favorites.

Oct 20, 2005, 09:57 PM
He's probably talking about Final Fantasy Adventure/Seiken Densetsu I.

Oct 20, 2005, 09:59 PM
NES - Duck Hunt!
SNES - Kirby Dream World 3/Kirby Super Star/Super Star Wars Series... SNES was amazing http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
N64 - Kirby 64/Majora's Mask/Pokemon Stadium 2... after those 3 games, why else would you need an N64? http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif
GC - PSO/Kirby's Air Ride

Genesis - Everything! ;o Tiny Toons/Sonic Series/Vectorman Series/Shinobi series... forever and ever amen.
Dreamcast - Tough call

Game Boy (All) - Pokemon Series/Kirby Series

PS/PS2 - Uuuuuhh... Soul Calibur 3? http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

XBox - Jet. Set. Radio. Future.

Oct 20, 2005, 10:12 PM
OK, I know that like all other lists, this'll be debatable, but hey, those are opinions, so what the hell...

NES - Roadblasters: This is the game that sparked my love for car wars and later interest in games like Twisted Metal, Interstate '76 and Vigilante 8. At the time, I thought that fitting guns on a car was simply fabulous.

SNES - Super Metroid: Nintendo had delivered a game that was far from the common button-mash shooter. I was surprised to see that the gameplay of Super Metroid was about carefully analyzing your situation, firing at the right spots, and exploring the vast area that lay before you. I especially loved the exploration part (which is why I took interest in the Castlevania series on GBA) The game was nicely designed, had a great appearance, and was bugless.

Sega Master System - Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap: This game's popularity is dwarfed by the immense volume of Zelda fans. In fact, I don't even recall if Wonder Boy III was a hit at all. Either way, it didn't matter. The game featured a classic platformer swordfighting adventure, where you as the knight in shining armor fight evil monsters in various places. The game has you cursed under a spell that has changed you into an animal. While you still retain your arms and legs, you find yourself gifted with several special abilities, notably flying, swimming, squeezing into tight areas or performing a semi-circle slash, depending on the form you have taken. You take on dragons to accept their curse, gaining more forms and eventually hoping to find the one dragon who will be able to restore you to human form. I think my love for the game stems from basically having it from a young age, and having played it a lot, and I mean, a lot of times. The areas are interesting, there is a good variety of monsters, and you get to choose from several pieces of equipment with which to fight, some of them having special abilities, and most of them dependent on the form you have taken. While the game itself can be completed in little more than one sitting, I find it to be a particularly satisfying experience nonetheless.

Sega Genesis - Gunstar Heroes: Well, I don't think I need to explain much more here. Gunstar has excellent visuals, great sounds, interesting designs, and a super-tight gameplay. In fact, it was designed by the original makers of Contra III: The Alien Wars for the SNES. They have since formed their own company, called Treasure.

Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: While I haven't played much N64, I played enough of that Zelda to have a lot of fun on it. There's many, many things you can do, many opportunities to improve yourself and gain more powerful abilities - most of which are sidequests! It was easy for me to go over limit and spend sometimes as many as five hours in a row playing the game.

Sega Dreamcast - Ikaruga: I don't play that game often; far from it. Yet, I believe this piece to be one of the most well-made ever. The gameplay is simple yet incredibly challenging, and the entire game is rendered in full, high-detail 3D without a hint of frame loss. The experience is dreamy, smooth and leaves you with a weird sensation when you're all done with it, as if a huge pressure had built up into you and then was finally, gradually released. I'd like to note here that Rez was a very, very strong contender for the title of best game. While not dismissing the greatness of Rez, I felt that Ikaruga had a better quality of execution.

PC - Serious Sam: The Second Encounter: This game is able to cram almost a hundred enemies at once into a vast paying field, and have you fighting against them all at once with great frame rate despite an average computer. Serious Sam is a true-bred, back-to-basics shooter where the emphasis is on your traditional array of guns against hordes and hordes of monsters. There is no real plot - well, there is one but who cares? The game is a highly enjoyable fragfest, and gives nothing less than a huge adrenaline rush everytime you play it. It's a deceptively simple game that hits the mark where it counts.

Oct 20, 2005, 10:17 PM
On 2005-10-20 19:48, Dre_o wrote:

NES- Track and Field..oh yea

oh the good times i had with the running pad that went with it.

Oct 20, 2005, 11:36 PM
NES: Super Mario Bros.
My memories of the NES days are slowly fading, so I'll use this game, since it'sa symbol of the revival of home console gaming.

SNES: Super Mario World
Hours upon hours of playing to obtain *96. Being only about 8 or 9 years old, I was able to obtain this, twice, without any sort of guide. I was proud of myself for having accomplished that.

Gameboy: Tetris
I wish I could find my old cartridge and play it right now, but I have to go and buy another one. More hours of gaming, trying to beat my last record.

Gameboy Color: Pokemon Silver
I think this is the only Gameboy color game I really owned, and it isn't even a full GBC game. It was compatable with the older Gameboy. More hours of gameplay, wasted, trying to level and capture the new generation of Pokemon. Until I got a Pokemon Editing Device (Brainboy). Gold goes in here, too, since they're basically the same thing.

Nintendo 64: Perfect Dark
Well over 200 hours on this game. That's not much, but you have to cinsider that the time counted only consists of 10 minute matches that have been completed and saved to your profile. This game is my favorite, by far, because of the endless gameplay. Although I'm a bond fan, it beats out Goldeneye in many ways. Bots in Multiplayer Mode is the top reason why I love this game (not to mention the music). This is the only game I kept after I sold my N64 library to save up for a Gamecube.

Gameboy Advance: Pokemon Fire Red
Remake of the original Pokemon games. I had a lot of fun playing it, since I played the originals. I don't have any other GBA games, though.

Nintendo Gamecube: Phantasy Star Online: Episode 3 C.A.R.D. Revolution
I had a lot more fun on this game than I ever had on Ep1&2. You couldn't act like a dick on this game, because if you did, you could get beaten to a pulp by an true experienced player. Music is awesome.

Xbox: TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
I don't have that many games for the Xbox, nor have I played many, but I enjoy this game quite a bit. Better than 2, and has LOADS of gameplay. Not only that, but the music rocks hard.

Yeah, that's about it, I think.

Oct 21, 2005, 12:39 AM
NES - Legend of Zelda. Where it all started...

SNES - Super Mario Brothers 3. I liked the racoon suit XD (thinks thats the right mario)

Gameboy - Dragon Warrior III.

Gameboy Advance - Golden Sun and Golden Sun The Lost Age.

Sega - While Sonic was teh pwns, I have to go with Vector Man. Does anyone remember that game? I fell in love with it.

N64 - Legend of Zelda Ocarina. This is the first zelda game I played, and where I fell in love with the series. Everything about it to me was great.

PS - Final Fantasy 7. Only game I can remember playing, because I'm one of those "Nintendo" fanboys I guess you could call it.

PS2 - Final Fantasy 10. Same as PS.

Game Cube - Wind Waker. I think that Nintendo beautifully carried on the series. I also liked the controversial animation style.

XBox - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. I love the flexibility in that game. You know when you get those urges to kill and you can only kill demons and set enemies while in Morrowind, you can go up to your guild leader and hack him/her to pieces. I just love that you could kill a God if you were powerfull enough.

Oct 21, 2005, 01:08 AM
Sega Genesis: Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I've logged ridiculous amounts of gametime into it, and can still pick it up every once in awhile, though these days I play it through Sonic Mega Collection on my GameCube.

Sega Saturn: Shining Force 3, easily. Own the soundtrack, artbook, all three scenarios, and the premium disc. Excellent strategy/RPG with hands down the best storyline I've experienced to date. Xenosaga and it's intentionally vague and convoluted bullcrap can eat me (LOL RELIGION 666 IT'S SO DEEP).

Sega Dreamcast: Skies of Arcadia, definitely. So glad I bought the import LE box, it's one of my most prized possessions. Own a legit copy of the game's soundtrack too, which was near impossible to get.

GameCube: Tales of Symphonia. Awesome gameplay alongside a wonderful cast of cliche characters that are armed with some of the best interaction to date. The bickering between characters is just hilarious. The localization job was absolutely superb, and if you own a GameCube and don't own this game... shame on you.

PlayStation 2: I haven't received Shadow of the Colossus yet, but as of this moment, Dark Cloud 2 still reigns supreme. Tons of gameplay packed into that game with some of the best cel-shading around.

PC: Ys Oath in Felghana. This game is armed with some of the best action-RPG gameplay to date, further fueled by the best soundtrack I've heard in a game. The special edition release of the game that I imported is my latest treasured game possession. This game has some fantastic boss fights.

Oct 21, 2005, 01:47 AM
If you guys add PC... then Ultima 7.


Oct 21, 2005, 02:10 AM
Hmmm lets see here;

Atari: Midnight Magic. Yeah I know its pinball but I loved it, that and Stargate.

SMS: Phantasy Star I. What do you need to say about that game?

NES: Final Fantasy 3. Loved the job/class system plus a great story.

TG16/TD: Cosmic Fantasy series. Also Fighting Street was great too.

SNES: Final Fantasy 5. My fave story and game play, better then 4, not quite as epic as 6 but I had the most fun with it.

Genesis: Phantasy Star 2. Ummm I still have PS2 music as the ringer on my cell phone... that and PS4, whatever http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Sega CD: Lunar series. Amazing cinemas and graphics, for the time at least, plus a great story.

Jaguar: Forget the name of it, but the fighter where the guy shoots fireballs from under his kilt http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Game Gear: Crystal Warriors. Great turn based strat game, I liked it more then the Shining Force games for GG... No wait thats a lie, but still me and three other people in the world played the game and enjoyed it. Thats worth something right?

Gameboy: Final Fantasy Legand III. The first GB FF that had a level system, plus cool story with time travel!

GBA: Castlevania Harmony Of Dissonence(sp?). Its 2D Castlevania what else do you want?

N64: Ogre Battle 64. No Frinky poo, you can't borrow it. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Saturn: Shining Force III(All Senerios). Even though I bought a Saturn the day it came out, I think this was the only reason I really bought it.

Dreamcast: PSO. 1200 hours at least put into just v1 and 2, yeah I'd say its at the top.

Playstation: Castlevania Sympony of the Night. Still one of my fave games of all time, I still play it again and again to this day.

Playstation 2: Disgea Hour of Darkness. How could you not love the humor in this game?

Gamecube: PSO(again). Definatly the only reason I bought a Gamecube... Oh wait did I say "bought"? Because I meant stole from my friends sister. Oh well she doesn't miss it.

PC: Starcraft/Starcraft:Broodwar. Yeah so still playing it and somewhere around 10k bnet games at least that I've played in my life. I still be playing it years from now even if SC2 comes out.

Edit: Forgot a few systems.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Guntz348 on 2005-10-21 00:15 ]</font>

Oct 21, 2005, 02:11 AM
Shining Force and all of its subtypes! Hands down...Except Shining Wisdom! That one was made by completely different people! =/ That game saved my life! Literally!!

Oct 21, 2005, 06:34 AM
I'll only do this for consoles/computers Ive played.

Gameboy: Pokemon Red, that was SO addictive when it was released.

Amiga: Either Warzone (a kind of Contra-style shoot-em-up), or Project-X.

PC: Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Edition. 2004 was great too.

Mega Drive: Streets of Rage (the FIRST one http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif )

Playstation: Metal Gear Solid/Final Fantasy VII/Gran Turismo

Playstation 2: For me, Bloody Roar 3, Killzone, Dynasty Warriors 4.

Gamecube: F-Zero GX, PSO Ep1/2 (if anything, for the sheer days of my life spent on it)

I think thats all, I loved Perfect Dark on N64 though.

Oct 21, 2005, 07:52 AM
hm.. from what i played

NES: hebereke / u-four-ia (never released in the US btw) or megaman 2

GB: tie between legend of zelda 4, seiken densetsu 1 and kirby pinball

SNES: legend of zelda 3 or actraiser

GBA: gradius advance

DC: tie between rez and jet set radio

cube: pikmin 1&2 by far

PS2: SH3 - lots of good games, hard to decide

Oct 21, 2005, 12:14 PM
On 2005-10-20 19:57, geewj wrote:
He's probably talking about Final Fantasy Adventure/Seiken Densetsu I.

Or one of the Final Fantasy Legend games.
Narrowing it down to one for each, rather difficult, wanting to put 2 or 3 for most.

NES- I'll go with Super Mario Bros.
SNES- Chrono Trigger
N64- Perfect Dark
Gamecube- Smash Brothers Melee
Gameboy- Final Fantasy Legend 2
GBA- Shining Soul 2
DS- Warioware Touched
Genesis- Shining Force
Game Gear- Shining Force: Sword of Hadja
Dreamcast- PSO
PS1- Vandal Hearts
PS2- Gitaroo Man
Xbox- Counterstrike, heheh
PC- Sim Tower
Arcade- Dance Dance Revolution

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mixfortune on 2005-10-21 10:16 ]</font>

Oct 21, 2005, 12:42 PM
For all the consoles I've owned and choosing only from games I've actually played (duh)...it's obvious that I'm a complete RPG whore.

Atari 2600: Adventure (the first-ever console ARPG ^_-), Defender, and...aw, frag, what was the name of the Activision game which had you piloting the sub and rescuing divers? My memory is shot.

Commodore 64 (I don't care if it's called a computer...that was a game console): Ultima IV. A true classic which took major strides forward in the areas of world-building and plot (yes, still a rarity in the idea that it had nothing to do with "beat the big bad end-boss!!!" as a storyline). Plus the music rocked. Honorable mention to The Legend of Blacksilver.

Sega Master System: Phantasy Star. Do I need to say anything else?

Sega Genesis: Phantasy Star 4. Brilliant music, cool artwork, smooth-as-silk gameplay, and a story featuring characters that genuinely...develop. Chaz Ashley's struggle to grow from boy to man presages the major character conflict of FF8 and does it oh-so-much-better. Upping the challenge level slightly would have made this game utterly perfect. I'm still amazed that the simple and yet brilliant concept in PS4's auto-battle system of letting the player choose in what order the attacks are launched never caught on (except in FF-type games where every attack must be manually entered).

Sega CD: Lunar: Eternal Blue. Plot. Story. Characters that actually go beyond stereotypes. Anime cutscenes. Music. Smartmouthed flying cats that breathe fire. Brilliant and actually better than the remake.

Sega Saturn: Street Fighter Zero II. I just didn't consider Shining the Holy Ark or Magic Knight Rayearth all that memorable, and Albert Odyssey was a clunker in the extreme.

Playstation: Final Fantasy VII. Ignore the legions of screaming fanboys/girls, get over the fact that later games had better graphics, and suppress your elitist attitude that anything this popular can't possibly be good, and immerse yourself in the biggest single change in the RPG genre since they were invented. Every turn-based RPG since 1997 has been either imitating or consciously trying to diverge from the FF7 model, and few of them do either well (including, I may add, the later FF games). Plus the soundtrack is just so damned good it would put the game on this list if it was the background to Pong.

Sega Dreamcast: . I say that only because I was so busy playing PSO that my DC died a flaming electronic death before I ever took [i]Skies of Arcadia out of its little box.

Playstation 2: Shadow Hearts. The sequel, Shadow Hearts: Covenant somehow did the impossible and fixed every single one of the original's gameplay bugs while not adding any new ones(?!?!?) and updated the graphics, but the original is still quite possibly the Best Game Ever.

GC: PSO...mainly because it's the only Gamecube game I own.

GameBoy Advance: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow.

Oct 21, 2005, 02:43 PM
I haven't played nearly enough games or systems to feign authority, but here are my favorites:

SNES - Chrono Trigger
Sega Genesis - Sonic the Hedgehog II
N64 - Goldeneye
Dreamcast - Soul Calibur
PC - Baldur's Gate, HL (Day of Defeat)

Oct 21, 2005, 02:48 PM
NES - Tetris


PS - Deception 3: Dark Delusions

N64 - Goldeneye or Zelda:OoT

XBOX - Fusion Frenzy(I can't help it)

GC - Gauntlet Legacy(Once again, I can't help it)

Oct 21, 2005, 02:57 PM
Atari- Joust
NES - Zelda/Punchout
GB - Metroid II/Links Awakening
Genesis - Gunstar Heros/General Chaos
SNES - Too Many
PS2 - Katamari Damacy
N64 - SSB/Zelda OoT
GBA - Tactics Ogre
PC - Diablo II/Morrowind

Oct 21, 2005, 04:25 PM
On 2005-10-21 12:57, geewj wrote:


Oh wow, a FFVIII sighting! I guess I am not the only one to thing FFVIII was better than FFVII and FFIX

Oct 21, 2005, 05:00 PM
On 2005-10-21 14:25, tbmes11 wrote:

On 2005-10-21 12:57, geewj wrote:


Oh wow, a FFVIII sighting! I guess I am not the only one to thing FFVIII was better than FFVII and FFIX

Yeah, it's way underrated.

Oct 21, 2005, 05:01 PM
FFVIII is a great game, I just preferred some aspects of VII more. Still an amazing game though =D

Oct 21, 2005, 05:27 PM
On 2005-10-21 10:42, DezoPenguin wrote:
Commodore 64 (I don't care if it's called a computer...that was a game console): Ultima IV. A true classic which took major strides forward in the areas of world-building and plot (yes, still a rarity in the idea that it had nothing to do with "beat the big bad end-boss!!!" as a storyline). Plus the music rocked.

Oh crap... I totally forgot about the Commodore 64. I have to concur with Ultima IV, as it was the first RPG I ever played, and it still remains one of the most unique RPGs ever made. In fact, the game's music is what made me become a game music enthusiast.

Oct 21, 2005, 07:06 PM
SNES: Super Mario RPG man! best. mario game. ever.
NES: my friend has this game called McDonald kids, which we play since we're retarded
Xbox: Phantom Crash/Halo 2
N64 Pokemon Stadium
PS: My first game, Crash Bandicoot (sentimental values http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif )
PS2: FFX, awesome game
PC:PSO BB of course

I can't believe no one said SM RPG, it's gotta be one of my top 5

Oct 21, 2005, 10:46 PM
I forgot a few things:

PC: StarCraft Brood War. To be plain and simple, I kick butt and I still play.

DS: Advance Wars DS or Trace Memory

Virtual Boy: Mario Clash baby

Arcade: Area51

PS2: PSU even now But really Metal Of Honor: Allied Assault

Oct 22, 2005, 12:37 AM
XBox- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Halo CE

GC- Smash Bros.

Gameboy- Pokemon RSE, Pokemon FRLG

DC- Crazy Taxi http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cool.gif

PS- Uhh... Final Fansasy series?

SNES- Final Fantasy 2, Super Mario Brothers, and Mario Paint

N64- Super Smash Brothers, Mario Kart!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: s.TiNgEr on 2005-10-21 22:37 ]</font>

Oct 22, 2005, 03:07 AM
I have said this before and it still holds true today. There is no 'best game ever'. It's all about personal choice. What one person thinks might be the greatest game since Pong, another person will argue that it's complete crap. It's an endless and viscious circle.

Oct 22, 2005, 04:28 AM
I think it was established in the first post that this was merely an opinionated topic:

On 2005-10-20 17:33, tbmes11 wrote:
I wanted to find out which games are considered to you the best game ever for each different console. Below are the titles that personally I thought was the best made for the systems I have had or still have.

Also, added to the fact that there hasn't been any argument about video games yet.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skorpius on 2005-10-22 02:29 ]</font>

Oct 22, 2005, 07:45 AM
PC: Starcraft Brood War hands down. I still play that game, and will continue to for a very long time.

NES: Tough one here, there's Jackal, SuperC, Final Fantasy, and Super Mario Bros. 3

SNES: Either Kirby's Super Star (no doubt best kirby game ever) or Super Mario RPG

N64: Hm.....I guess I'd have to go with SUPAAAA SMASHHHH BROTHERS!

PS1: FF7.

PS2: DDRMax > everything

GC: Smash Brothers, once again.

DC: CHUCHU ROCKET!!!! oh god that was a fun game with 4 people.

Xbox: Halo 2. I find it enjoyable despite all the haters who say but the [insert something here] is so unbalanced/bad/slow/etc.

Sega Genesis: Sonic 2

Oct 22, 2005, 10:23 AM
NES - Zelda II: The Adventures of Link

SNES - Chrono Trigger

Sega Genesis - Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Sega Game Gear - Aladdin

N64 - Majora's Mask

DC - Shenmue


PS2 - ***FFXI***

GC - The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif


GB - Pokemon Yellow

GBC - Oracle series of Zelda

GBA - Golden Sun series


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jason on 2005-10-22 08:29 ]</font>

Oct 22, 2005, 10:30 AM
NES: Super Mario Bros. 3

SNES: Super Mario World

N64: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

GCN: Tails of Symphonia

PC: Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst

PS: Metal Gear Solid

PS2: Final Fantasy X

XBOX: Halo 2

But one of my most favorite.

http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smilejap.gif The best http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smilejap.gif

Oct 24, 2005, 11:57 AM
Hmmm, this'll get tricky in places...

NES: Super Mario bros 3, since it was just about the only game i have for it.

N64: Majora's Mask, would've been even better if it wasn't for some of the dungeons.

Gameboy: Tetris, because, its tetris.

GBC: Pokemon gold, or crystal. Highly addictive AND a chalenging final boss to boot.

GBA: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. 80 hours of sheer fun in thar.

GC: PSO, or F-Zero GX, or 1080 Avalanche... Dammit, i cant decide!

DS: Most likely to be Advance wars: Dual strike, the only game ive known to yell "Owned!" at a regular basis.

EDIT: lol, forgot DS

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Feelmirath on 2005-10-26 05:13 ]</font>

Oct 24, 2005, 05:35 PM
NES: I never was much for NES games, but Legend of Zelda is fun, though I have it only on GC. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

SNES: Ack, this is a hard one. >_< I mean, there are so many good games on the SNES to choose from. My favorite is probably Earthbound, followed closely by Yoshi's Island (which I still haven't beaten T_T). Honorable mentions include Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger.

GBC: Pokemon Silver. I just got re-addicted to it. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

N64: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and Super Smash Brothers and Super Mario 64. Four way tie. >_>;;

GBA: Tough choice. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Harmony of Dissonance, I think.

GC: killer7 and The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker, another tie.

PC: Halo! Also Final Fantasy VII. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

PS: Silent Hill

PS2: Don't have one. Yet.

Xbox: Phantom Dust, hands down. Jet Set Radio Future is awesome, too, though.

Yes, I know I listed way too many. I have too many favorite games. >_>;;

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Eihwaz on 2005-10-28 09:50 ]</font>

Oct 24, 2005, 07:38 PM
Let's see...

NES: Legend of Zelda
SNES: Super Metroid
Genesis: Gunstar Heroes
Sega CD: Sonic CD
GameBoy: Pokemon
Saturn: Guardian Heroes/Shining the Holy Ark/Panzer Dragoon Saga/Radiant Silvergun
GameBoy Advance: Gunstar Super Heroes/Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
N64: Sin and Punishment, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
DS: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (so far)
PS2: Kingdom Hearts
PSX: Final Fantasy VII
GameCube: Super Smash Bros. Melee/Resident Evil 4
Xbox: Jet Set Radio Future/GUNVALKYRIE/Panzer Dragoon Orta/Conker: Live and Reloaded

Oct 24, 2005, 11:04 PM
NES: Super Mario Bros. 3
Game Boy: Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Super Nintendo: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Sega Genesis: Shining Force
Sega CD: Lunar II
32X: Virtua Fighter
Game Gear: Shining Force: Sword of Hayja
Game Boy Color: Metal Gear Solid
Playstation: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Saturn: Dragon Force
N64: Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time
DC: Marvel vs Capcom 2
Game Boy Advanced: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
PS2: God of War
GC: Resident Evil 4
XBox: Ninja Gaiden
DS: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
PSP: Wipeout Pure
PC DOS: Tie between Crusader: No Remorse
PC Win: Tie between Diablo, Fallout 2, and Half-Life 2
Online: World of Warcraft for those social moments, Unreal Tournament 2004 when something needs to die.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RuneLateralus on 2005-10-24 21:07 ]</font>

Oct 25, 2005, 09:27 PM
Some of my favorites, in the order of when I got/played these systems:

Nes: Super Mario bros 3

Gameboy: Wario land 1

Genesis: Sonic 3 and Knuckles/SF: championship edition

Sega CD: Sonic CD

SNES: Chrono Trigger/Zelda

PS1: Castlevania: Syphony of the night

Sega Saturn: Nights into dreams

N64: Zelda: Ocarina of time

Dreamcast: Street Fighter 3 series

Neo Geo pocket color: SNK vs. Capcom

Game cube: PSO/Sonic gems collection (japanese version)

PS2: Street Fighter anniversary collection.

Nintendo DS: Castlevania

PC: Blue Burst

Arcade: Capcom's fighters are a must.

Neo Geo: Garou: Mark of the wolves, some KOF games.

Oct 25, 2005, 09:55 PM
Gameboy: Pokemon Red/Blue (for sheer addictiveness)
Megadrive: Sonic (the original was pretty mindblowing at the time)
SNES: Streetfighter 2 (at last, a semi decent arcade conversion)
Amiga: Hired Guns (too many to choose from here but I had the most multi player fun on this)
N64: Sin and Punishment
Dreamcast: Ikaruga, Tech Romancer, Jet Grind Radio (couldn't decide here)
PS1: wip3out (the original and still the best, tDR graphic design was waaaay ahead of it's time)
PS2: Disgaea (witty and a great game)
GC: errrr, Ikaruga (again)
PC: Any of the Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale series

Oct 26, 2005, 06:25 AM
For me I'd have to say

Arcade: Street Fighter 2
GB(A): I'm afraid I'd have to go with Pok?n tittles for the hand held world.
SNES: Megaman X2 or Super Mario World.
DC: Powerstone2, I love PSO, but Powerstone2 was just incredibly awesome!
GC: Gotcha Force, if only this had better multiplayer, customizing and online play, it would be the best game ever!
Xbox: Panzer Dragoon, that game is just hot!

EDIT: I just saw Amiga, so for Amiga my fav would have to be Super Frog, or some game where you use lamas to shoot stuff, ooh and a game where you used dinosaurs and had to survive, ooh and a couple of racing games, one with a character named "Road Hog" and another where you had to go across the country, and it loaded up with "Acolade presents" or something. Jeese, so long ago!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Spider on 2005-10-26 04:38 ]</font>

Oct 26, 2005, 06:53 PM
Perfect Dark is the best game EVER.

Out of any and all consoles...

but...going by consoles...

NES-Mario/Duck Hunt

SNES-Killer Instinct

N64-Perfect Dark (Second is Super Smash Bros.)

GameCube-This is hard...Resident Evil 1. It's just that good.

XBrick-What does the damn thing have but Halo n Halo 2?

PS2-Hmmm...not all that familiar with PS2 games...but prolly RE4 (is that even out yet?)

Gameboy/pocket/color-Pokemon Red/Blue.

GBA-Fire Emblem (close second is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance...I just prefer Fire Emblem...but the two are hands down probably the best games for GBA)

DS-I don't know. Probably Meteos. I just can't wait for Metroid Prime: Hunters...

edit: forgot the PSX-Final Fantasy 7 or 8...

and the Dreamcast-gotta be PSO.

PC-DOOM. The original baby...

and PSP has nothing so...that's that. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Monomate on 2005-10-26 16:57 ]</font>

Oct 27, 2005, 09:58 PM
SNES: Yoshi's Island
N64: F-Zero X
GameCube: Metroid Prime
PlayStation: Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete
PS2: Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
Xbox: Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Game Boy: Wario Land II
Game Boy Color: The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
GBA: Yoshi's Island
Nintendo DS: Feel the Magic: XY/XX
PSP: Lumines
PC: Call of Duty

Second favorate game of all time: Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete
First favorate game of all time: Yoshi's Island