View Full Version : v2: What was your favorite weapon?

Oct 30, 2005, 09:45 AM
Back in the old days of PSO v2, v1 weapons were almost deemed useless by Ultimate Mode. I'm just wondering, what kind of stuff you used to use in the good ole days. Personally, my setup is/was (I still play it religiously). Also, attatch what class you used to play as as well, so I can get a good idea of how people used to play when DC v2 was still breathing.


-S Rank Psychoguns

-45% Native Chain Sawd
-20% Native Yasminkov2000h

-45% A. Beast Chain Sawd
-40% A.Beast Red Handgun

-50% Machine Chain Sawd
-45% Machine Red Handgun

-50% Dark 35% Hit Chain Sawd
-30% Dark Monkey King Bar
-45% Dark Red Handgun

Oct 30, 2005, 09:47 AM
please use this topic for least/most favouites

All i used in V2 was a sowrd http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif i played for 5 minutes once i think. HUmar = lame, final sword attack = lamer

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dana_ranger on 2005-10-30 07:20 ]</font>

Oct 30, 2005, 09:52 AM
Yes, I know, but I'm making this thread because I'm interested in what people use in v2 *only*. That thread is a mix of everything, I'm just looking for info on what people used to use.

Oct 30, 2005, 10:17 AM
Red Handgun
-easy drop
-really powerful and accurate

Yasminkov 9000M
-uber ATP
-decent ATA
-Rifle range
-unreduced Fill
-Not that rare ! (found 3)

-high ATP and ATA
-rare, though

S-Rank Sword
-incredible ATP
-low ATA :s

S-Rank Scythe
-good ATP and ATA

S-Rank Needle

Oct 30, 2005, 10:19 AM
Yasminkov9000M not rare? I'm trying to collect them all (the Yassies) and currently I only have the Yasminkov2000h and the Yasminkov3000r x.x


Yeah, and Needles were useable by everyone except Forces back in the day. Kinda makes you think, was Sega on crack at the time?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Pobega on 2005-10-30 07:20 ]</font>

Oct 31, 2005, 04:55 AM
On 2005-10-30 07:19, Pobega wrote:

Yeah, and Needles were useable by everyone except Forces back in the day. Kinda makes you think, was Sega on crack at the time?

Some people think they always are on it.
Some think the players of PSO are all on it.
Some think PSO is crack. Etc. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Well after the v1 180% Spread Needle dupe debacle, needles weren't as effective for v2/Ultimate mode eh?
They might have figured all those dupers wouldn't go through the process to get S-Rank needles, but they eventually created them with % instead, duped those and passed them out for HUmar-a-rama. Also cheating in C-mode was very rampant if they actualy wanted to do C-mode. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_nono.gif

By the time GC came around some people were literally angry that "OMG only RA can use needles?! THAT SUX"
I hadn't ever found much in DC even after 1000 hours or so of playtime.
I turned it on last night and checked out my old equipment. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

S-Rank Blades/Partisan on a HUmar
S-Rank Mechs on a FOnewm
Red Handgun 30% hit and some % on 2 areas on a RAmar.
Red Handgun with % per area, several. Different characters.
Ancient Saber with % per area, couple different ones, on a HUcast.
I found a RED SWORD, but without hit, that thing would do no good by ult mines or Ruins, especially on a Humar.

Some player quit and left me a few S-ranks of his, including a spread, some Yas 2k's and one Anti Android Rifle.

No stat material usage limit was crazy too.

By level 120-130 or so, you could be maxed out on gold stats(mess around in V-hard to get many materials), and the only stat that would raise for 70-80 levels would be HP and/or TP.

The widespread duping made that aspect of the game even worse.

Oct 31, 2005, 05:27 AM
I loved how the "stupid" weapons had ueber ATP.
I have found a lot of Yas7k myself. Also many Twinkle Stars and Summit Moons.
And of course, the obligatory load of Red Hanguns and Imperial Picks. I have 3 Imperial picks on my main chara, all of them with superb %.

Oct 31, 2005, 06:21 AM
Grr, seems everyone has the Yasminkov's I need. I've been hunting them for a long time too, Level 130 RAmar, doubt I'll get to the Ultimate Ruins anytime soon though

Oct 31, 2005, 12:30 PM
heh, i even created a ract for the yas9k i found. was some really neat weapon. and yeah... needles for everyone >_>;
tho, i'd stick to red hg, yasu2k or imp picks with awesome hit / % any time.

Oct 31, 2005, 12:38 PM
Heh, yeah, percents multiplied your full ATP as opposed to the ATP added from a weapon, which made them MUCH more worthwhile. The difference between a 0/0/0/0 Red Handgun and a 10/0/0/0 Red Handgun is almost startling