View Full Version : Transfer Xbox gamecube

Nov 8, 2005, 07:22 AM
my mate has Xbox live and was wondering is there a way he could get his weapons from the gamcube version of ep1 and 2 to the xbox version? he hasnt got gamecube internet thing but he probably would get it to transfer his items if that is possible.
Cecil liceC

Nov 8, 2005, 08:50 AM
I don't think it is possible to transfer items between Xbox and Gamecube versions of PSO.

The online servers for Xbox and Gamecube are separate. Even your friend could get online with his gamecube, there is no way for his Gamecube character to meet up with is Xbox chacacter for items transfer.

Nov 8, 2005, 09:38 AM
so the servers are completely seperate that explains why you can not do it, well he will not be happy because he has some good weapons but has Xbox live but not gamecube thing. Oh well he will have to find them all again.
Cecil liceC