View Full Version : Something happened to me at school...

Nov 8, 2005, 02:51 PM
Today, the band is practicing for the Vetran's Day perade but we've been having trouble with turns but this isn't really the point.

Today we were out on the football field marching and our director got pissed so he called for the top 16 band students(I was included). He made us march and made the other band members watch us do it flawlessly but when we did it, all the band members were jacking around and not paying attention so my Band director got REALLY pissed and made everyone in the band run one lap on the track that is on the football field.

Me and my friends ran together so we started passing everybody and it turned to a race(I was 3rd place) after we finished I was really tired and panting and after a good 5 minutes of resting I was alright.

Our director told us to get in our marching block and we did but then I started feeling nauseated. So I bended my knees a little bit(we were at attention and we're not allowed to move at attention) but the nausea feel got really strong and I'm not one to whine but I told the director I don't feel so good and if can I sit down on the bench and he told me to go ahead

I started walking , and my face got really cold and I started sweating and I started seeing yellow and black circles and my heart kept throbbing so I sat down on the grass.

The director came up to me and said was I ok and I said yeah. He asked me can I walk just a little farther because the band was going to march and I said ok. I then started walking but the nausea got stronger and the yellow and black dots got stronger and my vision got so blurry that I couldn't see where i was going. I knelt down and the director came to me again and I asked him can I go to the office and he said yeah.

So my goal was to make it to the office and get to the nurse so I got up again and started to walk but some vomit came out but I stopped most of it I started staggering and my heart started paining and all of my body started getting cold. At this point I was in the parking lot and I collapsed on the ground.

I stayed there for a while and I wanted to call for help but I couldn't, my heart was hurting real bad, my vision was messed up, I was nauseated, and I was cold everywhere.

So I got up and I ran into the school and into the office and grabbed the phone and called my mom and told her to come pick me up and she said alright after I collapsed on the office floor, and the nurse came and told me to lay on her bed.

My mom, came and she asked if I wanted to see a doctor and I said no since some of the stuff was dying down. My vision was normal and my heart stopped throbbing so I got home and went to sleep and ate and had a drink of water and now I feel 100% good as new.

Today had got to be the most painful experience I had in my whole life. When my heart started thumping real hard and I started getting cold I thought I was getting cold. I think I was just dehydrated and I hadn't ate anything today. I didn't eat anything yesterday too except for a hot dog.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: InfinityXXX on 2005-11-08 11:54 ]</font>

Nov 8, 2005, 03:41 PM
Must've been a scary experience. Glad you are okay. When I feel nauseated, I usually start breathing hard.

Nov 8, 2005, 03:55 PM
Sounds like dehydration, I had a similar experience (minus the vomiting) in University after being sat in the CAD labs all day. Hot summer night, no windows open, no air conditioning, 20 computers in the room, as well as 18 or so other people. I started getting cold, disorientated, so much that I had to leave the class and go outside.

When I got home, I went to go for a drink, and collapsed in the hallway. I think I blacked out or something, I honestly can't remember, but once I had a good drink, I started feeling a little better.

Horrible experience, taught me to drink more >_>

Nov 8, 2005, 05:55 PM
Not really as bad, but a couple of months ago in Soccer practice for my 8th grade team we were doing free kicks, and one shot went straight into my wrist. After that I could barely see anything for a couple of minutes. It was really weird, probably a bit of dehydration combined with the pain.

Nov 8, 2005, 06:39 PM
Heh that happens a lot actually. Not sure what they call it but when your not used to exerting yourself like that then all of a sudden you do, that's what happens. Same thing happened to me and a lot of kids at hockey practice when I was in high school. You just gotta boot and keep moving, then your fine, and yeah drink a lot of water cus you will dehydrate yourself. Eventually you'll get used to it.

Nov 8, 2005, 08:17 PM
Geez... *pats ya on your back* http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif You know what they say about... *Leave a couple of band jokes out of it*

In all seriousness...

Sorry to hear that, Infinity. Glad you're better, though!