View Full Version : Plots are for chumps.

Nov 14, 2005, 08:14 AM
If you clicked on this topic because you bought land and disagree with my statement, you should reconsider the reason why you're on a gaming forum in the first place.

To the rest of you: Plots are for CHUMPS!

It's the new trend. A game, no matter its type, must have a story. Any story. Any story that is even remotely possible with 0.0001% probability and involves less than 15 blatant Deus ex Machinas.

You know, if this was a RPG, I would've said all right, OK, fine, I can get along with it. I even kept my cool despite the completely futility of giving a plot to fighting games like Dead or Alive and King of Fighters. If you know the plot of these games by heart, knock yourself on the head with a sledgehammer to forget about it as soon as possible. I did my part already, so contribute.

But what do I see upoin downloading Albatross18?

A story.

Yes, a story! A plot!


And it's not just any plot, no! It involves a demon, and dark energy, and the hero had to send a ball of light energy through the hole of dark energy, but he couldn't manipulate the ball with his bare hands! Gasp! So what does he do? Our mega-brave hero, in a stroke of genius that would've made Einstein wet his pants, decided to take a club and swing the ball into the hole! Pow! Now THAT is a hero! And thus the people of the land made a game that reproduced this same goal, in honor of this blessed hero that--

OK, I can't do this. I really can't. I feel stupider with every word of this story I type. But I think you folks get it. Those who don't, now is a good time to apply Darwin's Law of Evolution. You'd do me a great favor.

Back in my time, we didn't need plots. The point of the game was to get from point A to point B and shoot everything that dared have even the smallest, sacrilegeous beginning of the thought to block your way. The manual said only this: "Beat the end boss or everyone dies." That's it. Football game? "Win the game." Golf game? "Get the lowest score." Even the legendary game Outrun was too sexy for a plot. The manual said "We're putting you in the seat of a super-expensive, super-fast car. So drive like the wind you lucky sunnuvabitch."

I challenge anyone in this time and age to create a game that purposely has no plot or backstory. I can guarantee that he will explode in less than two weeks.

Nov 14, 2005, 09:07 AM
Hahaha, god.. There's a golf game with a story like that? Wow.. just.. wow.

As usual, Shuri, your way with words is a delight to read this sleepy morning. XD

Nov 14, 2005, 10:10 AM
Once you think you've seen everything, something like this rears it's ugly head. I got a few chuckles out of this post, I can't believe that there's actually a golf game with a plot... Especially one as ridiculous as that.

That better be one hell of a golf game, I guess...

Nov 14, 2005, 12:05 PM
Actually, having a total lack of a story could be AWESOME. It'd be all ambiguous and shit.


Nov 14, 2005, 03:29 PM
Ya know. If there is a golf game that has that plot. I'd not mind playing it just for the kicks. As long as they are really ridiculous I am sure I can get a kick out of it.

Because I JUST noticed it. I love the KoF plot. It wasn't really "needed" so to speak, but if you know it it does give the characters a lot more ... "Depth", dare I say hence make the experience more enjoyable, at least, for people who enjoyed that plot. It isn't really the matter that it has a plot, rather it is such a good plot I really don't mind it existing. DoA, on the other hand... >.>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: navinator on 2005-11-14 13:28 ]</font>

Nov 14, 2005, 04:05 PM
On 2005-11-14 05:14, KodiaX987 wrote:
I even kept my cool despite the completely futility of giving a plot to fighting games like Dead or Alive and King of Fighters. If you know the plot of these games by heart, knock yourself on the head with a sledgehammer to forget about it as soon as possible. I did my part already, so contribute.

Aw crap, now I have to find a sledgehammer http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif Damn my KoF knowledge.

Im actually writing a Paper for University about the use of plots in games. Most older generation games the stories were just added for the instruction manual and usually had no effect on the game itself (check Konami's old NES instruction manuals, the stories in those often contradict the little on screen text that is supplied). Now most stories are a vehicle for the gameplay. GTA would not be as interesting if there wasnt for the plot (And most likly banned for malicious violence). The plot to a game can also deferentiate the game from its sequel, justifying the existance of a follow up game. Halo 1 and 2 would be practically the same game if it wasnt for the different plots, and Half Life 2 would just be another shooting game if there wasnt a story behind it.

Sports games dont need a story, but I can see them popping up more in the foreseable future. The consumers are catching on that most of the sport franchises (Tiger Woods, Fifa, Colin Mcrae Rally) are more updates then sequels and are feeling less obliged to spend the cash on these titles. Now add a story, different goals for the characters and you get a new game.

I can see a reason for stories in most games now, sometimes they are what compels us to buy a game. But there is still room for titles that have no story and are all about gameplay, but I can see their place in the market dwindling. Hopefully the sports games will hang on a little longer.

Nov 14, 2005, 04:55 PM
Yeah, some games don't need a plot to be successful. Doom has a good background story, but there really isn't any plot outside of "Marine has to escape/defeat Hell."

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skorpius on 2005-11-14 14:03 ]</font>

Nov 14, 2005, 09:34 PM
And let's not forget Tetris. What a plot on THAT wonderful game. :3

Nov 14, 2005, 10:15 PM
On 2005-11-14 18:34, Maridia wrote:
And let's not forget Tetris. What a plot on THAT wonderful game. :3

I like a plot, but it is merely an added bonus to me.
like with Tetris.
it was fun, no plot needed.
when i get too far into a plot, i start filling holes with random crap.
i think i liked the story in PSO a little too much.
because that's exactly what i did.
now i have a whole fanfic written in my mind, but will never be typed because i cant type nearly fast enough.
now ifya want some REAL fun, go look up the fanfics for that game. THAT would be funny.

Nov 14, 2005, 10:20 PM
While I agree, I loved growing up and just not giving a damn about what the story was. All I knew, was that my guy had to kick ass, that everything that moved on-screen had to be made stop moving, anything that blinked had to be destroyed, and anything that shot at me, had to be shot at until it stopped.

Also, there are games that need a story, or a "baseline", as gaming is becoming more and more an interactive movie experience. You no longer have to be "Mr. Nobody" who kicks ass, you are to fill a role, and follow through the story.

Each are fun, but there are limits. I'd rather have no story, as opposed to a bad story.

Nov 14, 2005, 11:13 PM
Even some games that should probably have a plot seem to go overboard sometimes. I thought Metal Gear Solid 3 had some overkill story in it. I couldn't believe that in the first 15 minutes of the game, I was already sitting through long, drawn out philosophical discussions, which took place via radio while the main character is supposedly sneaking through the jungle on a top secret mission. "This is a stealth mission, no one is to know you are there Snake... Oh, by the way, on the other line we have your long lost mentor who is just itching to strike up a boring, long-winded discussion with you while you're sitting in the jungle trying to evade detection". Puuuuleeeeaaasse. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Nov 15, 2005, 05:30 PM
I'm already going insane with this story I'm writing...

Nov 15, 2005, 06:24 PM
Ehehe, Tetris. The sad part is, some of the newer Tetris games DO have plotlines.

I agree, not all games need plots. Sometimes you just want pure, unadulturated violence, like Unreal Tournament or Doom.

Other times, you need a plot, of course. But, I agree, it does seem as if right now every game absolutely MUST have a plot.

"Plots? We don't need no stinkin' plots!"