View Full Version : Questions about Ep3 online community.

Nov 15, 2005, 09:39 AM
I plan on using my access key for it to get a free month, since I used my Ep1&2 access key for it back when.

Do more people still go to play Ep3 on the JP servers and is there another block where more people specifically play Ep3?

Nov 15, 2005, 10:18 AM
You'll still find random games every-so-often. However, it is usually far easier to arrange some games with friends. It is hard to tell who you will bump into anymore.

Nov 30, 2005, 06:17 PM
How many people are left on EP3 online anyways? I'm sure there are a few hardcores out there... Just wondering, thinking about activating the key and going if I buy the Broadband Adapter.


Dec 12, 2005, 08:18 PM
If you do decide to try card...
Make it be in the daytime. The 'nightlife' as it were, seems to be over. This is an odd adjustment for me, who's most convenient time was 11pm est usa or after. Some guy named GreenDutch has been attempting to somehow 'reform' the pso community...and surprisingly enough, it seems to rather be working.

As always, there are plenty of JPs, but thanks to a few evil folks, they hate USA and will often not play you or shout at you if you dare speak. Also, they can tend toward spammy decks for whatever reason. Still, good luck with it, if you decide to try.

Dec 15, 2005, 05:10 PM
JP absolutely hates US. I managed to beat a few Clvl 200+ and lo and behold, next month I had a serial permabanned. One more reason I'm no longer legit on cube.
(god, good thing ep3 came with a serial or id be screwed)

Dec 17, 2005, 12:50 AM
Some JP PERMBANNED you for beating them at a game of cards?
Man...that is so ultra petty. And, well frightening. I mean, who is to say this 'sore loser' won't come stalking whatever's left of the USA population in revenge for some 7 year old little brother's FSOD rampage he went on like 3 months ago before quitting.

I mean yea, there's obnoxious USAs but they were basically limited to cave-man like behaviors such as shouting swears, spamming smilies and fsod'ing during tourneys or something...I guess power always finds its way into the worst hands

Jan 8, 2006, 04:47 AM
On 2005-12-16 21:50, AzureBlaze wrote:
Some JP PERMBANNED you for beating them at a game of cards?
Man...that is so ultra petty. And, well frightening. I mean, who is to say this 'sore loser' won't come stalking whatever's left of the USA population in revenge for some 7 year old little brother's FSOD rampage he went on like 3 months ago before quitting.

I mean yea, there's obnoxious USAs but they were basically limited to cave-man like behaviors such as shouting swears, spamming smilies and fsod'ing during tourneys or something...I guess power always finds its way into the worst hands

Jp are alwayers the FIRST FSODERS..But they blame us so JPS dont like us.