View Full Version : A couple of questions about Hildetorrs.

Nov 21, 2005, 06:26 PM
1) Why do they seem harder to find than any other rare creature? Are the odds any higher or am I just unlucky?
and 2) What level is their Megid? If an exact number isn't available, maybe just a rough estimate.

Nov 21, 2005, 06:55 PM
Hildetorr's appearance is practically the same as for other rare enemies.
I hope that you have been running through the right map or quest to maximize your chance of meeting them.
See ..
and specially ..

As for megid level, it's should be obvious that it's leathal enough to kill ya. ;D
You can boost dark resistance with armor & units. Your best bet is to carry a Scape doll if you are hunting anything near a megid spitter.

Nov 21, 2005, 07:02 PM
Ok, cool, cause I constantly have atleast one scape doll with me. Also, the main reason I was asking about their appearence rate was because I did Forest Of Sorrow several times with my Redria on the hunt for God/Battle and I was just curious as to why I didn't run into atleast one.

Nov 21, 2005, 07:53 PM
Compare the number of Hildelts you can pipe in FoS to the number of Lilies you can pipe in Waterfall Tears. Hildes are just not as common overall, so a rare Hilde is generally less common than some other rare monsters. The actual appearance rate is assumed to be 1/512.

Nov 22, 2005, 05:55 AM
Were you doing runs of forest of sorrow or piping for them? If you were doing just runs then the number that you find on the quest divided by 512 i think is the appearence rate per quest, if you were piping then its the number of hildelts divided by 512, this is only an average value so you may fight more than 512 before you find one.
Cecil liceC