View Full Version : Driving, Traffic, and School

Nov 23, 2005, 02:31 PM
Ok multiple part rant.

Driving: Use a blinker. I know every car is made with them. Use then when switching lanes. Use them for turning. USE THEM: THEY WERE MADE FOR A REASON.
Do not block intersections. This is against the law.
I don't feel like getting rear ended; so do you mind leaving just a few more feet between your car and mine?

Traffic/Road closings: Why is it going to take over a year to fix a bridge that isn't much longer than 2 cars and is very narrow?
Why is one of the roads that is serving as a detour for the blocked bridge blocked off?
Why is one of the lanes next to the mall blocked off? And why is that entrance of the mall blocked off? The work is being done much earlier than the entrance.
Why won't the city make a special lane for turning left at a certain intersection of a major road? The road is three lanes goign in one direction, and the left-most lane is used for taking a left and going straight (which is a different road). The two right lanes are used for going straight (with a small turn to the right though). The center lane is also used to avoid anyone taking a left and going straight. Granted they did add on a left turn signal, but it doesn't help much since people use that to make U-turns and take actual lefts. Why not take out the divider and make that a left turn lane? If needed, I'll add a drawing.

I hate pre-calculus. I have to take up through Calc 2 for my major (Forensics). I'm thinking of withdrawing from pre-calc to avoid failing, which would probably kill my scholarship. I'll have to take pre-calc again though, which would be a third time (once in high-school {which I didn't do too bad in}, some in college first semester, and that would make third)
I also dislike chemistry, and am eagerly awaiting junior year when I don't have to take much chemistry (I'm more of a fan of biology).
Why is it that whatever I study either isn't on the test or is only there for a small section?
Also, I am eagerly awaiting the weekends, as school often has me on between 3 and 7 hours sleep. The 3 hours of sleep is the night before my longest days too (8 AM biology which is fun to try to stay awake during, and English gets out at 5:30). I have a tough time falling asleep, and can't take naps unless I'm sick for some reason. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_sleep.gif