View Full Version : Question to anyone who also has the PSO "Perfect" Guide...

Feb 23, 2001, 06:19 AM
K, on page 21 it says, "Alas, there is no way to make the "FOP"newm look..." but what does the P in "FOP" stand for?

Also, has anyone who has actually FOUND a Mag Cell found it in the Forests of Very Hard?

Feb 23, 2001, 06:34 AM
FOPnewn = force phreak newman? (as in he looks like a phreak - freak..sp?)

Feb 23, 2001, 06:43 AM
fop Fop, n. [OE. foppe, fop, fool; cf. E. fob to cheat, G. foppen to make a fool of one, jeer, D. foppen.] One whose ambition it is to gain admiration by showy dress; a coxcomb; an inferior dandy.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, ? 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

fop n : a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance [syn: dandy, dude, gallant, sheik, beau, swell, fashion plate, clotheshorse]

Source: WordNet ? 1.6, ? 1997 Princeton University

hehe ;p

Feb 23, 2001, 07:15 AM
Hehe ok thx guys http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Feb 23, 2001, 07:24 AM
Who said it was a perfect guide other than the people that made it?

Feb 23, 2001, 10:56 AM
How true, it is far from perfect, there are pages where a paragraph ends in the middle of a sentence and the sentence never gets picked up again on the next page or anywhere! Remind me never to hire the editors of this "book" should I write one... http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

Feb 23, 2001, 12:52 PM
That books sux anyway. It barely tells any rare information.
I think if the webmaster of this PSO world collects all data from this forum, s/he can make PSO Guild 1, PSO Guild 2, and PSO Guild 3. When you collect all these 3 books, you get the real "Perfect Guild".