View Full Version : Xanga

Nov 29, 2005, 10:54 PM
Some 45 yr old dude in our town got in trouble for attempting to meet and have sex with a girl through xanga.com so our local news is doing a special right now on the dangers of xanga.com.

They showed how people our actually recruiting gangs and meeting and having sex. They also mentioned myspace.com and how kids as little as 11 years old are posting.

So, what do you guys think about web blog websites like xanga or myspace? Do you own a web blog? Do you think they're very harmful to children? Should we get rid of them?

Nov 29, 2005, 11:22 PM
http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_nono.gif As far as I can tell, this is best summed up with the Alter Bridge song "The End is Here" I personally don't have any of these blogs but many girls at my school do and it annoys me to hear them chattering about it. Getting rid of them would not have any direct effect on me but I bet somebody out there would be pissed.

Nov 29, 2005, 11:24 PM
I think they arent that much of a good idea.
well, at least thats what i think about their current use.
not much to say except i find them pretty much useless.

Nov 29, 2005, 11:29 PM
i shall never see xanga the same way again http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_nono.gif

Nov 29, 2005, 11:44 PM
I have a blog but at an Anime related site so it's alot better.

but seriously who cares if stupid people wanna do that let them. WE'll flush out the people who can't function without being watched every moment of their lives.

Alot of my freinds like Mysapce and xanga it's a way for people to connect and have fun.

Besides couldnt you do The recruiting and sex meetings via PM's here? There is a Real Pic Thread.

Nov 30, 2005, 12:28 AM
The news was making a real big deal about it. They had the website running across the screen. I'm in a small town that have nothing going in it so even the littlest things, like a dog getting ran over, is like a disaster.

(I'm not lying. A year ago our local news did a report about some old womans dog that got ran over)

Nov 30, 2005, 12:41 AM
First, it was Instant Messaging... now Blogs, Journals, etc... sometimes news just overdoes it because of something as little as this can convince someone to go on a campaign trying to ban this particular thing and I'm really sure I wouldn't be surprised if some of them 'try' to sue one of these companies for allowing behavoir like this run rampart (and of course, they won't be liable for these types of things).

I live near Baltimore, so we get almost a shooting per week or bi-weekly. I'm not really happy to report that type of thing, but watching the news has just made me more depressed. It's become so pessimistic that it's just pointless to watch now.

And one thing... why do they repeat special reports like every 5 years or so (like the end of Nightly News type of deal). I remember them talking about those types of topics like 5 years ago.

Nov 30, 2005, 09:28 AM
If we got rid of blogs, we'd have to get rid of message boards. Ideally, it's a place to say your opinion(which is esentially one of the main reasons for the intertron, after you remove trillion upon trillion porn sites), yeah, people abuse them for other things, but you can say the same thing about anything(People doing medicinal drugs for non-medical reasons, although I'm not trying to de-rail the topic with that)

But nothing is going to change, Xanga, Myspace, all that aren't doing anything illegal, and are going to stay. It'd be like pressing charges against the US because there was an unsolved murder on their land, these sites cannot, and will not be held responsible.

Ah well, I learned to stop caring about these matters, generally. Oh well.

To sum it all up, "dangers of xanga.com.". It's the dangers of the internet, these things do scare me since I have been on the internet since I was 10 or so, was I too young? Damn right I was.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Saiffy on 2005-11-30 06:30 ]</font>

Nov 30, 2005, 12:45 PM
Pfft, you want kids to be safe from pedophiles? Don't fucking let your kids unrestricted access to the web.

Gee, do you let your kid walk through town all night, without adult supervision/someone you trust? You're doing the same thing when you give someone not mentally matured enough access to something like the internet.

In every aspect of life, there's always going to be the lowest common-denominator.

The problem isn't IM'ers, web-blogs, journals, chatrooms, it's your fucking fault when your daughter gets lured somewhere to have sex.

There, ta. =]

Nov 30, 2005, 04:30 PM
On 2005-11-30 09:45, ABDUR101 wrote:
Pfft, you want kids to be safe from pedophiles? Don't fucking let your kids unrestricted access to the web.

Gee, do you let your kid walk through town all night, without adult supervision/someone you trust? You're doing the same thing when you give someone not mentally matured enough access to something like the internet.

In every aspect of life, there's always going to be the lowest common-denominator.

The problem isn't IM'ers, web-blogs, journals, chatrooms, it's your fucking fault when your daughter gets lured somewhere to have sex.

There, ta. =]

Here here that is quite possibly one of the best ways to put it. If your child does something against the law it's your fault for not having more control over there behavior.

Nov 30, 2005, 09:29 PM
MySpace: Stupid.

Xanga: Stupid.

Yes. I know a ton of underage people at my school who are signed up to both of those crapsites...

It's sad. But what can ya do?

Dec 2, 2005, 08:31 PM
I don't see a problem with them. It can actually be used for benefit. A have a xanga and use it to communicate with friends I don't ordinarly see. Besides, if some kid does something stupid with it, it's that kids own fault. Sorry that the kid lacks common sense, but it's their own choice to go and and join a gang. Appearently, if they can join a gang though a blog, those people are pretty gullible.