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View Full Version : PSOBB: ok here's me scenario

Dec 7, 2005, 12:17 AM
I have done over 100 5-2 runs doing the first 2 rooms and have done countless other VR Temple runs on top of that and i finally got my Sain Rappy. I was hoping to get either a Heart of Angel or a Heart of Devil and what do I get? A freaking Trifluid.

So if anyone has either of those mag cell that they would trade i would deeply appreciate it. All i have are some rare 9 star force weapons and power and evade mats. So if your interested i get home from work around 5:30pm give or take 10 minutes eastern time.

So just drop a line on when you'll be on and what you want and I'll meet up with you. I would perfer the heart of angel but if nobody has then I'll take a heart of devil.

Thanks ^_^

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: jnblz316 on 2005-12-06 21:29 ]</font>