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Dec 17, 2005, 11:21 AM
I’m planning on returning to PSO GC. I’m a PSO vet and have been away from the game for some years. I need to know what’s developed on the hacking scene since i have been away, because I don’t really want to return online and have 900+ hours of my life go down the drain, due to some 10 year old waster with nout better to do with his time.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Gazzafett on 2005-12-17 08:22 ]</font>

Dec 17, 2005, 01:18 PM
Well, to be frank, the GC online is more of in a state of decay. Most have moved to BB. Last I heard there are still some on it, but fsoders are very annoying.
If you intend to return to PSO, try out BB. At least it has some active moderation from Sega. Otherwise, I suggest waiting the coming PSU. ;]

Dec 17, 2005, 02:47 PM
Though I can't tell you names or sites regarding how to do so, I suggest getting on a private server. The one I go to has 100-110 players at any peak point in the day, 80-100 randomly, as compared to BB's 160-180 peak point.

And for some reason, playing on a console just has more appeal to me. Maybe it's because I can access my data and play anytime I want so long as there is a TV.

Dec 17, 2005, 04:39 PM
The state of PSO GC is bascally like a dump, at least it was last time I looked which was close to a year and ahalf ago.*same time I left here* I've been away doing other stuff, so I really can't say what the state is like now. But yes, I'd move to BB *which I enjoy* and am waiting for PSOU.

Dec 17, 2005, 04:46 PM
The remaining community is actually, on the whole, decent players, since a lot of people moved to BB.

However, good luck finding someone by chance... most people either play in JP ships, or random blocks/ships, in locked games.

Dec 17, 2005, 05:52 PM
I tried BB when it was first released and gave up around lv 30. I didn’t want to spend another 1000 hours of my life playing what is essentially the same game with a few additions. All I really want to know is…what are the major hacks out there that have developed since I have been gone.

Dec 18, 2005, 04:48 PM
whats left of the official cube servers is the cmode community i guess.

Dec 18, 2005, 07:28 PM
The fact is there ARE no major hacks. There never really were. Most things that people claimed to be hacks were just AR kids and other lamers that lagged others out to cause them FSOD and what not. With my 2+ years playing online with GC the only time I ever had a negative interaction with another player was being FSOD'd in the lobby twice in one day and I lost money, big whoop. Everything else was lag and bad data packets at unfortunate times.

Dec 19, 2005, 03:49 AM
Theres only really 1 fsoder online with his little group so other then that you don't really have to worry. And what UrikoBB3 says, the whole GC community is decent. I haven't met a total ass or idiot lately. There are some noobs coming in for some reason (been like forever) but they are fine too.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: metatime on 2005-12-19 09:05 ]</font>

Dec 19, 2005, 06:23 AM
If the only major hack is FSOD then that doesn't bother me. Strange, by this time on dreamcast guys wer ck'ing and noling. Maybe sonic team did spend some time on security.

Dec 26, 2005, 08:03 PM
I was actually thinking about buying a 1 month Hunter's License to try PSO out again. I might do it for fun since I haven't been online in years. I've kept playing here and there offline trying to get a rare weapon or two, but I'd like to boost my Experience. I'm still on regular GC PSO, I won't have any problems with PSO+ complications will I? I assume I just won't have access to the PSO+ features but will still be able to play as normal.

Dec 27, 2005, 01:33 AM
Dont worry about which version of PSO you have. All PSO + is just an update of PSO like an update patch.

Dec 27, 2005, 01:43 AM
On 2005-12-17 14:52, Gazzafett wrote:
I didn’t want to spend another 1000 hours of my life playing what is essentially the same game with a few additions.

I don't understand this part. You're willing to spend 1000 hours on what is exactly the same game, and nothing different?

Dec 28, 2005, 04:27 PM
If you're returning to GC, I'd recommend hiting up some match making forums on various sites and talk to people before meeting. That alone will save you some major headaches.

If you want my opinion, I'd go to BB if I was going to continue playing PSO. Starting all over sucks, but there are tons of great teams (on this site even) that would be glad to help you get back to your previous GC awesomeness. The community there is really nice.

That or you could wait till PSU.

Jan 8, 2006, 01:33 PM
There are currently 3 main fsod'ers on GC, at my last count. But yeah, like Shinobu said, your best bet is to hit the Player Match-Up forums to meet other players. Avoid 1-1 and other highly populated blocks. I play GC, and I'd love to team up with you sometime, if you're interested. ^_^ I have 2 ult characters (a FOmarl and a HUcaseal), and a HUnny that I've almost leveled to that point, yay! In any case, good luck with whatever you decide.