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View Full Version : Christmas Time

Dec 25, 2005, 01:38 AM
Again, I sit alone in my room, looking out at the world around me. What I see leaves me disheartened. Everywhere I go, darkness abounds. Greed consumes the masses. Lies, deceptions, anger, hatred, falsehoods of a thousand different varieties.

Still, we continue on in this happy season.

But what makes this season a happy one? Why must this be considered the giving season while the rest are the seasons for ME, ME, GIVE ME, I WISH, I WANT, GIB, then GTFO?

Well... the answer for that is not one I can give.

I am happy right now. Very happy. The distractions in life have quieted down to a low roar, and it has granted me this time to write, just as I did a year or two before with an older Christmas thread I tried to start.

Why am I so happy? Another good question. Perhaps I should find out why so many of you are happy, or why so many of you are unhappy. Though I don't relate it very often, I do consider the people here as friends. Some of them are certainly closer than others, but when all is said and done, just about everybody who visits this site has something in common with me, simply due to the fact that the site is a fan site for a video game. That gave us a place to start, a place to get familiar with one another, and a place to smile.

Of course, it didn't end with that.

No, the friendships continue, even today, even so many months after the majority of us retired from the same versions we had laughed, worked, and played with eachother, the friendships continue.

Of course, there are a few that we lost in the bustle of moving on with our lives, going to our respective corners, etc. But the memories of those others are still firmly in place, and as an old friend of theirs, I still do wish them the best during this time of year.

Oh, Christmas... some of the fondest memories I have are from during this time. I also have a number of memories that bother me. Memories in which I know I was feeling selfish, acting selfish, being demanding, behaving in a childish manner. Still though, those times were overcome, and they can be put away for good, particularly after this year, when so much has been given, when so much has been shared.

Memories, you people. They surround us, and they bind us together at some distant point of time when we could be sure that for one brief moment, at least, we stood for the same thing, and worked towards the same goal.

Was our motto not, 'To protect the world from devestation?'

I remember it was, and we worked at just that, protecting Ragol from that fate countless times, over thousands of runs, both successive, and grouped.

Why do I bring that up? I consider the memories of those old frienships as the greatest gifts this year. Certainly, there are more memories that I cherish than just the ones about Phantasy Star, but it is those memories that are the ones that are important here, those which will continue to be the important ones at this site. As well, it is not meant for us to stop with the motto simply because we aren't in game anymore. that work, that combined effort, it must continue on in the real world. Protect the things around you at all times, and strive to bring happiness to the lives of everybody, even if they have at some prior point, wronged you. It's not worth carrying around a grudge. This time of year should teach us nothing short of that.

Where to begin then...

To each of you, and I'm pointing out more than just my immediate supporters here (all two of them!), you must take this time to reflect upon what has brought you to your current state in life. There may be pain, there may be sadness, and this may cause you to feel depressed. But you must not allow it to do so. To each of you reading this, you are alive, and you have friends here, even if nowhere else. These are the most important of gifts, and so long as you realize them, then all else falls by the wayside.

Some of you may have lost a love, lost a family member, or lost another friend or acquaintance. This is a good time to remember them, for sure, but you must try to not be sad about the loss. They will always be with you, no matter where you go, no matter what you do. So long as you remember them, they will be there.

Don't forget that your friends can be like a family too, and this wonderful PSO support group on the forums here can give you that, even if it's only through an assortment of words. You will know that there is always emotion behind them, even when the emotion is misunderstood.

As you all turn in this evening, settling down in order to awake tomorrow to whatever is set up for you and your own, I wish you all peace. To my close supporters, and to those of you whom are simply known by name, you are my friends, and as such, you are in my heart. You are all in my memories, and therefore in my thoughts. I wish you the best for tomorrow, and for the rest of the year.

Now, as the evening shadows close in around me to swallow the light of the monitor into their comfortable blanket of black, and the night freezes to a standstill, I leave you with this: Merry Christmas, you people. To all, a very splendid night.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: trypticon on 2005-12-24 22:56 ]</font>

Dec 25, 2005, 01:44 AM
You sound sad. You want a hug? http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Dec 25, 2005, 02:39 AM
...And a happy Itam Day to you, too.