View Full Version : GC PSO questions --post em I'll answer

Sep 14, 2002, 05:09 PM
Okay. Since I havn't seen any topics like this so far, I'll go ahead and open the floor. I got the GC PSO on Friday, and have about 20 hours on it right now. I've looked at all the new costumes, played some of the new stages etc...

If you have questions about the GameCube version of PSO, go ahead and ask, I'll do my best to answer. Please bear in mind however, that I have not played online, as I do not have dial up internet access. So questions about online I can't answer.


Sep 14, 2002, 05:25 PM
I'd love to see screenshots of the stat menus =>.>=

Sep 14, 2002, 05:52 PM
Does pioneer 2 have a sky? Does Pioneer2 have an Atari logo on a building like the DC version?

Sep 14, 2002, 06:22 PM
What's changed about the mags?

Sep 14, 2002, 06:23 PM
Snap- I'm not sure what you mean. Can you elaborate a bit more on the screens you're talking about? (IE: Which stat screens/menus)

Drayma- I dunno if people would consider this a spoiler, so I'll tag it as one just in case.

Potential Spoiler Alert!

Pioneer 2 for episode 1 is exactly the same as in the Dreamcast versions so far. Episode 2's "town" is a different sector of P2, but it's plainly obvious that P2 is still orbiting Ragol. Giant window looking down on the planet and all. As for the Atari logo, I never noticed that in the Dreamcast version. Tell me where it was and I'll look to see if it's still there.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Soliptic on 2002-09-14 16:30 ]</font>

Sep 14, 2002, 06:24 PM
The DC version was pretty nice looking. So how's the Cube one compare?

Also......you know how in V2 there were no V2-specific weapons available at the shops when you started? How's the selection at the shops when you start PSO2? Any suitable new weapons made for the new game available to buy straight away? I don't want to have to use a stick +1 if I can help it.

Sep 14, 2002, 06:26 PM
On 2002-09-14 16:22, Davion wrote:
What's changed about the mags?

So far nothing obvious. Your starting mag matches your character's costume for color, but otherwise everything seems the same (although the mag feeding sfx are a bit different).


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Soliptic on 2002-09-14 16:27 ]</font>

Sep 14, 2002, 06:30 PM
Purr the one in the lower right corner when you hit start. They show challenge times, BA record, ATP ect. Tank you.

Sep 14, 2002, 06:35 PM
Merlin- Grahically, episode 1 appears identical to the Dreamcast version. Nothing obviously new or improved. Episode 2 however, is gorgeous so far. Lots of detailed textures everywhere.

There aren't any new items in the shops sadly, the shops function exactly as they did in the Dreamcast iterations. Random items and all.

SnAP-Those screens are identical to the Dreamcast versions, except the background for the menu screen isn't black anymore. It's interlaced teal and black lines with a mild transparency.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Soliptic on 2002-09-14 16:38 ]</font>

Sep 14, 2002, 07:55 PM
Have you seen the changing room? I mean the one where you can change your suit with a 100000 fee. IS anything diferent?

Sep 14, 2002, 08:00 PM
On 2002-09-14 17:55, Davion wrote:
Have you seen the changing room? I mean the one where you can change your suit with a 100000 fee. IS anything diferent?

The changing room now costs 10,000 meseta, instead of 100k. Meaning you can easily change appearance pretty much whenever you want. You can change hair style and color, and your character's costume (all costumes for your class are available).


Sep 14, 2002, 08:04 PM
How different do the controls feel on the GC controller vs the DC controller?

Sep 14, 2002, 08:12 PM
On 2002-09-14 18:04, Spy wrote:
How different do the controls feel on the GC controller vs the DC controller?

The controls are just as precice as the Dreamcast controller. Though, I constantly find myself accidentally hitting the b button to do the stong attack (Y button by default on the GC). The C stick actually does nothing while fighting, which is a bit hard to get used to after playing so many other 3rd person games where it controls the camera. However you can use it in place of the directional pad on menus (thus allowing you to run and scroll menus, no more stopping to hit the d pad). The Z button also opens the menu, so you really never have to move your thumbs off the sticks/buttons. All things considered I'd say I like playing pso more with the CG controller, it's alot more comfortable for prolonged play sessions than the DC pad ever was.


Sep 14, 2002, 08:15 PM
How have they tweaked the ATA ATP situation? I heard that they made it easier to hit enemies, and you do more damage.

Sep 14, 2002, 08:16 PM
1. Are there more costume options? It was rumored that each costume would have an RGB slider (ala the hair) to allow for a lot for customization.

2. Have you fought the VR Temple boss yet? Is he really De Rol with a new skin?

Sep 14, 2002, 08:59 PM
Davion- It seems the same as the Dreamcast verison. Mind you, I'm playing with a Hunewearl. I have noticed that my character blocks alot more that in the DC version, so it seems evasion works better. ATA is still a low stat, as a level 20 hunewearl my base ata is 77.

Rhete- There are something like 9 new costumes for each non Android class, and about 16 new ones for all android classes. These do not have an RGB slider sadly. In fact, they are all palette swapped versions of existing costumes, with the tops and bottoms mixed for variety. Granted, alot look cool and will definitly be popular choices.

The answer to your VR Temple Boss question might be a spoiler, so here's fair warning......

"Barba Ray", boss of the VR Temple, is refered to as "What De Rol Le would eventually evolve into if released into the open sea". It moves like Rol, and you even fight it on a moving raft. It's attacks, however, are totally different. It moves under the raft and attacks a variety of ways like that (it can poison you too). I didn't get to fight it for long, as I was probably 10 levels higher than would be required to normally defeat it, and as such I handed it a marvelous beat down. It took a good beating though. Definitly more than normal mode Rol would have.


Sep 14, 2002, 09:27 PM
here is the atari logo


Sep 14, 2002, 09:33 PM
Have you found any rares yet? And what ID do you have?

Sep 14, 2002, 09:52 PM
On 2002-09-14 19:33, Davion wrote:
Have you found any rares yet? And what ID do you have?

I've found 2 rare items. They're immediately visible because they appear in nice red item boxes now. I found a booma arm (forget the actual name), and a "Photon Drop". Both of these seem to be parts of weapons, I'll eventually get around to doing the episode 1 quests to get the scientist who can make stuff from body parts. For now, I have no idea what they do. My Section ID is Purple.


Sep 14, 2002, 09:54 PM
*dumb question* are the episode 2 levels REALLY like levels after Ruins? Or can you select either scenario? If so, can you mix and match scenarios?

I also heard about changing mag colors. Is this true?

Sep 14, 2002, 10:09 PM
On 2002-09-14 19:54, RavenTW wrote:
*dumb question* are the episode 2 levels REALLY like levels after Ruins? Or can you select either scenario? If so, can you mix and match scenarios?

I also heard about changing mag colors. Is this true?

After you load/create your character, you select Episode 1 or Episode 2. Technically speaking, Ep2 takes place after Dark Falz is defeated, but it's levels to not dirctly follow ruins. Once you kill Falz, Ep1 is done (for that difficulty at least). You cannot mix and match scenarios from what I've seen.

I don't know what you're talking about with regards to mag colors, can you elaborate on this please?


Sep 14, 2002, 10:15 PM
Change was the incorrect term. How about "select mag colors"?

Sep 14, 2002, 11:19 PM
On 2002-09-14 20:15, RavenTW wrote:
Change was the incorrect term. How about "select mag colors"?

As far as I can tell, you can't select mag colors. HOWEVER, I have noticed that my mag always matches my character's costume and hair color. So this may be what you're talking about.


Sep 14, 2002, 11:41 PM
Do you have the hybrid? If so, how easy is it to type on in comparison to a standard keyboard?

Sep 14, 2002, 11:46 PM
On 2002-09-14 21:41, Spy wrote:
Do you have the hybrid? If so, how easy is it to type on in comparison to a standard keyboard?

Since I'm not playing online until the BBA comes out for the GameCube, I didn't get the keyboard. Sorry, can't answer that question Spy.


Sep 15, 2002, 12:05 AM
Has the enemy AI improved at all?

Sep 15, 2002, 12:49 AM
On 2002-09-14 22:05, Spy wrote:
Has the enemy AI improved at all?

No. The only new enemy pattern I've witnessed is with 2 specifc ep 2 enemies, sometimes they can jump back as you're swinging at them and cause you to miss. Otherwise, everything follows the same ep1 Ai pattern. Although, some do it with a new twist. Example is the new sinow robots in ep2, which can cloak and teleport.


Sep 15, 2002, 01:26 AM
On 2002-09-14 22:49, Soliptic wrote:

On 2002-09-14 22:05, Spy wrote:
Has the enemy AI improved at all?

No. The only new enemy pattern I've witnessed is with 2 specifc ep 2 enemies, sometimes they can jump back as you're swinging at them and cause you to miss. Otherwise, everything follows the same ep1 Ai pattern. Although, some do it with a new twist. Example is the new sinow robots in ep2, which can cloak and teleport.


Awe. That's kinda sad to hear. Oh well. Thanks for answering all our, er... my 1053R questions.

Sep 15, 2002, 02:58 AM
So all rares are red boxes now. Does it matter if it is a wep, armor or other rare? - It is still red?

That would suck online, cuz everyone will be fighting to get the red boxes first than any other color boxes.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RUNE_WALSH on 2002-09-15 01:01 ]</font>

Sep 15, 2002, 03:29 AM

Enemies still appear always in the same place like in Dreamcast version?

Sep 15, 2002, 07:13 AM
Did you need to format a memory card to JP specifically for PSO, since it's an import?

Would this mean that if I imported and my sister got the domestic release, we couldn't do multiplayer on each other's consoles?

(Sorry, I don't know if this is really the best place to ask this, but any insight would be appreciated)

Sep 15, 2002, 09:31 AM
Do you know the OFFICIAL level list for Episode 2? Some say that Jungle and Beach combine for 1 level but Mamak showed pictures of Jungle2 a while back so I doubt this is the case...

Are there only 4 levels on Episode II 'cus so far I've seen Jungle, Beach, VR Sanctuary, VR Spaceship, Central Factory, That Under-water level... how does it all work?

Sep 15, 2002, 09:33 AM
Did they do anything to make rangers worthwhile as apposed to how worthless they were in the Dreamcast versions?

Sep 15, 2002, 10:53 AM
RUNE_WALSH- As far as I can tell, all rares drop in red boxes. I've only found rate items so far, no weapons or armor.

neko-chan- I've played Episode 1 upto Ruins 3, and yes, the enemies all spawn in their Dreamcast locations. I'm not sure about the Episode 2 levels, I've only played through them once.

Rotis- Yes, I had to format a memory card to Japanese Format to use it for PSO. I don't know if it would understand saved characters from the US release or not, we'll have to wait and find out. Chances are your GameCube would want you to reformat the memory cards anyway, since the US BIOS can't read japanese formatted cards and vica versa.

NiGHTS- The official level list for episode 2 is as follows:
VR Temple: Alpha/Beta/Final
VR Spaceship: Alpha/Beta/Final
Following this, you goto the Central Command area on Ragol's surface, and have the option of playing the following levels in any order: Beach Area, Mountain Top Area , Jungle North (which is followed by Jungle West). After you finish these 3 levels, you go back to Central Command Area and it is now a playable level, after which you fight the Gal Gryphon. I don't know what comes after Gal Gryphon, I can't defeat him yet.

Kent- I'm playing a hunter right now, so I'm not sure. I can say though, there are alot of instances now where it'd be really nice to have a Ranger backing me up. Gal Gryphon is the perfect example, it spends so mch time in the air, you really do need someone with a rifle taking shots at it as often as possible.


Sep 15, 2002, 10:53 AM
So you can't pick the color of your mag? Do you get more exp from episode 2 monsters?

Sep 15, 2002, 11:48 AM
Can you switch between Eps. 1 and 2? Like can you select either one after you load your character?

Sep 15, 2002, 01:19 PM
On 2002-09-14 20:09, Soliptic wrote:

On 2002-09-14 19:54, RavenTW wrote:
*dumb question* are the episode 2 levels REALLY like levels after Ruins? Or can you select either scenario? If so, can you mix and match scenarios?

I also heard about changing mag colors. Is this true?

After you load/create your character, you select Episode 1 or Episode 2. Technically speaking, Ep2 takes place after Dark Falz is defeated, but it's levels to not dirctly follow ruins. Once you kill Falz, Ep1 is done (for that difficulty at least). You cannot mix and match scenarios from what I've seen.

I don't know what you're talking about with regards to mag colors, can you elaborate on this please?


You can see that soliptic has already touched up on this.

Sep 15, 2002, 02:54 PM
How does it work for char creation on the GC.
As in you make a char like you have,but what happenens when you want to create a new char?
I was just worried about accidently over writing a char that has been made.

Sep 15, 2002, 05:17 PM

Does PSO GC have a new feel? Or does it simply feel like PSO DC all over again...

When I say feel i don't really mean controls.. more or less, the ambiance of the game itself... hard to explain.

Sep 16, 2002, 01:26 AM
SERGEMACHINE- To delete a character you have select an option to recreate the charaacter, and confirm by selecting yes after it asks to make sure. Writing over an xisting character is really hard to accidentally do now.

Cube- It feels like the dreamcast version, no real tangible alterations to gameplay mechanics.


Sep 16, 2002, 07:46 AM
Whats the scoop on cheating?

Sep 16, 2002, 10:22 AM
On 2002-09-16 05:46, Cube wrote:
Whats the scoop on cheating?

I havn't played online, so I can't really answer that. But a quick cursory scan of the forums at the guys who put out code breaker figure that it will take 3-6 months. Since there's no code breaker for CG, and as far as I can tell, there isn't one in the works, I think things may go easier on us this time around. Sega WAS able to block Gameshark in v2 remember, it was codebreaker that caused all the problems. I can easily see a situation where there's alot of fast cheating as gameshark codes come out, and then sega lays the smack down on GS server side. Also consider that there will be no freeloaders on PSO, everyone will have to pay to have a hunters licence to get online. So, Sega will have the ability to stop them from getting online if they really deide to enforce their no cheating stance. I suppose tho, only time will tell. All the more reason to go online sooner rather than later.


Sep 16, 2002, 01:36 PM
Dumb questions follow:

Any new varieties of Rappy?

Do the Fonewearls (if you messed with them) have the new 'cute' walk/run that they do in the PSO PC demo?

How's the clipping of the actual characters? Like does the long hair of the Hunewearl still go inside her back when she runs? Do any of the Hunewearl costumes have that gap between the waist and stomach like the last two costumes of the DC version (you can see right through the gap on those two costumes)?

Sep 16, 2002, 02:37 PM
I have a story question. How much time passed between Episode I & II? I've heardit was one or two months. PM the answer if you know so as to not spoil it for everyone else. Thanks.

Sep 16, 2002, 11:34 PM
On 2002-09-16 11:36, Tsukishima-Ruriko wrote:

Any new varieties of Rappy?

A friend of mine and I encountered a pink Rappy called a "Love Rappy". I don't know if this is new or not. It dropped an Angel/Luck (raises luck by 5). As for the rest of your questions, the Hunewearl costume thing looks fixed, but it's hard to tell. Havn't played any forces yet, sorry.


Sep 17, 2002, 12:10 AM
When a HUnewearl uses a handgun, does her arm still go through her uhhhh, boobies? =>_>=;;;;;;;;

Sep 17, 2002, 09:44 AM
On 2002-09-16 22:10, SnAPPUrU-nyan-ko wrote:
When a HUnewearl uses a handgun, does her arm still go through her uhhhh, boobies? =>_>=;;;;;;;;

Only if the HUnewearl in question is Haterade's.


Sep 17, 2002, 11:16 AM
On 2002-09-14 16:23, Soliptic wrote:
As for the Atari logo, I never noticed that in the Dreamcast version. Tell me where it was and I'll look to see if it's still there.


Sep 17, 2002, 08:52 PM
Er, sorry. I sent the person who origionally asked that question the answer. Yesm the Atari logo is still in there.


Sep 17, 2002, 09:21 PM
On 2002-09-17 07:44, Soliptic wrote:

On 2002-09-16 22:10, SnAPPUrU-nyan-ko wrote:
When a HUnewearl uses a handgun, does her arm still go through her uhhhh, boobies? =>_>=;;;;;;;;

Only if the HUnewearl in question is Haterade's.


Ack! That was uncalled for! Die!

The legend of Lady Mayhem's breasts lives on... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Sep 17, 2002, 09:36 PM
Keke, I have the game and I'm asking questions :P

I saw on the backl of the box and through skimming the instructions, I see a few things that say PSO GCN is compatible with GBA to GCN cable thing. Obvously, I can't read Japanese so...what's the deal with that then?

Sep 17, 2002, 10:57 PM
*pester pester*
Do MAGs still lose 5% synchro per game? Does storing the MAG in the bank before saving prevent such? =x

Sep 17, 2002, 11:39 PM
Ziggy-san- I have no idea what the GBA to GC stuff is for PSO. I can't read Japanese either. =P

I'll take the booklet to a friend of mine who knows Japanese, but no guarantees.

SnAP- Thanks for getting me to check this kitty---Mags don't lose synchro when you quit the game anymore, hooray!


Sep 18, 2002, 12:54 PM
I know that the mag you start out with will match your costume color, but will it stay that color if you change outfits?

Like say I start in the yellow costume, and start with a yellow mag. Then, change to my normal black outfit. Will the mag stay yellow?

Sep 18, 2002, 02:57 PM
can hunters and rangers still use all the tech disks?

Sep 18, 2002, 07:34 PM
The GBA to GC thing is that GC PSO has like some GBA games for download onto the GBA by use of a link cable. Supposedly a few of the games are NiGhTs and a chao game. I don't know what the rest are.

Sep 18, 2002, 08:13 PM
can rangers and hunters still use all tech disks?

Sep 18, 2002, 08:33 PM
I can answer a few questions.

-Mag colors change according to outfit (source: Soliptic)

- HUmars cannot use Grantz, Megid, Reverser, Shifta, Deband. Max Tech Lv 15.
- RAmars cannot use Grantz, Megid, Reverser, Jellen, Zalure. Max Tech Lv 15.
- HUnewerls and RAmarls cannot use Grantz, Megid, Reverser. Max Tech Lv 20.
- Anti only goes up to Lv 7. HUmar and RAmar can only use upto Lv 5 Anti. (source: rbf)

Sep 19, 2002, 10:15 AM
That sucks that HUmars can't use those techs anymore. Oh well. Lets see.. thinking of a question to ask. Hmm... I'll get back to you on that.

Sep 19, 2002, 10:41 AM
HUmars without Shifta = teh suck.

That, and level 20 techs, are the reason HUnewarls will be the new cheapest class to play as in PSO.

Sep 19, 2002, 12:36 PM
I'll still be a HUmar. I don't really care if some other class is a bit better, or is better suited to my style of play. I like em, and Dav's staying one.

Sep 19, 2002, 02:44 PM
w00t now forces wont be underappreciated http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Sep 19, 2002, 06:03 PM
Hmmm, yet the human-newman all have Resta so it's still easier to play with them http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

BTW how are the androids' traps? Are there new ones or do you only get access to them at a high level? Can you use them outside of Ultimate mode? or is it "ult mode only"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BWS-1 on 2002-09-19 16:06 ]</font>

Sep 19, 2002, 06:15 PM
If the humans-newmans didn't have Resta, what would be the point of playing them? The other techs suck for non-Forces so you'd be better off with an android then.

Sep 20, 2002, 12:38 AM
On 2002-09-19 16:03, BWS-1 wrote:
BTW how are the androids' traps? Are there new ones or do you only get access to them at a high level? Can you use them outside of Ultimate mode? or is it "ult mode only"

Androids start normal mode with 2 traps of each type. I'm not sure how you acquire more, I've not seen any in shops. However you got more traps in DC ver2 is probably how you get more now.


Sep 20, 2002, 01:05 AM
Do the character models blink, or do they still stare like insomniacs?

Sep 20, 2002, 02:39 AM
On 2002-09-19 23:05, Alielle wrote:
Do the character models blink, or do they still stare like insomniacs?


hey hey hey! What do you have against insomniacs?


Sep 20, 2002, 11:56 AM
Question about the save file(s)...

I know that you can fit up to four characters on a standard memory card. Does the game create one save file for each character (so that you could possibly make more than four on the 251) or does it make one big file (that probably fills the entire card) which allows you to make up to four characters like in Animal Crossing?

Also, is/are the files transferable to other memory cards?

Sep 20, 2002, 12:31 PM
Do you only find rares from enemies like in Ultimate diff. or can you also find rares in the boxes too?

Sep 20, 2002, 08:57 PM
Alielle- Characters do not blink.

Larkin- Your question is hard to answer because in order to look at the memory card screen for an imported copy of PSO, one has to know how to read Japanese (the GameCube's BIOS screen is in Japanese). I can tell you that PSO creates 3 files, which appear to be a general data file, a character file, and a guild card file. I can't seem to copy them, but I can't read Japanese so I have no idea what the messages it's giving me are. So, it seems, you have one file for all 4 characters, which is not transferable. I COULD BE WRONG.

Gazebo- I have found somerares in boxes, and dropped by enemies. But I'm not to ultimate mode yet, so I don't know if ult rares still only drop in ult.


Sep 20, 2002, 09:52 PM
You've gone through episode 2 right? Would it be easier to start at episode 1, or can you actually stand a chance in ep 2 at lev 1?

Sep 21, 2002, 12:55 AM
On 2002-09-20 19:52, RavenTW wrote:
You've gone through episode 2 right? Would it be easier to start at episode 1, or can you actually stand a chance in ep 2 at lev 1?

VR Temple might be possible at level 1, I never tried. But at level 20 when I did, I found that after VR Spaceship, it was a bit rough for 1 character. The episode 2 levels really seem geared to be played after you defeat Dark Falz in episode 1. They're slightly harder than their ep1 counterparts (ie: forest and VR Temple are both the first area of their respective episode, but VR Temple is just a tad harder). At level 30 I was unable to defeat the final boss of episode 2, with 240hp (aprox), he was killing me with 1 hit. Here's how I'd breakdown the new levels for play:

VR Temple: level 6-10
VR Spaceship: lvl 8-12
Jungle/Beach/Mountain: 12-15
Seabottom level: 20 (the monsters in here hit HARD)

This is all based on my experience playing solo as a HUnewearl. I don't think forces could do this at the same levels, alot of the new ep2 enemies hit very hard, freeze you, shoot fireballs etc... Episode 2 is also definitly built with team play in mind. Going solo in ep2 is tough, many bosses and mini-bosses really seem to require a balanced party to fight (forces and rangers are a MUST for Gal Gryphon, trust me). I'd expect though, that a team of players (ie: online) could probably go through episode 2 with minimal trouble at levels alot lower than I was able to solo.


Sep 21, 2002, 04:35 AM
It's true that all four characters share ONE file on memory card. And the main file is "System File," prolly one that the game makes when they ask for the correct date and time.

Oh yeah, and I tried the Ep 2 Temple at Lv 1. Not bad if you're Hunter. Terrible for Force. Though you'll die less than one minute no matter what class you use. But I did beat Barba-whatever at Lv 7 with a HUnewearl using a Handgun and Lv 1 Shifta.

BTW, is it just me or is this true? It seems that you don't drop your weapon when you die, (it just unequips automatically) but instead any meseta you carry PERMANENTLY vanishes..... This kinda hurts considering that items seem to be much rarer than it was on DC, and $$$ is quite important at low levels....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sedric on 2002-09-21 02:44 ]</font>

Sep 21, 2002, 05:20 AM
Do HUnewearls have the old or new sword attack animation? Any new attack animations for HUnewearls, such as with those twin swords? =?_?=

Sep 21, 2002, 10:34 AM
I don't know about Twin Swords, but HUnewearl did get a new Sword animation. It looks exactly same as HUcaseal's Sword animation from one of those "teaser video." It's much much faster compared to DC counterpart, so it's a plus. However, HUnewearl now seems to suffer from insufficient ATA. It looked to me as if they were missing more swings compared to their DC sisters. I guess HUcaseal is "Hunter of Accuracy" instead in this version.

Sep 21, 2002, 11:00 AM
On 2002-09-21 02:35, Sedric wrote:
It's true that all four characters share ONE file on memory card. And the main file is "System File," prolly one that the game makes when they ask for the correct date and time.

Oh yeah, and I tried the Ep 2 Temple at Lv 1. Not bad if you're Hunter. Terrible for Force. Though you'll die less than one minute no matter what class you use. But I did beat Barba-whatever at Lv 7 with a HUnewearl using a Handgun and Lv 1 Shifta.

BTW, is it just me or is this true? It seems that you don't drop your weapon when you die, (it just unequips automatically) but instead any meseta you carry PERMANENTLY vanishes..... This kinda hurts considering that items seem to be much rarer than it was on DC, and $$$ is quite important at low levels....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sedric on 2002-09-21 02:44 ]</font>

I've heard you don't drop your wep, but I didn't know about losing all cash perm. Oh well, this will really upset PKers ('cept those that PK annoyances), which is probably why ST made it that way. Plus, more incentive to put all important items in the Check room.

Sep 21, 2002, 06:40 PM
This has probably already been asked, but will a modem be released WITH PSO, or as a seperate purchase?

Sep 21, 2002, 10:08 PM
Yes, it IS released with modem.... That's the one I got, though I didn't connect it in yet. I pretty believe it will be same w/ Domestic version.

Sep 21, 2002, 10:20 PM
For anyone that has at least gotten to Ultimate Sealab: Do the enemies give more experience in Ultimate Ep. II compared to Ep. I? Enemies did not give enough experience in v2 to level up quickly past 100 so hoping either ST made Ultimate enemies give more experience or they scaled down the amount needed to gain levels after 100.

...That is, if levels even go past 100, which I'm not completely sure about anymore. Has anyone gotten above that yet to verify this?

Sep 22, 2002, 10:02 PM
Is it going to be Pay to Play??? Please tell me its not that was lame what they did. If it requires a credit card I'm probably NOT gonna get it.

Sep 22, 2002, 10:20 PM
I heard there was a multi-player split screen version, where 2 people could play on the same GC. Is this true? And if so...how do characters work, because for the DC, you couldn't use differnt characters (memory cards) on differnt machines/disks. Can you answer this at all>?

Sep 22, 2002, 10:24 PM
On 2002-09-22 20:02, RellikTakahashi wrote:
Is it going to be Pay to Play??? Please tell me its not that was lame what they did. If it requires a credit card I'm probably NOT gonna get it.

Unless I'm wrong, yes, it will still be pay to play online, but still, even a kid on a measly $5/month allownace could afford a Hunter's License, which is, I believe, around $8 for 90 days. The offline mode, obviously, is always going to be free...no way they could charge for that.

Sep 22, 2002, 10:26 PM
On 2002-09-22 20:02, RellikTakahashi wrote:
Is it going to be Pay to Play??? Please tell me its not that was lame what they did. If it requires a credit card I'm probably NOT gonna get it.
Yes, it's pay to play. If you import, you get 30 days for free.

I heard there was a multi-player split screen version, where 2 people could play on the same GC. Is this true? And if so...how do characters work, because for the DC, you couldn't use differnt characters (memory cards) on differnt machines/disks. Can you answer this at all>?
Actually, it's 4 player split screen.

Sep 23, 2002, 02:01 AM
On 2002-09-22 20:20, Skarab wrote:
I heard there was a multi-player split screen version, where 2 people could play on the same GC. Is this true? And if so...how do characters work, because for the DC, you couldn't use differnt characters (memory cards) on differnt machines/disks. Can you answer this at all>?

You can play up to 4 player split screen offline. You can have 4 characters per memory card, and temporarily transfer characters from a different card onto your main one for multiplayer.


Sep 23, 2002, 07:36 AM
I'm not sure if this has already been asked, so don't flame me if it has been. Is it true you don't have to activate the column to get to Falz anymore?

Sep 23, 2002, 05:53 PM

I heard there was a multi-player split screen version, where 2 people could play on the same GC. Is this true? And if so...how do characters work, because for the DC, you couldn't use differnt characters (memory cards) on differnt machines/disks. Can you answer this at all>?


Actually, it's 4 player split screen.

Umm... on Nintendo's website, it says there will only be three slots for play... sooo, unless that's changed...

Sep 23, 2002, 09:23 PM
On 2002-09-23 05:36, _xX_Frosty_Xx_ wrote:
I'm not sure if this has already been asked, so don't flame me if it has been. Is it true you don't have to activate the column to get to Falz anymore?

From the older posts, you still have to activate the three pillars, you just don't have to complete the Mines first, then go all the way back through Forest, Caves, and Mines _again_ jsut to activate them...you can do it when you first go through the stage, which would make the door already be open when you get there after beating Vol Opt.

Sep 24, 2002, 06:56 AM
Well this will make me want to play offline a little bit more then. Thanks ^_^

Sep 24, 2002, 08:14 PM
On 2002-09-23 15:53, labratpat wrote:

Umm... on Nintendo's website, it says there will only be three slots for play... sooo, unless that's changed...

Then Nintendo's website is wrong. You can have 4 characters per memory card, and 3 temporary characters from other memory cards. Technically, this is a grand total of 7, but you need 2 cards to get the extra 3.


Sep 24, 2002, 08:47 PM
Have you seen any of the rare mag parts yet?

Sep 25, 2002, 01:54 PM
May be a silly question, but when you import PSO, is there an option to select English Text or is it game all in Japanese?

Sep 25, 2002, 02:39 PM
Meow. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/cat.gif Uhh, would it be possible to keep 4 main characters on a memory card 251, and having and additional 3 temporary characters stay permanently from multiplayer offline? By this I mean, do the 3 temporary characters have to be returned to their original card at any time? I'd keep them as offline item holders, if that's not the case =>.>=

Sep 25, 2002, 03:36 PM
Are you still given a registration/access number like the DC ver.?

Sep 25, 2002, 04:03 PM
SirDonovanIII- The GameCube version of PSo supposert the same languages as the Dreamcast versions, and can be set to any of them. The default language is Japanese, so you'll have to feel your way through a few menus to change the language, but after that it's all in english.

SnAP- I'll check on this later tonight once I get off work, I think the 3 temp character slots are only available in offline multiplayer (that is you can't take them online). But I'm not sure.

Nidarrock- Yes, GameCube PSO has a serial number and registration number printed on the back of the game manual, these are required to register for a hunters licence (but thankfully not when creating new characters, or anything like that).


Sep 25, 2002, 04:13 PM
Do any of the spells look different? How does the message board feature work?

Sep 25, 2002, 05:23 PM
Can you use items from the shortcut menu or start menu when frozen like in v1 so you wont sit there and die like in v2 when frozen?

I assumed you could use a Sol Atomizer to reverse any status ailment in v2 but when I tried to use it to break out of ice like in v1, it didn't work and down I went. That made my State Maintenences much more valuable among characters' items.

And is there still like a few step barrier where the enemies can hit you but you can't target them except with specific techs once you enter a room?

Sep 25, 2002, 05:27 PM
Hey, what happened to the GC-GBA link? I know it downloads 4 announced games, 2 of them are Nights and Chu Chu, but has anyone found anything inside the disc that has some details on it?

Sep 25, 2002, 09:56 PM
SnAP- I'll check on this later tonight once I get off work, I think the 3 temp character slots are only available in offline multiplayer (that is you can't take them online). But I'm not sure.
-ok...so if the characters that are "temp" are offline only...does that mean that you can't lv up w/ your friends offline? I mean, does the "temp" char go back to the original memory card w/ all the items and levels he/she gained while playing offline multiplayer?

Sep 27, 2002, 01:24 AM
On 2002-09-25 14:13, _xX_Frosty_Xx_ wrote:
Do any of the spells look different? How does the message board feature work?

I can't really answer this, my characters aren't casters. Additionally, I've not played oline yet. Sorry.

SnAP- I can't find the answer to your question. When I select online mode, it tells me that I can't go online without a modem or BBA physically connected to the GC. Perhaps someone who has played online can answer this?

Sep 29, 2002, 05:09 AM
about the memcard:
how many blocks do the 3 files need? does the game access both memcardslots equally? is it easy to save character 5-8 on the second card or does the game save mainfile and guildcard twice (=do you have 2 guildcardfiles, 2 mainfiles then? one at each card?)?

about modem:
comes the driver etc. with the game or with the modem? do you set the accessdata (provider etc) with the game itself (optionmenu maybe) or with an additional disk like the dreamkey for DC?

thanks for the patience

Sep 29, 2002, 07:42 AM
back during the trial, it was revealed that some classes have access to some weapons that were supposedly "class specific" like the the RAmar can now use the pole-arms that used to be a hunter class only type weapon. what other classes can uses other weapons in the final version?

Sep 29, 2002, 12:56 PM
I saw a pic of a force using a Elysion.....

Sep 29, 2002, 03:19 PM
elysion is mst based now

Sep 29, 2002, 04:00 PM
I have a question that I would really like to be answered because I have been wondering about it for a while now.Okay so me and three other of my friends have a gamecube and when pso comes out for it we are all going to get it. But when you play multiplayer how do you get each character from four memory cards to play together if there are only two memory card slots?

Sep 29, 2002, 04:03 PM
On 2002-09-29 14:00, cruizer wrote:
But when you play multiplayer how do you get each character from four memory cards to play together if there are only two memory card slots?

I beleive you just switch out the memory cards when you goto load the other characters, the GC just keeps it in the internal memory I thought.

Sep 29, 2002, 05:39 PM
well then how do you save all the items you got during multiplayer?

Sep 29, 2002, 05:42 PM
You load the characters into GC internal memory, I beleive when you goto save/quit you just put that characters memory card back in the slot, save it, then pull it out for the next person to save/quit.

Thats what makes the most sense to me anyways. I haven't used it yet, but I beleive others have said thats what you have to do.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2002-09-29 15:43 ]</font>

Sep 29, 2002, 05:54 PM
hey,Soliptic do you know the answer to the question?

Sep 29, 2002, 10:05 PM
If you mean split screen offline, then I can answer this one. You can save up to 4 chars on ONE memory card. So you and your 3 friends only need 1 card, not 4 for each.

However, if you wish to use a charcter from different memory card, you can bring up to 3 "temp" chars from 2nd slot. I do not know if you can save that temp char back into 2nd slot, since I never tried it.

Hope that helped.

BTW, don't forget 4 controllers too if you'll gonna play 4-player split screen.

[ADDED] Oh yeah, and when you save and quit, only one person needs to do that. Then everyone else gets saved and quits simutaneously. Same thing with when you die. If one of you selects "Go back to Pioneer2" Then all of you will go back at once. Same with telepipe, boss warp, and next-level warp. But for these, all of you have to stand on it simultaneously. Good thing about this is that only one pipe is needed, and no one's left behind when you return. Bad thing: when one of you starts acting stupid and don't enter the warp, no one moves. =PP

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sedric on 2002-09-29 20:09 ]</font>

Sep 30, 2002, 12:11 AM
On 2002-09-29 20:05, Sedric wrote:
However, if you wish to use a charcter from different memory card, you can bring up to 3 "temp" chars from 2nd slot. I do not know if you can save that temp char back into 2nd slot, since I never tried it.

You can indeed return the chararacter to it's origional save slot on it's origional memory card.


Sep 30, 2002, 09:28 PM
so you can temporarily save your character on another memory card for split screen multiplayer?

Oct 1, 2002, 04:32 PM
Yeah, the whole split screen concept confuses me.......

Oct 1, 2002, 06:39 PM
I read in an EGM that you can link 2 GCs with an Ethernet cable into 2 BBAs and play a network game, so to speak, on 2 TVs. Seifer01 and I are going to try this out when GCN PSO comes out.

Oct 1, 2002, 07:54 PM
sorry to intrude..

I saw someone asked about RAs and techs.

My RAmarl is level 75 right now. Today I found megid 13 I think, and It has red X next to it (cant learn) but I've found level 16-18 Foie and some others that see CAN learn. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

Oct 2, 2002, 01:59 AM
Grants, Megid, and Reverser, are FOrce only spells

Oct 2, 2002, 02:28 AM
No one answered my questions!
Bah hambug.
*Looks at people ignoring him*




I asked if there was still that annoying few step barrier in rooms where the enemies could hit you but you couldn't target/hit them.
And one other let me go get it..

Oct 2, 2002, 02:30 AM
On 2002-09-25 15:23, HAYABUSA-FMW- wrote:
Can you use items from the shortcut menu or start menu when frozen like in v1 so you wont sit there and die like in v2 when frozen?

I assumed you could use a Sol Atomizer to reverse any status ailment in v2 but when I tried to use it to break out of ice like in v1, it didn't work and down I went. That made my State Maintenences much more valuable among characters' items.

And is there still like a few step barrier where the enemies can hit you but you can't target them except with specific techs once you enter a room?

I know that you cannot answer everything but can you touch up on this?, even if it is a straight 'NO' that's ok too.

Oct 3, 2002, 12:14 AM
Yes, Im pretty sure that's still there. And the thing where you can walk into a room and enemies dont see you yet is still there too.

Oct 3, 2002, 10:03 AM
ive heard that in ep1&2 that the android's HP regenerates over time and that the newman's TP regenerates over time too. exactly how much comes back per second. and also, what do the humans get??? nothing???

Oct 3, 2002, 10:30 AM
On 2002-10-03 08:03, Zenigma wrote:
ive heard that in ep1&2 that the android's HP regenerates over time and that the newman's TP regenerates over time too. exactly how much comes back per second.
This is true. It varies how much is regenerated over time, because it regenerates faster as you get to a higher level. My HUcast gets like 2-3HP per second at lv85.

On 2002-10-03 08:03, Zenigma wrote: and also, what do the humans get??? nothing???

Humans are rumoured to have the ability to use more materials than the others.

Oct 3, 2002, 11:23 AM
hmm, just might make a HUcaseal instead of the FOmar first...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zenigma on 2002-10-10 08:19 ]</font>

Oct 3, 2002, 04:23 PM
So I'm assuming the HUmans just gain TP back?

EDIT: TP....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: _xX_Frosty_Xx_ on 2002-10-03 14:25 ]</font>

Oct 3, 2002, 06:10 PM
All Androids slowly gain HP back. All Newmans slowly gain their TP back. Humans get nothing, but can use more materials than other two.

Oct 3, 2002, 07:20 PM
I just hope I don't get picked on every time I do a C-Mode.By the time the game comes around no one will want a FOmarl,the people will request androids and their ability to set traps and heal...unless that's disabled in C-mode.If they allow the use of two traps on normal but increase the difficult of c-mode...then we might can work something out.But im just going to assume it's disabled in challenge.

Oct 3, 2002, 08:35 PM
I have never played a PSO game. Would you suggest I buy it for the Gcube or maybe another system?

Oct 3, 2002, 09:01 PM
ooo, I just thought of a good question? Are there any new Photon Blasts? (I can't beleive we've actually overlooked this)

Oct 4, 2002, 10:32 PM
RavenTW- I'm unaware of any new Photon Blasts. Perhaps some of the people who have played online can answer this?

HAYABUSA-FMW-- Okay, sorry this took awhile to answer, things have been busy for me. You can access the quick menus while frozen, but any actions you use it for don't occur until after you are unfrozen. Most enemies, except for Claws, you can attack while up close to. That bug is apparently fixed.


Oct 4, 2002, 10:50 PM
Does the game autosave while offline? =>.>=;;;;;

Oct 4, 2002, 11:44 PM
On 2002-10-04 20:50, SnAPPUrU-nyan-ko wrote:
Does the game autosave while offline? =>.>=;;;;;

I don't know, unlike the Dreamcast version, no icon shows up when you walk about town. It may, but I'd prefer not to remove my memory card during gameplay and find out =P


Oct 8, 2002, 07:42 AM
How much harder is Episode II than I?

Oct 8, 2002, 10:45 AM
On 2002-10-01 17:54, TedEdFred wrote:
sorry to intrude..

I saw someone asked about RAs and techs.

My RAmarl is level 75 right now. Today I found megid 13 I think, and It has red X next to it (cant learn) but I've found level 16-18 Foie and some others that see CAN learn. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

On a jp site, I found a database with all the spells every class can learn (http://www.rappyland.com/database/misc/character.htm)

It seems the new max for anti is now lvl 7. Plus, Hunewearl and Ramarl can learn attack spells (except megid and grants) and s/d/j/z up to lvl 20!

Oct 8, 2002, 11:38 AM
On 2002-10-08 05:42, _xX_Frosty_Xx_ wrote:
How much harder is Episode II than I?

Not by much, but I'd say it all depends on who you use, what equipments & tech you have, and your playstyle.

But it sure is harder.

[ADDED] About the autosave offline: I think the game DOES autosave whenever you enter boss fight..... I see that tiny "Now Saving" square at bottom right. Donno about other teleporters/warps though.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sedric on 2002-10-08 09:40 ]</font>

Oct 8, 2002, 03:55 PM
On 2002-09-14 15:09, Soliptic wrote:

Okay. Since I havn't seen any topics like this so far, I'll go ahead and open the floor. I got the GC PSO on Friday, and have about 20 hours on it right now. I've looked at all the new costumes, played some of the new stages etc...

If you have questions about the GameCube version of PSO, go ahead and ask, I'll do my best to answer. Please bear in mind however, that I have not played online, as I do not have dial up internet access. So questions about online I can't answer.


Well to tell you, I really don't care if the episode I&II is from PSOver.2 cuz I never play it, only ver.1. It a long story with my dreamcast messing up but anyway...The reason why I got a NGC was for PSOI&II so I'll buy it even if it sucks, nothing'll stop me from getting it!!!! @_@ !!!! Before I get online on the NGC, I must finish the game on easy offline first who what ever diffult there is.!!!!! Meet yall online soon like december!!!...as long as I got the game in my ngc, I won't have any pain anymore.

Oct 9, 2002, 12:11 AM
On 2002-10-08 05:42, _xX_Frosty_Xx_ wrote:
How much harder is Episode II than I?

As sedric said, it's not that much harder, It was clearly designed to be played by characters who had just finished episode 1. Read my previous reply (in this topic, a few pages back), about what level I estimated a lone Hunewearl could go through ep2.


Oct 9, 2002, 01:00 AM
On 2002-10-03 18:35, Midnight99 wrote:
I have never played a PSO game. Would you suggest I buy it for the Gcube or maybe another system?

Somehow this question is unanswered.... I'll be the "nice" guy and answer.

You never played PSO? Then try whichever you like to. There's old DC ver. (2 of them!), a PC ver., current GC ver., and future XBox ver. Choice is yours.

Oct 9, 2002, 08:37 AM
does the game support progressive scan??

Oct 9, 2002, 11:08 PM
On 2002-10-09 06:37, Zenigma wrote:
does the game support progressive scan??

I don't have a progressive scan TV, so I don't know.

Come to think of it, I don't even know if the GameCube supports progressive scan... does anyone know if it does?


Oct 10, 2002, 07:06 AM
Yes, GC does. And I recall that so does PSO, but I could be wrong.

Oct 10, 2002, 10:18 AM
i was at ign cube's site and they confirmed that the gc pso DOES in fact support both progressive scan and dolby pro logic II