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View Full Version : Top 5 Games of This Year

Dec 31, 2005, 09:29 AM
Ah, its the years end and if I had anything to reflect on at all it would be the piles of games I have purchased. As seems to be tradition on all Videogame based message boards, i thought 'Hell, lets start off a Top 5 Games of the Year Thread'. So here we go, top five.

5. Quake 4 (PC)
Quake 2 is one of those games I always remember playing. The atmospheric surrounds of Stroggos, the horrible cries of Strogg Grunts, those damned dog things! I really didnt think they could come close to recreating the feeling of that game. Quake 4 manages it. Almost.

The game had some brilliant level design in places and really improved on the slowness of Doom3 (The engine they used to make the game). The guns all had 'Oomph' when you fired them and the enemies react as you would expect. Sound was brilliant, and I almost squeeled with glee when I recognised the slow stroggos hum that was used several times in Quake 2.

Only down points were that Vehicles werent used enough, and their small inclusion was just to say they were there. The Strogification of the lead character also added squat to the game. Well, it gave you a orange coloured Hud, but that was about it.

4. Another Code - Two Memories (DS)
Im using the UK title for this game, as 'Trace Memory' sucks as a title. Anywho, this was a strong Point and Click styled adventure for the DS with lush graphics and a great story. I actually felt for the main characters and cared about trying to solve both their mysteries. Only a few Puzzles seemed to be super cryptic and had been walking all over the game several times trying to work out what on earth to do. And, as with most Point and Click Adventures, there was almost zero replay value. This is one game I would sell the DS on though, an essential purchase.

3. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
A week before I got this, I had finally tracked down 'Symphony of the Night' and gutted the game. I was ready for more, and 'Dawn of Sorrow' gave me just that.

Dawn of Sorrow was a vast improvement on the GBA Castlevanias, and offered several long hours of gameplay. The soul collecting was very addictive, and I found myself coming back to several rooms constantly trying to get those blasted last few souls (Yeah, im looking at you Bone Ark). The equipment system was a bit too simplistic for my liking (SotN dwarfed this is the amount of slots you could equip too), but the tactical element of swapping weapon sets soon kicked in and you forgot about that.

I think the only other really bad thing about Dawn of Sorrow was that it ended. Lets hope they have been set to work on the enxt game already!

2. God of War (PS2)
God of War. God of War is...YEAH! Well, thats how I feel I can sum up of God of War anyway. The game just runs so nicely, so smoothly. Combat is glorious and you can feel Kratos' strength. There is real power in the gameplay, and it empowers the player.

The game was definately well planned out, with clever level design that kept pushing the player onwards. There was some real clever set pieces that garnered a smile from me while playing.

The story was good too, not taking up to much of the game (No 20 minute cutscenes) but progressing the plot in a nice fashion. There wa salso a nice selecton of extras to keep you coming back. A top notch 'Making of Video' is included, and the extra 'Story Videos' are really intrigueing. Im still trying to play through God Mode just to get the last few (And Im still in Athens, God Mode is an appropriate name).

1. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (GC)
I think I may be cheating here, as Im not to sure if this came out late last year or early this year. However, it is still £30 for a preowned copy of this and no blighter is buying it, so it is going here.

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is one of the funnest, most involving RPG's I have palyed in ages. You actually do something in combat other then clicking on some options. The combos you can pull of really make my day as it feels like im doing something. Getting a stylish move with the hammer is satisfying.

The story isnt too serious and really is just fun, something that some games forget to be this day in an attempt to be realistic/gritty. Marios adventure to find all the star pieces are the meat of the game, but I always look forward to the end of a chapter where I get to play as Princess Peach and Bowser. Some of Bowsers mis-adventures have had me and the crowd who normally gather when playing this game roar out with laughter. Peaches adventures just seem...cute. Even though there was a few nervous glances when playing as the invisible naked Peach.

The graphics and sound really finish off this game. The bright colours are refreshing and set the themes of the games and its levels perfectly. Characters are beautifully rendered as 2D sprites and Mario is quite appealing when he does his little arm waving cheer (It loosk as if someone is just moving a piece of paper with some string). Marios voice clips are contagfious too, as Im often found mutter 'Oh yes' in his italian style.

Downpoints? Koops and Flurry. I dont like these characters at all. They just seem a bit 'mweh' to me and I barely ever use them. Otherwise I dont think there is anything I hate about this game.

Definately my game of the year.

Well, thats it. There is a few honoury mentions;
Fahrenheit (PS2)
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
KoF 2000- 2001 (PS2 release finally)
Resident Evil 4 (GC)
Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS2)

Come on then, now its everyone else's turn. Remember, Top 5 then Honoury Mentions.

Dec 31, 2005, 10:34 AM
#1 psobb jp ver - the very best game ever made and the only ver of pso not completely ruined by its players.

#2 mario kart ds - nintendo's first online game and the best racing game i have played. just pure fun.

and... i cant think of anything else that i really loved, so its gonna just be a top 2 for me -_-;;

just realized that psobb came out last year so it doesnt even count for this

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Inazuma on 2005-12-31 12:12 ]</font>

Dec 31, 2005, 12:38 PM
My top five are in no particular order:

5. Mario Kart DS (Fun offline, and I can't wait to play the other PSOWers online.)

4. Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time (Humorous, and interactive battles.)

3. Star Wars: Battlefront II (One flaw: Kills per Death ratio. This has effectively stopped me from playing this game at my house. Whenever I do play, I feel like I have to uphold that KPD ratio.)

2. Something else.

1. Something else.

Dec 31, 2005, 02:28 PM
I don't know the exact order of the list, but for me, it contains Phantom Dust, killer7, Mario Kart DS, and Castlevnia: Dawn of Sorrow, for sure.

Dec 31, 2005, 02:41 PM
Resident Evil 4 for game cube
Soul Calibur III
Smackdown 2006
World Of Warcraft almost forgot about this one

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: eXo on 2005-12-31 11:43 ]</font>

Dec 31, 2005, 04:39 PM
Age of Empires III, Mario Kart DS, Final Fantasy IV Advance. Hmm, The Lost Coast is just a neat tech spec game. HDR really does completely change the gameplay. So, I guess for importance, The Lost Coast is very important, not necessarily as much fun, or as good as, a full game. Oy, geez, I can't believe I almost forgot Darwinia. Lots of fun in that game.

So I guess that makes:

Age of Empires III
Mario Kart DS
Final Fantasy IV Advance
Half-Life 2 The Lost Coast

Dec 31, 2005, 04:49 PM
top 5 games of 05...

5. Megaman Zero 4 - Introduces the ability to collect parts from enemies and recipies. Once you collect the parts and recipies you can build new parts and customize Zero however you want. Also introduces a new, and probably more simplistic, Cyber Elf system.

4. Mario Kart DS - Great game overall. Offline and Online holds a challenge.

3. Star Wars: Battlefront II - Lots of changes (perhaps too many) from the original. Now each afilliation has 6 classes, has the ability to run, and has a Jedi/Hero for each level of the game.

2. Guild Wars - Perfect for beginners or those who don't want to spend a monthly fee.

1. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow - The ability to collect souls, access three endings, as well as several modes to play the game makes this game worthwhile for any type of gamer.

Dec 31, 2005, 11:11 PM
1) Dragon Quest 8
I love the 'ol skool gameplay. None of that action-RPG Kingdom Hearts-ish battle system. Just good ol turn based. Great soundtrack, BEAUTIFUL cel-shading, and I love the european voice acting. Its a nice break all the anime voice acting.

2) Half-Life 2
Only had the chance to play the XBOX version cause my PC would 'splode if I tried to run it. Loved everyminute of it.

3) Resident Evil 4
Never been a fan of the Resident Evil series, or the survival-horror genre (besides Fatal Frame and Silent Hill), but I LOVED LOVED LOVED RE4. Everything about it is great, can't wait for 5.

4) Lumines
I got this game for x-mas along with my PSP. Talk about fhkn addicting. I play that game more than GTA: Liberty City Stories. Great puzzle game, probably one of the most innovative games this year.

5) Ninja Gaiden Black
I'unno if this should count, seeing as how its just a remix of the orginal, but its whatever. BEST AKSHUN GAIM EVAR! Screw God of War (/raises flame shield). This is one of the only games that I can think of that has ever really kicked my ass.

Runner up:
God of war: I thought it was a good game, just not all that great. Loved the bewbs though. =þ

Dec 31, 2005, 11:32 PM
5)Pokemon Dash. Yes, I bought it.

4)Trace Memory. Fun

3)Mario Cart: DS. Fun Fun Fun.

2)Rainbow 6 3: Black Arrow. "OH MY GOD, YOU KILLED THEIR ENTIRE TEAM!!" (At least I think it was this year.)

1)Advance Wars DS. I have destroyed countless (insert unit name) and I have no regrets. Long live the Stealths.

Too bad my XBox broke down. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

A moment of silence for the fallen killer.....

(Wait, did MechAssault 2 come out this year? If so it is number one. And also if so, long live the Belial, my ultimate killing machine.)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dre_o on 2005-12-31 20:35 ]</font>

Jan 1, 2006, 12:40 AM
5) Day of reckoning 2
4) Mario Kart DS
3) Quake 4
2) Castlevania DS
1) Resident Evil 4 (GC)

Jan 1, 2006, 12:53 AM
in no particular order
Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow
Megaman Zero 4
and i havent played any other extremely good games from this year.

Jan 1, 2006, 02:14 AM
I'll take upon 2004 games as well as 2005 since there weren't many good games out this year.

5. Tales of Symphonia (GC, 2004)
4. Guitar Freaks V (ARCADE, 2004)
- Best sim game ever. PS2 version will soon be available. FINALLY!
3. Mario Kart DS
- Just plain awesome.
2. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (2004)
- You can't beat this game for shooters. If they made more multiplayer stages and LAN playing... this game would be the best game ever.
1. Guitar Freaks / Drum Mania V2 (2005/2006)

Jan 1, 2006, 01:20 PM
5.Star Wars Battlefront II

4.Fight Night Round II

3.Mario Kart DS

2.God of War

1.Resident Evil 4

Jan 2, 2006, 03:33 AM
5. Rome: Total War (PC)
Simply one of the most well crafted and satisfying RTS's to come out in the last 5 years.

4. Ninja Gaiden: Black (Xbox)
One of the finest action games to come out in years (though technically, it's not new - just an improved version of NG), and one of the most difficult, IMO.

3. Gunstar Super Heroes (GBA)
A sequel to the 16-bit classic, and everybit as much pure fun as the original. A shame this one is getting overlooked.

2. Trace Memory (DS)
While I don't own it, I've had the chance to play it briefly and I'm surprised. After all the talk I hear of Metroid Prime being an "Adventure" by the Nintendo-Heads - Nintendo actually manages to come out with a DECENT adventure game which both innovates the genre a bit and tells a decent story. Though it's a bit too simplistic for my tastes, it's still very enjoyable to play. A much better effort than anything I've seen out of The Adventure Company or Indigo Prophecy.

1. Resident Evil 4 (PS2, GC)
This game is absolutely amazing.. I don't know what else to say which hasn't already been said numerous times.

Honorable Mentions:
5: Sonic Rush (DS)
4: Soul Calibur III (PS2)
3: OutRun II (Xbox)
2: Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (Xbox, PS2, NGC?)
1: F.E.A.R (PC)

Jan 2, 2006, 03:48 AM
In no particular order:

Gunstar Super Heroes

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Perfect Dark Zero

Resident Evil 4

Phantom Dust

On a side note, I'm really surprised at how many mentions Another Code/Trace Memory got. :/ The game was good, yeah, but it was short, and had replay value in the negatives... I really don't think there's anywhere near enough content to have it qualify as one of the top games of the year.

Jan 2, 2006, 06:57 AM
On 2006-01-02 00:48, Kent wrote:

On a side note, I'm really surprised at how many mentions Another Code/Trace Memory got. :/ The game was good, yeah, but it was short, and had replay value in the negatives... I really don't think there's anywhere near enough content to have it qualify as one of the top games of the year.

I just look back on what Ive played this year and Another Code just stands out in my mind. Some simple puzzles and a lack of replay value, but then game really was fun. It is a game I remember standing around my flat/work just talking about and saying how much I enjoyed it. It was fun absorbing game, and for me thats what counts.

Short does not always equal = Bad (Metal Slug is a nice example of a simple game with lil to no replay value and under an hours worth of gameplay, but has gone down as one of the greatest games ever).

Jan 2, 2006, 08:27 PM
Really, though, all things considered, that game just isn't Game of the Year material to me. Especially when you consider, that you're paying the full price for a DS game, that you'll probably play for about five to six hours, and never touch again.

To me, that's a mistake on the developer's part; painfully short first playthrough, and no replay value, whatsoever. If they had added higher puzzle difficulties, with harder and more extravagant puzzles for different playthroughs, then it'd be a lot more worthy of the mention here, to me, but that's asking a lot...

Jan 2, 2006, 08:36 PM
On 2006-01-02 17:27, Kent wrote:
Really, though, all things considered, that game just isn't Game of the Year material to me. Especially when you consider, that you're paying the full price for a DS game, that you'll probably play for about five to six hours, and never touch again.

To me, that's a mistake on the developer's part; painfully short first playthrough, and no replay value, whatsoever. If they had added higher puzzle difficulties, with harder and more extravagant puzzles for different playthroughs, then it'd be a lot more worthy of the mention here, to me, but that's asking a lot...

This is our PERSONAL top 5 games of the year. I've heard that it's a good game, and though I don't have it, I'd probably list it if I had purchased it this year. I'm not sure of everyone else's consumering whoring ways, but I doubt that I'll even have 5 games.


1. Dawn of War: Awesome game, glad I finally got around to getting it (Yes, I know that it came out in 2004, but I did buy it just recently).

2. Call of Duty 2: Hurrah for shotguns!

3. Civilization III: Hey, it was 10 bucks.

4. Wait, I didn't buy any other games this year.

Jan 2, 2006, 08:53 PM

1.mario party 7:soooo addictive...

2pokemon xd gale of darkness:its way better than the last one

3.soul caliber3

5.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,i guess thats it

Jan 4, 2006, 01:32 AM
okei, these are the top five game discoveries for me in 2005, even though some of them may have come out a while ago:

5 - Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
4 - God of War
3 - Gran Turismo 4
2 - Shadow of the Colossus
1 - Katamari Damacy

Jan 4, 2006, 05:44 PM
1. Shadow of the Colossus

2. Resident Evil 4

3. God of War

4. Dragon Quest VIII

5. Socom III

Shadow of the Colossus because it's basically the most immersive game I've ever played in my life, and for a premise so simple the magnitude of the game was just rediculous. I had chills running through me nonstop during the final boss.

Resident Evil 4 because not only was it a terrific game, but it was the shape of things to come for the RE series and not only breathed new life into the series, but gave it massive possibilities of where the series goes from here.

God of War was the first game in a long time that I seriously had to force myself to stop playing. The story and the settings were woven in so perfectly with the flawless gameplay that I was hooked. Much more then a hack and slash and certainly got everything right.

Dragon Quest VIII gets my vote because of the longevity of the game. If someone really took the time to do all there is to do in DQ8 it's a rediculously big game. It followed the more traditional RPG style and got it right 100%--plus the characters were really cool (the voice acting, however English it was, was very well done) and it had a really unique feel.

Socom III because the Socom series is the love of my life in the world of video games. It got knocked by major publications for the single player--like every Socom does. Out of the 3 it was my favorite of the single player campaigns, and with in-game checkpoints it made it less of a chore to unlock online items. AND YEA, the online...play it every day to this day. In my opinion the Socom series is unrivaled online (Yes, I do own the Halo's) second only to the experience I got from SC:Pandorra Tomorrow. It's a flawless mix of stealth ground combat and vehicular combat and there's a million ways to play with the online settings.