View Full Version : A New Ladies' Man: Getting the Girl

Jan 6, 2006, 06:32 PM

I linked to this in a rants thread, but figured it deserved it's own topic.

First off, the book is hilarious. I don't like reading. Outside of school, I can count the number books with 100+ pages I've read with my fingers. Again, I don't like reading but I liked reading this book. You'll laugh out loud, trust me.

Secondly, this book has a ton of good information in it. I can't explain it well enough, so just read the reviews on amazon.

It's a good book, doesn't take long to read, funny, useful, and cheap. Seriously, everyone buy it.

Jan 6, 2006, 07:59 PM
Looks good. I must buy. As I'm only 15, this might come in handy with my girl troubles I had in the past.

Jan 7, 2006, 05:51 PM
Seriously people, just don't buy a pizza some time, or don't get that used game you wanted and buy the book.

If you have no money ask your parents if they can get it for you. Have them read the reviews, or they can read it first.

If everyone got this book, rants wouldn't have half as many topics.

Jan 7, 2006, 06:32 PM
If you really wanna take your dating to the next level go David DeAngelo. He is the dating genius, he teaches you stuff that actually works 99% of the time on any girl, and you can be any guy!

Jan 8, 2006, 12:32 AM
Or you could, ya know...

Play the field and learn how dating works through trial and error.

Jan 8, 2006, 01:01 AM
On 2006-01-07 21:32, KaFKa wrote:
Or you could, ya know...

Play the field and learn how dating works through trial and error.

If you have to read a book..You have problems.I argee with him..Theres no way better to learn then makeing a mistake.And if you have to read a book to improve on "Dateing" You guys have problems.I'm 15 and ive been with my girl for 8 months. =P.

Jan 8, 2006, 03:29 AM
On 2006-01-07 21:32, KaFKa wrote:
Or you could, ya know...

Play the field and learn how dating works through trial and error.

Note, the first thing I talked about was how it's a good funny book.

It also happens to have good info in it too.

Jan 8, 2006, 07:35 AM
Do you even know how long it took David DeAngelo to work out the winning formula? I cant remember but it was a b****** long time